>be Martin O'Donnell
>compose one of the most famous soundtracks in the video game market
>capable not just as a composer, but also serving as sound design and voice talent director for the halo series
>his music being one of the few good things about Destiny
>fired without cause from Bungie in 2014
>despite his fame and talents he has yet to offered work in the industry
>in half a decade he has only been able to work projects he crowdfunds
Who did he fuck with to get blacklisted in the industry like that?
Be Martin O'Donnell
Other urls found in this thread:
>Who did he fuck with to get blacklisted in the industry like that?
He's not a liberal, that's why.
Funny to think that the two individuals who carried bungie were actually the lead writer and the composer
what's wrong with that studio?
>>fired without cause from Bungie in 2014
he was being a child throwing a tantrum when he wasn't allowed to make the commercial music
Watch Martys recent interview. Basically someone in the higher ups in Bungie was a bootlicker for Activision and let them stomp the guts out of the studio.
How much do you want to bet it was Luke "the cuck" Smith
>Who did he fuck with to get blacklisted in the industry like that?
activision. he sued them and won.
>Luke's favorite game is WoW
I wonder why...
That wasn't it at all retard, you can look up the details of the lawsuit. The reason he got fired is because he wanted to release an album he had already made called "music of the spheres" which was basically a prequel to Destiny in musical form, which he was contractually allowed to do but Activision kept telling him no. Activision then used music he didn't compose for the trailers which was a breach of contract as when they signed the contract it was stated Activision wasn't allowed to change anything without Bungies permission.
Wonder how he got past music school
Has that ever been confirmed though? Like those commercials dropped a year befor he was fired. And it wasn't O'Donnells choice. So if it was about the commercials then someone at Bungie or Activision held a grudge for a year just because O'Donnell objected to not using his own composition in the marketing.
Probably has something to do with him being too genuine and honest, if he doesn't like something he speaks out about it rather than taking it up the arse
probably because he's a good composer
>fired without cause from Bungie
Oops guess you're too retarded to breath, O'Donnell was a well known Ivory Tower type artist.
>there are people who literally think everyone in 'liberal arts' is a liberal
The right uses all of those fields
He probably laid low until he got himself into a position where fucking with him would fuck up the entire studio. As outline in the OP, he basically ran everything that had to do with audio at Bungie.
Then he threw a tantrum at the office. Doesn't matter if you are legally right but if you act like a child you get fired
Check out his YouTube account, he regularly uploads various bits from his music with explanations to how he made them. Pretty based.
>O'Donnell was a well known Ivory Tower type artist.
With good reason. His work is one of the few things that actually still worked about Bungie games up to that point
one of the best tracks in halo
There's too many to choose. I'm partial to Behold a Pale Horse and Deference for Darkness myself.
>Directed by Joe Staten
>Made on such a short timeframe Joe also had to place geometry in the levels and bug test
>Also written by Joe Staten
>Idea for the soundtrack having a jazz and noir influence was also Joe Staten
Bungie died when Marty and Joe left.
>Those hints of the original story in Destiny
>Music of the Spheres nearly being completely lost
Why is life so unfair?
Last I heard Joe is back with 343, but at this point he's helming a ship completely different from the one he was a part of in 04. Like he would probably be sacked for that shit he pulled when he was doing tweaks to the cutscenes after the game was supposed to have gone gold
Felt bad after reading the OP
Now I don't lmao
the developer commentary is so good
Joe isn't back at 343, he works as a narrative consultant at Microsoft Publishing. He's stated multiple times he doesn't really want to do anything Halo related outside of the last book he wrote.
I am forgotten...
He's really good too but I think both Marty and Salvatori summed their relationship pretty well in an interview forever ago by saying "Alone we aren't anyway near as good as together"
Destiny 2 had some really good tracks though.
>we landed the plane in, like, an 89 degree power dive.
Halo 2 development in a nutshell
It's especially funny since Joe Staten is a licensed pilot. He also taught english in Japan for a while. He was almost a CIA agent too.
Joe is omega based.
>He was almost a CIA agent too.
I'm going to need an explanation for this.
>Wonder how he got past music school
Real music school is hard as balls. Liberals don't go into that kind of shit.