You need to build the ideal Fallout game.
But, you can only select gameplay mechanics, attributes, things of that nature, from Fallout 4 and NV.
What would it be like, Zig Forums?
You need to build the ideal Fallout game.
But, you can only select gameplay mechanics, attributes, things of that nature, from Fallout 4 and NV.
What would it be like, Zig Forums?
All elements of new vegas. Fuck fallout 4
All gameplay elements from the two games that don't contradict each other.
After playing Fallout 4 I hated how Goodspings looks so undefended and dangerous, like the radscorpions could just march in kill everybody. Being able to build fences and turrets around it would be nice.
It would be New Vegas.
Everything is worse in 4. I especially hate the visuals. But gameplay is really remarkably awful. Also, it has no replay value. I wanted to play Fallout recently but it’s so fuckin boring. I’ve played NV so many times, I can replay the entire game and every branch of the story + dlc in my mind. 4... it’s just the same 30-40 min tutorial process before you’re streamlined in to either the Codsworth/Preston stuff or you’re just dumped in to a boring open world with nothing remarkable in it. all the loot is randomized so why would I care about any of it? Where am I gonna go, Diamond City? Go build a Minecraft house? Fuck 4.
New Vegas with better QA, better graphics and more voice actors
So basically modded New Vegas in a few weeks
On a side note does anyone else kind of hate asurah's animations? People take them up a lot but I can't stand them
I'd build a fallout 4x game. Endgame would be making a new great war and while the screen fades to black after the nukes you'd hear the 'war, war never changes' line.
This is stupid easy.
Everything from New Vegas EXCEPT the engine and gunplay. We take those from F4. Done.
Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate edition
Would add more Legion quests, add a Pro Legion and Pro House Companion, the game wont revert to last save after Hoover Dam, bug and exploit fixes, some new silly perks, and the option to tell your companion to stop talking
the only thing NV needs is a better engine that's gonna make the game look and feel better. some added physicality of your actions and equipment a la STALKER would be nice.
and if you're gonna design your quests around fast travel, at least contextualize and/or restrict it somehow.
I actually liked Fallout 4's aesthetics and colorfullness. The gunplay was good too when it wasn't bullet sponging. Movement in Fallout 4 also felt a ton better, and its power armor is a huge improvement (if lore breaking). Pretty much anything that was surface level mechanics, I liked better in Fallout 4. Saying that, I'd still rather play New Vegas over 4 by a huge margin.
Modern Bethesda doesn't understand that you need variety in your games. Without variety, the gameplay stagnates, no matter how strong it may initially appear to be, especially in longer games. Some games, mostly action games and shooters, achieve variety through level and enemy design, or the addition of new mechanics. Others, mostly RPGs, achieve variety through writing, quests, and character building. This is how New Vegas achieved variety. Fallout 4 and Skyrim, though, have copy pasted and uninteresting quests, dungeons, exploration, etc. That is why, despite the gunplay feeling far superior to New Vegas, the game gets boring by the point you reach Diamond City.
New Vegas in 4's engine with the better graphics, Power Armor and gunplay and NV's better everything else. Reimplement all that cut content they didn't have time to include like actual Legion content, bring back the stuff they had to remove in patches because of consoles, take some notes from jsawyer. Done.
a 0bit text file
gunplay, power armor, weapon and armor modding, settlement building (but only used in one or two areas and a few indoor player homes) and engine from fallout 4, everything else from new vegas, including weapon variety.
oh and it would use fallout 4's robots and mirelurks
new vegas but 60% of the speech checks are replaced with charisma checks, or at least more of the important ones are.
For shits and giggles, lets add in a bad ending, so that independent actually has to be worked towards.
I had it for about 5 minutes before I uninstalled it, the headbobbing was way too strong and I couldn't get the disable to work
Better yet just make jsawyer the vanilla. When you actually have to think about what's worth keeping with you because you don't have a million carry weight, things become way more valuable.
Fallout 4's gunplay, power armour, level design, world design, crafting, basebuilding
Fallout New Vegas's NPCs, quests, story, lore, roleplaying, RPG elements, towns, unique loot
Nothing from Fallout 3. Everything it does, Fallout 4 does far better.
>the headbobbing was way too strong
Shit I forgot about that, it's worse than I remember then
I was talking about how you can't hold a single gun straight and wobble like you've got parkinsons after every shot but yeah, headbob is the devil...
