*ruins your game*

*ruins your game*

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what happened?

is this someone's fursona lmao


i only heard about this in passing, someone pls explain, i enjoy being angry

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Is Kaiju fighting genre the most cursed in vidya? Can't even make one without the furry mafia sniffing at you


The game was probably going to be shit anyway

what game?
nobody ever saw any gameplay or anything proving there will be a good game

All we saw are some deviantart-tier deviantart retard muh original character donut steel monsters.

I was hoping to masterbate to reptilian Kaiju

iirc some furry paid a shitton to back the boardgame and had his own OC put in as a playable kaijiu

The best kaiju game has already been made

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After this shit and Deltarune I'm sure devs realized that YCH promotions for games in development are retarded. Also I'm sure they realized the furries have fuckloads of money and are not afraid of spending it.

why in the fuck do we still get replies flooding in going "what happen" like how many fucking years has it been, go look up duncan the furfaggoty kangaroo already you shitheads

Wasn't this meant to be some autistic kickstarter goal? Like if you drop 10k you can design a character and some furry and their neetbux actually did it?

Honesty at least he picked an uncommon animal that furries pick for their OCs, all I see is unoriginal ones like wolves, foxes and horse OCs when there's so many more animals out there

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At least we got best spider out of it

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she's the one exception
and she wasn't the artist's self-insert, right? she was just an original character
so it took like, artistic integrity that wasn't masturbatory to make it work
most people can't be trusted with this

I don't know all the major details but the quick rundown is.
Someone was making a Kaiju Fighting game but needed money so they had a kickstarter. Well a furry paid money and wanted his fetish fursona as a character. Though like many furries he was an absolute dickhead and basically ended the guy's dream of making a videogame.

they always have blue or pink hair too

>optimistic idie devs want to make a kaiju fighting game that pays tribute to the genre
>they kickstart it, one of the backer bonuses for large doners is the ability to submit an oc
>they get a lot of money from a furry whose fursona is a giant green cartoon kangaroo named Duncoln who likes to eat Dunkin Donuts
>they oblige
>furfag goes into a tard rage because the devs try to change his design to fit the realistic art style
>they're forced to incorporate furfag's ballbusting fetish into his moveset
>one of the lead devs literally dies and the project dies with him
I'm sure they mismanaged it, but nobody deserves what they went through

Yeah apparantly she worked with Toby to create a character who logically fit in the world instead putting your fetish fursona in.

kangaroos are stupidly common, my dude. They're the go-to fursona for people who want o be unique but aren't really creative themselves.
Or Australians. A large chunk of kangaroo fursonas belong to australians because of course they do.
>t. furfag

The game was never going to happen anyway. One of the key devs died, and they never made any appreciable progress.

*her* fetish fursona in.

nice Godzilla foot

what the fuck

yeah see this is what i've always thought i would do if i had money for that shit, wandering through the OC fuckstorm that was indvisible (shit game btw) was just a fucking nightmare, like god damn at least make them fit in aaa

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Then I take it back, furries are still some of the less creative people I've met.
I personally would've used the thunderbird

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You are falling for a hoax

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Kanikami didn't make it in. I was sad at first, but that green kangaroo fucker ruined the game anyway so we kinda dodged a bullet.

Some of them can be inoffensive. It just depends on the rules you set beforehand for the backers.

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so Zig Forums is always full of shit. typical

>unverifiable forum posts
>posts it in every thread
everyone knows those are just sockpuppets on some random forum duncan.