TLOU2 is hated

>84 is ass
Your brain on nintendo

Niggas seethe at literally every game every year
Doom is 10/10 especially launching without denuvo so hard working quarantined americans can play 4 free

Midgar-only was a mistake.

What we got was a bloated, mediocre introduction. Everything great about the Remake was already in the original (Crossdressing, Turks pillar fight, Rufus duel).
All the new shit they added was trash, especially that sewers revisit. Of all things they choose to expand, was the backstory of some shitty OC named Leslie. Nobody asked for this garbage.

these people are nothing but filtered pleb

the rest of people are just enjoying the game, i clocked in 200+ hours into it and trust me it is the most fun fps experience in decades

>1/10 of original game

midgard is no where close to being a 1/5 of the game

half life

Everyone I know that played FF7 Remake said it was honestly a let down as far as remakes go. The combat was fun from what I hear but the quests were derivative and the story felt hollow compared to the original. Definitely not GOTY

Like you and your horrid framerate can do anything about it.

>Doom is hated
Since when? Last I checked every normie and their mother loved it