Do you have any physical resemblance to your favorite video game characters? Maybe even just fashion-wise...

Do you have any physical resemblance to your favorite video game characters? Maybe even just fashion-wise? Is it a coincidence in either case, or do you try to resemble them?

Pic related is one of the best Chun Li's in the world in Street Fighter V, and well, it's safe to say that there's definitely physical similarities between the two.

So what about Zig Forums? I personally get called "Max" all the time because I apparently look like Max Caulfield from Life is Strange.

Attached: phantom miria.png (599x746, 417.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Christ, that fatty needs to lose some weight.

Attached: EHOcAAiWkAA8Ntm.jpg (460x688, 25.12K)

Attached: bowser.png (1501x1000, 467.03K)

Attached: danger dog.jpg (1024x920, 147.24K)

>looking like a girl
Give it up tranny, you will never look like the girl you desire to be. Much like I'll never be as buff and have hair as brilliant as this chad.

Attached: Siggy.png (250x317, 76.67K)

That's a man, go back to /fgg/. Look up Phantom Miria on Twitter if you don't believe me, she's admitted to being trans multiple times. I won't let you trick the unaware innocents of Zig Forums you /fgg/ fag

Attached: r.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

retard faggot, girl in OP's pic is more attractive than your rat faced queen

Bowser, please don't hurt my mother

ty dog

Why is she not wearing underwear or pants?

Attached: 1593076675554.jpg (477x477, 56.67K)

I am a girl... and I guess I do have a similar body-type and haircut of Max.

>I am a girl...
keep telling yourself that, trannoid

Boy, do I!

Attached: 1535015776669.jpg (830x868, 83.94K)

Lose the girl, I want those kittens

Blessed doggos

Attached: Inugami.Korone.full.2705046.jpg (1300x1700, 1.06M)

I'm not trans, though.


>that 5 o clock shadow in some of their vids
i'd still smash tho desu

You must be 18 or older to post on this website

>doubling down
Alright, you asked for it. Tits or GTFO. You can hid your face and the dick, but you've gotta show those HRT tits with a timestamp.

gay homo

>that 5 o clock shadow in some of their vids

i cant find any with that, wtf

>Look up sauce
>Phantom Miria - Rising Sensation in the FGC
>Think oh its FGC? 50% chance of tranny
>Read interview
>>Him - Tell me about how you got your name?
>>Phantom Miria - Well, first of all, when I first started my transition I asked both-

Attached: 1565855619957.gif (390x357, 2.95M)

>best chun li player
>wait how come a girl can be best at vid..
>its a trap
oh ok it makes sense now

Isn’t it time for your nap old man
look at that shit lol


No way! I've just saved the world! Mentally I'm still old, but physically I'm young!

how come men are being able to be better women than actual women? why are we so good at everything bros?

Fuck you.

I kinda look like Kaz miller

>Fatty with the crimson chin
Shutup you stupid chubby chaser


I honestly don't see it. that camera quality and the lighting in that video fucking sucks, though, and is probably why it's hard to see definitively.

I’m basically a heavier version of pic related with shorter hair.

Attached: 6413A3D3-DA75-4585-B139-1FFCE524E5CD.jpg (797x1002, 66.05K)

What are you a starving Kenyan? OPs pic isn't fat.

the best trans woman pump themselves with more estrogen than a woman naturally has, and are usually pretty feminine to begin with.

it's not that hard to make out can visibly see some here too
he still cute tho


Oh damn you're right, you can see the slightest amount of a shaven moustache lol

that sucks for her, but she is still really cute. and how weird is it to see that shaven upper lip on such a feminine face, lol. beaner genetics too strong i guess.

Fuk u

You could have just said, "I'm your typical white incel" and we'd get the picture.



shame, she looked cute

and still is