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Video Games
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Video Games #5171
Video Games
It's all so tiresome
Which design is better?
Do you think the news about Lovesick was a wake up call for him...
Monster Hunter Thread
Anyone else despise the 'I was only pretending to be Liquid lol' reveal?
Animal Crossing
Great stories
Dragon's Dogma
Ghost of Tsushima or Nioh 2?
It's time to admit that The Last of Us: Part II is a good game
Wild life is gonna change the standard
1 hour of xbox games
Well there it is
FFXIV 5.3 site is up
Now that the dust has settled...
You want to play a Samurai game user...
What's the first videogame that comes to mind when you think of the year 1992?
Oh soldier, who will they ever find to replace you? ANYONE!
One week
Halo. Home
Was Twilight Princess the last good Zelda?
Civ 6 Ethiopia
JRPG Quarantine Thread
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Gamer girl
How do I exit this room??
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Farm Shit
No fishing boats
Think Crash 4 will be any good?
Are people still crying about this perfectly fine videogame?
Is zip lash really that bad?
They release 2 days apart from each other. Which would you rather get?
Watashi no Mono is officially cancelled
Dude building and upgrading your PC is just like building legos it's so easy!
Age up your characters
Direct leak
Best persona cast, i don’t think they can ever be topped
What we know about Assasins Creed Valhalla so far
Thoughts on Aerith?
Life is Strange
Remember when this series was about sneaky assassinations?
Wtf do these people even want at the end of the day...
Has shovelware ruined steam for you?
Daily reminder
Starcraft 2 Dreamhack
Smash Fighters Pass Thread
It's official: Miyamoto killed Paper Mario
I think Fusion is the best Metroid game
I almost feel bad for Sony
What's the most RADICAL game you've ever played??
Was there something more mocked at and vanished from memories faster than this?
Is there a single game that every gamer likes, Zig Forums?
Finish game
Will you guys be playing Gamer Girl?
Games where you raise a daughter?
I'm glad the fact they actually can't design new characters has been bluntly said and it's still known to be in full...
Zig Forums thinks Japanese games are better than western ones...
Is there anyone who can compete against her?
There ain't no perfect controlle-
Why would anybody mentally sane pay 1500$ for getting the same or sometimes an even worse experience than a 250$ black...
Can we have a comfy paper mario thread?
Was he based?
The side quests in Dark Souls 3 are unintuitive and too easy to fuck up. Playing a game with a wiki is not fun...
Are you buying it?
Children of Atom
So is this worth playing even for free?
Which games have the best enchanted forests?
Why haven't you built a pc yet?
Ps4 won again. GOTY material right here folks
Post your carfu before some other user drives off in her
Why do some people find this thing sexy?
ITT: Real life vidya ALLIES
Gamer Girl PS4
AI dungeon thread
Why do you waste your life on achievement porn?
Famitsu Sales: Week 28, 2020
So if a man chooses, and a slave obeys
Fire Emblem
How should I practice if I want to become a top fighting games player like SonicFox?
Less than 24 hours till TOK drops. You hype?
The best looking game currently available
Zig Forums which one should i buy?
Here's your LoveSick project bro
Filters a whole board
He's fucking lost it
Will you return to WoW Classic when TBC comes out?
2020.......... I am NOT forgotten
Are there any PC games that look as good as this?
Japan loved it
Kicked from the server
Nintendo gives the Melee community the right to exist, and they go and do this shit. Why are they so disrespectful?
This is your new Nier protagonist
No more yearly sub option for xbox live
Is nuLara fucking done?
GTA 4 Helicopter mission
Now that the dust has settled, which is the best game?
Post your weaponfu
What are your hopes, dreams, and expectations for SMT V?
How the hell do I complete The LORD's Deep Healing? I've gotten poisoned, got my health whittled down to 1hp...
What went wrong, why is it dying?
The one single thing that ruined a game you liked
Ghost of Tsushima
Jesus Christ, this game looks like shit
Is it the best JRPG ever made?
Can't go out today gotta farm for blood vials
ITT: Post installed games
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
CyberBLUNDER 2077 "Hacking was Simplified and Resembles Magic"
Unpopular opinions that trigger Zig Forums
Iris is 15
BALDURS GATE 3 which class will you play as in a month?
Why arent you playing vrchat user?