Fallout 4 actually really has a nice color balance. I know some people hate it, but it's way better than F3, NV, and Skyrim.
only thing I hate about asurah's animations is that you have to install a billion patches for it if you use other weapon mods. other than that its just new animations so it feels fresh
2 weeks...
I don't like Fallout 4 either, but I still wouldn't say that everything in it is worse. I never really see it mentioned, but it made some nice, if minor, AI improvements. Like you can't just cheese deathclaws as easily by getting somewhere they can't reach. If they can't reach you'll they'll attempt to get away from you where you can't just shoot them in the face.
>If they can't reach you'll they'll attempt to get away from you where you can't just shoot them in the face.
This applies to all enemies, and if you manage to hit them while they're hiding, they'll gtfo to a further place. It's a nice touch to prevent cheese
Fallout 4 locations
New Vegas quests
Fallout 4 perk chart
New Vegas weapons
>On a side note does anyone else kind of hate asurah's animations? People take them up a lot but I can't stand them
Yeah, I don't like the transitions between animation sequences. Issue is, all the anim mods save for WAR are pretty much betas. They don't completely replace every single animation, so you end up with some jank where certain weapons jerk between animation sets, especially on animations such as reloads.
>I actually liked Fallout 4's aesthetics and colorfullness.
>and its power armor is a huge improvement
no, it trivialized all combat from the very beggining
yeah whatever
I was talking about the actual feel of the power armor, not when you get it. Absent jury rigged sets, power armor should be a late game item, like most prewar super-tech.
I would keep the gunplay, gun mods and building from Fallout 4, the rest would be NV
Also, I'm taking the radio from FO3, try to stop me
Settlement building was tedious in FO4, especially on Survival Mode.
Most of New Vegas mechanics, what I'd take from F4 is the town building system and the Power Armor system.
The power armor system is actually really cool and helped emphasize how powerful power armor really is.
I also liked finding the little mini games on the Pipboy in F4, that was cool too.
I guess guns felt a bit better in F4? Would probably port the animations and stuff, though I don't think NV's gunplay is bad but I hear a lot of people don't like it. Then again, I run custom animations and various mods for guns, so I guess I forgot what vanilla NV gunplay feels like.
NV with JUST, BLEED, Immersive Recoil, and the essential fixes feels better than FO4. Issue with FO4 is that they just don't kick enough and recoil recovery is too quick. This is an issue across most console shooters though.
i would take fallout 4 building's system into fnv but not for shitty settlements. i would change it to a really deep and customizable hideout building system instead.
I see what you mean, but I still quiet enjoyed it. Also it was nice that the mountains of scrap around could actually be used for something.
Something like SimSettlement without the all the script lag would have been good for FO4. Micromanaging absolutely everything in your settlement is stupid.
You take Fallout 4's engine,
>Add FNV skill system
>get rid of half of the pipe weaponry in the commonwealth and make a few more weapons, place their unique variants in some of the "empty" locations on the map, behind a big skill check or something.
>Get rid of the voiced character, to allow for a more flexible story (no need to adhere to some voicelines written 3 years ago).
>Call the Someguyseries dude, the dude from Autumn leaves, the people from Fusion City Rising and let them throw their hat into the ring of writting some side quests. I would try to keep it self contained, like in fallout 3. What i mean by that is that many locations can be "wacky/weird" because there are few ramifications for your choices outside of them. Take the Republic of Dave, you can do whatever you want in there, and once you leave the only difference you will find is whether or not dave left. Not every locations has to have the potential of ruining your entire reputation.
>As to the main quest, I don't really have anything thought out, but I know I would want to keep the main character as a bit of a nobody who happens to become entangled with some big event going on involving different factions. I am aware that it's no easy feat to write a main quest, but I'm sure if you give people enough options and more than 3 drastically different endings, it will hit the spot.
I must say, I don't think bethesda is useless. They just need to stop focusing on the casual elements of fallout (the graphics, shooting mechanics, streamlined quests and dialogues) and get back to giving the player some difficult choices to make, along with some choices that you simply won't meet the requirements for unless you specifically planned to. A big part of replayability in fallout comes from skill checks and different character builds. If you can do everything with one character, something isn't right. That's why fallout 4's progression system sucked.