>Classic Legacy Collections sold well
>got MM11
>X Legacy Collections sold well
>got X DiVE ? (or X9 soon)
>Z/ZX Legacy Collection sold well (Pffffttt yeah, right!)
>will get ???
>Classic Legacy Collections sold well
>got MM11
>X Legacy Collections sold well
>got X DiVE ? (or X9 soon)
>Z/ZX Legacy Collection sold well (Pffffttt yeah, right!)
>will get ???
ZX 3 seems unlikely. I don't think Capcom are gonna get Inti Creates back onboard any time soon.
It's easy, just have Capcom themselves make it, they have the talent.
I want Megaman Legends 3 .. . . .
Legends is legitimately never everâ„¢, that mess with Inafune did a lot of damage, which is sad because that series had sold decently in the past, so it was only a matter of them doing a Legacy collection for it, have it sell well, and that's it, a new game, but nowadays it seem that's the least likely game to get a sequel or even any kind of new content.
Even that spiritual sequel thing got shitcanned.
Indiefags should make more games that look like this instead of all that 8-bit pixel art shit
That involved any amount of talent. Can't make sprites for their generic 2d platformer so it's all dots and called "Retro 8-bit" when it doesn't even look anywhere near the quality of something on the NES. That or you get drawn shit which is fine. Have been some cool retro 3D stuff but not a lot out there I'm aware of at least. Anyone know any good ones?
>No megagirls in the OP pic
How do people make those ps1 graphics?
>Z/ZX Legacy Collection
>sold well
1. Low poly models
2. Some kinda trick where you force the game's resolution to be low, and then stretch it across the screen.
3. Funky ass shaders.
Just got done playing Mega Man X2 after years...
Why the fuck is Serges harder than Sigma? His movement is completely random, the spike pit and moving platforms are bullshit and the projectiles, while always exploding in a pattern, are near impossible to dodge since he keeps moving up and down at random and the platforms will likely not be in a good position. Charged Sonic Slicer won't hit most of the time unless you're right in front of him, sometimes the blade will collide with the top part of his tank and disappear.
Fuck Serges.
Why do Japs have such shit taste?
Skins in MMXDiVE
Like really, this is probably it
So if X9 is happening, is Sigma coming back?
Will he be in his X1 design?
>So if X9 is happening, is Sigma coming back?
No doubt, they have to milk nostalgia after all.
>Will he be in his X1 design?
Whatever design they'll be using it's gonna be in 3D, but yeah, I guess they'd go for the classic look.
Axl got the Lumine juice in him, is a prototype less advance next gen potentially less virus protection, all the others next gens have Sigma's programming in them. Have him transform and taken over by that. Sigma's back. It'll be some Mega Mission -esque bullshit like with iX turning to Doppler apparently and that one other guy becoming Sigma because of a CHIP.
Stop that.
I think that with the copy abilities and the fact that this is the 9th X game, they can do a sort of throwback during perhaps the boss rush with one villain from each game coming back as a boss. This way, you can have "Sigma" and not have him at the same time.
Looks like it up the West again.
Honestly, considering how long ago that was I'm mostly expecting anything involving Axl to get dropped.
Wouldn't be the first time this series dropped a plot point right after getting into it.
Hopefully. Axl ruined Mega Man X.
Why? I posted that Roll picture for a very specific reason.
I'm expecting Axl to stick around since he was part of the marketing for X Legacy Collection, but I'm also expecting them to have just X and Zero be playable. Easier to design levels around two characters.
It's not like Axl would change much, he's basically just the Bass of the X series.
>Charge sonic slicer.
>Win with little effort.
Oops i mean charge near him. You still are being stupid tho.
What do you think a final X game tying into Zero would look like?
elf wars.
Don't the nips believe Rock Man is an old IP with very little value and don't understand why the West like it so much?
Just like the War of 1999 in CV, the Elf Wars game is not gonna happen.
I don't think they'll ever do that, that would essentially end the X series and I'm pretty sure they'd never do that, at best you'd get some sort of hints that they're getting closer to the Elf Wars but that's it.
They just love mobile shit and that's it, nothing that they'd have to spend too much time getting good at.
You autists play right into Capcom's money grubbing hands when you latch onto that single statement about MM11 coming out because of the classic collection. Not every collection has to lead to something; this might surprise you but some people just like being able to play all the games on one system with better performance.