ITT: vidya game products you wish were real
Inti Creates Summer fun talk time thread!
Nintendo Direct announcement ETA: 3 hours
The US Military Is Using Online Gaming to Recruit Teens
What was the most rage inducing moment you've ever experienced playing vidya?
Literally the best racing sim game in decades
Phone controllers
Tlou2 looks so good anons on Zig Forums think that in-game mid-gameplay screenshots are bullshots
Wow! What a mansion!
"INT and DEX?
Will you be playing Yandere Simulator?
Why does he keep putting these type of areas in the game?
It was good
Game has gender equality
I...I love her
Buy her game its good
"Dark spirit has inva-"
Holy shit fuck this shitty malfunctioning overrated game
Alan Wake
Explain this Zig Forums
Why aren't you playing her gave, Zig Forums ?
Why did the first Super Mario Galaxy seem to have a magic to it that the next games didn't quite have?
We’re still getting heated discussion about the game, so it must have done something right...right?
Baldur's Gate 3
I see many people calling Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age their favorite Final Fantasy now...
Be honest, you never watched her videos, but just hopped on the hate bandwagon...
Why shitty video games are so popular nowadays?
The most innovative game of the generation
God visits you
Why is the vidya industry like this?
Hey Zig Forums my room is small as fuck, i have no room for a desk...
Welcome to Africa Mr Redfield
Sup virgin, I'm your bodyguard
Lets rank the advance wars games
I bought Total Warhammer 2 during the summer sale and I suck. Tell me how the fuck grand strategy games work
I love Widowmaker!
Is everyone ready for dishonored 3?
Other than that terrible 2002 game what is The Thing of vidya?
Game features black holes
Got into the beta for that shitty new real time battle royale worms game...
Play Fighting Games
Autism Thread: Dream Games
What did they mean by this?
Mention Overwatch once in a Zig Forums thread
Does anyone here play games like this...
Animal Crossing
Marries a former sex worker in your path
Is resource management the ultimate pleb filter in modern video games?
Are you looking forward to the new and better yandere game Zig Forums?
God told me to make this thread
Only real gamers will get this
Reccettear thread
ITT: games only you played
How the fuck did Nintendo get away with such blatant furfag pandering?
FFXIV Shadowbringers patch 5.3 site live now
When we were young, during the 90's, the industry needed men like us. We were valued then. We were desired. But things...
Why does Zig Forums like Japanese games?
Play Warframe
Well Zig Forums ?
Good morning user!
I'm drunk
What's wrong with microwaveable white castle burgers?
Ghost of Kinoshima
Is it rare for Japanese games to have main characters over the age of 20...
Post vidya webms
Any one else have problems with grainy shadows/general visual noise in modern warfare?
DLSS 2.0 is a game changer. 4k gaming is no longer just a novelty
I'm gonna actually scream
Anyone else feel like AAA games aren't really living up to their potential?
Gamers are being persecute by women. Now men who play certain games are now undateable
That gamestop chick knew what she was doing
Why isn't there more symbolic stuff in videogames? Why everything has to be so shallow
I miss them bros
Would Zig Forums choose to become a Supermutant, if you could ?
Death Stranding
I hate my life
Are my hero academia games any good?
Play online vs mode
Best RPG Maker game ever
NVIDIA bros we just can't stop winning
Game has bbws
Do y'all have friends?
Play kenshi
Got this and Kawami 1 & 2 for 30 bucks. Put 160 hours in on 0 alone. Fantastic game
Can't come up with a good username
Is this shit worth getting into or should I pass on it? I do enjoy horror things
Muh fortnite artstyle bad
Breath of the Wild isn't fun...
What did Civ 4 mean by this?
Are secondary waifufags the worst thing to happen to fighting games?
Donkey Kong Country is a better platforming series than Super Mario and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
See you guys on the 20th ;)
Are there any gaes where I can play as a cute brown girl?
Disgaea 6 When ?
You've set aside a couple hours to play games, what are you snacking on?
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Playing Dishonored for the first time
Lol, fat people have shitty personality and think that world made for them
Tales of Crestoria
Nintendo Direct 7.20.20
Dude lmao what if we made half the roster unplayably fucking bad and then never did anything to fix them
This is the last time you escaped, monkey
Outer Worlds Thread
Just 500 more signatures left. No, this is not a troll or whatever. Petitions do get dev attention (see: dark souls)...
