Comfy Persona 4 Thread

persona bros im first time playing the game and before the kanji dungeon and figure it out how to find it and all, but should I go there immediately or can I just wait for the rain days? The game tells me to go teddy immediately and I havent seen Chie, Yukiko (my future gf) and Yosuke up for the social link shit in quite a while so that worries me quite a bit

S Links women will never understand

Attached: bros.jpg (1844x1037, 752.5K)

It tends to be better to go immediately because the party member S Links are usually blacked form advancing until you save the person. But if you have other stuff to do it's probably fine to wait

Now post Yu hugging Yosuke like a girl

You can't do your party member SLinks when there's an active rescue mission

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Where can I find a save that's just after the prologue? I want to play Golden but I don't want to suffer through that prologue again.


The game literally has a fast-foward button

bros i want to mating press yukiko so fucking bad that you can hear her moans through the paper thin walls