persona bros im first time playing the game and before the kanji dungeon and figure it out how to find it and all, but should I go there immediately or can I just wait for the rain days? The game tells me to go teddy immediately and I havent seen Chie, Yukiko (my future gf) and Yosuke up for the social link shit in quite a while so that worries me quite a bit
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
Landon Moore
Josiah Campbell
S Links women will never understand
Jonathan Butler
It tends to be better to go immediately because the party member S Links are usually blacked form advancing until you save the person. But if you have other stuff to do it's probably fine to wait
Robert Gomez
Now post Yu hugging Yosuke like a girl
Camden Bennett
You can't do your party member SLinks when there's an active rescue mission
Jeremiah Richardson
Henry Bailey
Where can I find a save that's just after the prologue? I want to play Golden but I don't want to suffer through that prologue again.
Isaiah Hughes
Christian Turner
The game literally has a fast-foward button
Jacob Wright
bros i want to mating press yukiko so fucking bad that you can hear her moans through the paper thin walls