Remember all the things you loved about Perfect Dark? Well...
Why does everyone ignore the asscreed influence on this game?
Is this the current best chink emulation device?
OH SHIT user
Ww2 game
Why do brainlets who think doom is 2d don't know what pic related is?
Just to tilt them when you lose
Do you think she will ever get her own game?
Is nobody excited for the Crystal Chronicles remake...
Do fat girl characters exist in any Playstation1-4 games made in Japan?
This may be one of the best games I've ever played
God this show fucking slays, just watched it again. It's such a good VIDEO GAME show too man...
Name a comfier place in vidya to live
126000 reviews
Which console had the best dpad of all time?
Why didnt Peach deny it?
Which indie should be in Smash, bros?
ITT: Forgotten PC ports
I lost all my money on cryptocurrencies, give me a good game to cope, something I can pour my sorrow in...
Why did it fail
Plan is literally fucking flawless and makes everybody happy
*Avengers BETA dates announced*....*ZERO HYPE*
What is your ideal Halo Infinite?
Xenoblade fags
Since i was a child i always shipped Mario and Peach autistically and fought with people who said otherwise
What am I in for?
It's fun
Is it very close to dying?
My Turn
Who's the smartest game developer ever lived?
Why don't people like Mileena anymore?
There is only one(1) *Monster* girl game in existence right now
I just wanted gaming to be a smaller hobby, with more soul again
You are now in charge of redesigning Ryza for Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & The Secret Fairy. What changes do you make?
Why did consolebros pan this game? This shit is kino
Anyone remember this guy?
Do you think a third splatoon game will be made?
Build a gaming PC
What went right?
What's the most pretentious game you've ever played?
Last boss
So what is the consensus
Will you pay 70$ for new AAA games?
How was it like being the kid that owned the GameCube?
Tell me Zuzu: if the Avatar is so great, then why are there no good Avatar games?
*ruins your game*
E3: The Electronic Expo
Meet your Bioshock 4 protags, Zig Forums
What went so so right?
Post vidya characters that are literally you
What does Zig Forums think of Riamu from the videogames series The Idolm@ster?
Oopsie, Gamestop
Waste time developing a dick customizer instead of actual features people want...
Oh yeah, that happened
Oh no
Why don't women like vidya as much as men do?
Pirates in games thread ahoy!
Senran Kagura
Risk of Rain
Kills harvest moon
Game has a dance button
First world problems
Tfw ex-prostitute wife
GameStop LEAKS Geno for Smash
Is Tifa Lockhart the strongest waifu?
Just played this game, I know I’m like a couple years too late. So, what did I think of it?
You have 1 billion to make a triple A fate game
Thoughts on KS2?
What characters do you want in smash?
Killing npcs that you don't have to is morally wrong. go ahead try to justify it...
Why does Mario constantly save Peach's tight ass all the time? Last time I checked...
Yharnam... home
How many times have you hunted Alatreon so far? How many times have you won? Let's hunt. Monster hunter thread
What were your favorite 3DS memories?
Is Ryza an example of marketing done right? She literally saved a franchise from dying
You groove you lose
Build 1500 dollar PC last month
Who's your favorite Link and why?
What is your guilty pleasure game Zig Forums?
What vidya do you play when you are high?
Is it easier to win a round as T or CT?
Where the fuck is Megaman X9. All fucking year long everybody predicted it would get announced. Where the fuck is it?!
Release 2 days from each other
Why is he so popular
Why haven't you pre-ordered yet. I just did
Why don't you play phone games?
Since XBOX has no games, what do you think this dude does with all his free time?
Are you going to give Genshin Impact a try?
I am sorry
Will this trailer ever be topped?
"if you kill your enemies... they win"
Why do people play horror games? What exactly is the appeal of feeling scared?
How have you all gone about preventing gamer dent...
Kojima in Cyberpunk
When you're some australian studio's first game kickstarted on a meager budget and you immediately cement yourself as...
Games You Wish Existed
What went wrong
ITT: Vidya urban legends/playground rumors/hoaxes you fell for
Will claire show up in resident evil village?
Yandere Simulator: Furry Edition
Ghost of tsushima vs paper mario
You fought in the Console Wars?
