Ghost of Kinoshima

Ghost of Kinoshima

Attached: Ghost-of-Tsushima-Release-02.jpg (1600x800, 190.83K)

So close now

>Another cinematic bait

You Xbox or pc?

more like ghost of hiroshima because this moviegame shit is a war crime

dont give a shit about generic walking simulator

by a game that hasn't even released yet lmao

Not a fan of the fantasy elements but we'll see how it goes

>TLOU2 was so objectively bad the usual Sony shills couldn't seriously classify it as a masterpiece and instead had to advertise it as "7.5/10, it's good"

>literally assassins creed
lol nty

How is the frame rate on base PS4?

Ass Creed will never have combat this good, sadly.

Taking a day off from wageslaving to play this tomorrow.

is he a ninja or a samurai

Attached: Ghost of Tsushima.webm (960x404, 2.99M)


I can't wait to play it


Sony has done it again to no surprise, the government should intervene and force microsofts hand in shutting down the xbox division, been holding back gaming since 2009

Attached: ZyB8nD4.jpg (1920x1080, 386.4K)

I'm thinking he starts off as a Samurai, gets disgraced and becomes a rogue Ninja? Just a guess though.

Based Sony giving their devs complete freedom and the time and resources to carry out their visions


Attached: seven out of ten at best bro.png (1600x900, 2.57M)

Is this permanent ps exclusive?

Unfortunately 30fps
I'm considering waiting for the PS5 to play it at 60FPS

Doesn't it have a framerate mode or is that not on the base PS4?

what is this 60fps meme? It makes everything move and look fucking weird. I can understand wanting it for online multiplayer where a split second of reaction time can make all the difference but not a cinematic singleplayer experience where it looking like a movie is the whole point and you're jacking the framerate up so that it looks like a mutant soap opera

When's it coming out on the switch? I'm not allowed to play my wife's bfs playstation

Attached: 530.jpg (647x1024, 118.17K)

There's a Framerate mode on PS4 Pro but not base, and there's not much reason to buy a PS4 Pro from now until PS5 comes out
Higher framerate means less input delay, always makes the games play smoother

ninjas didnt exist back then. Maybe he is the first ninja

he a sushi cook

He's the Ghost of Tsushima™

Well he's not from the warrior caste and more importantly he serves no landlord, so not a samurai and he's probably not a man of espionage who's at home with ninjutsu and gets hired out for money so not a ninja either.
My bet is on ronin or Japanese dude with a sword and a murderhobo boner.
Probably the latter as always.

He is a samurai who discarded his honor when he realized it's the only way to save his country

Are there any video games out there that have better grass?

As much as I want to play this game for the aesthetics, the gameplay I've seen since reviews dropped just looks so boring and mediocre.

He's literally the head of the Sakai family clan and one of the leading Samurai of the island.