Which will be released first: Yandere Simulator or Star Citizen? Place your bets, Zig Forums
Devs keep making boring japanese cookie cutter samurai garbage
Final Fantasy VII
$80 fucking dollars for this dogshit
Big fat Poison ass cheeks
Simple as
What were they thinking?
Nostalgia critic / Doug walker
What are some extremely well animated video games?
Gaming in Latin America
What is the McGriddle of Video Games?
How does it feel being a sad loser that only hates games cuz u were told to?
Be Martin O'Donnell
Zoomers have no idea what this is
What are worthwhile vidya channels to listen to?
You're not a real fan unless you make videos about your favorite vidya
Can you talk about vidya streamers on this board or is there another one?
What is this “cunny” you guys talk about?
You're playing Dark Souls and just landed in Firelink. What are the first things you go and grab?
Say hello to your new DLC of smash bros ultimate!
ITT: kino protags
Persona 4 Golden thread
You dont load up your Animal Crossing with canon-breaking designs, do you Zig Forums?
Play Death Stranding
3*3's again
Why is the Eastern female design much more attractive than its Western counterpart?
Is a normal Castlevania discussion possible yet?
Games that literally drive you mad?
Seen a few threads for this lately. Is it actually fun...
Why did griefing die?
What was your favorite game for the ps2 Zig Forums?
ITT Vaporware
Earthbound / Mother 2
Well? Where do you want it to be set?
Switch Pro Wish List
*ruins your franchise*
Have you ever played a game that genuinely made you feel retarded?
Doubling any money you trade me, 100m left ;)
Resident Evil
What are some pc racing games with a good number of 90s jdm cars? Underground 1 & 2 are missing some good ones
Zig Forums has spoken
OGRE games
Who is the most overrated voice actor in the industry?
Hello Zig Forums how are you today ?
Come on in Zig Forums the water's fine!
Saying Something Has Soul Means Nothing
Did you know?
Game has optional late-game outfit that lets you peek at underwear
This is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword being emulated in Dolphin at 6x its native resolution displayed on a 1440p...
Wow, this is one of the best JRPGS I've played in a wrong time
Power Rangers Battle for the Grid
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
We need to talk about leffen
Smash DLC Discussion
Zig Forums CONTINUES TO PLAY AI DUNGEON 2 (part 4) (on the dragon model)
Show us what they'd see, Zig Forums
How do you handle your pets interrupting your vidya?
Larian FUCKED OVER half of baldurs gate fans with turned base
Which one is better?
How are you preparing for the day when all pc games are Windows 10 only?
Have you ever made real friends while gaming?
Why do western artists do this
This Nintendo direct leak might be real
BG3 companions can fuck other Companions
What are your thoughts on the inclusion of yuri in video games?
Yandere Simulator episode from AVGN when?
Horror game
Yennefer isn't real and I'll never marry her
Are these the Best Zig Forumsidya asses of the current gen?
I still don’t get what this cryptic faggot actually wanted
How the fuck have there been no arrests from all the Smash sexual assault allegations?
This cat FUCKS
Videogames made by women:
How can one game be so universally praised while being so objectively terrible
Dare I say based and redpilled?
Ass jiggle - yay or nay?
Venom Snake is a shit character
Are gacha legitimate games
Soul vs Soulless
What games have terrifying underwater sections?
When and Why did you go from WoW to FFXIV?
I need games where you can torture or beat the shit out of anime girls
Japan creates a character
Which side were you on?
In this thread, we come up with some better names for the Xbox Series X. Go!
Thread that pretends to be about video games but isn't really
Now this is fucking soul
Ghost of Tsushima
Why do people pretend they don't like to look at sexy butts in games?
Fun 3DS thread
On pages 723-724 of the Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania guidebook...
Parapa the rapper hate thread
Why is nobody talking about this!!!!!
Why is it so hard to respect the source? Why do modern designers feel the need to rape iconic designs?
Play Control
How would you make this useful again?
Little slut nobeta
I love Widowmaker!
Anti-Mage Persona is dubbed by the same VA as Abby
Darkstalkers was peak Capcom fighting game soul
Xbox Black Girl
Whatever happened to Adventure games, and why did they die out?
What was the last truly great game you finished Zig Forums?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine