elf wars.
Mega Man
Don't the nips believe Rock Man is an old IP with very little value and don't understand why the West like it so much?
Just like the War of 1999 in CV, the Elf Wars game is not gonna happen.
I don't think they'll ever do that, that would essentially end the X series and I'm pretty sure they'd never do that, at best you'd get some sort of hints that they're getting closer to the Elf Wars but that's it.
They just love mobile shit and that's it, nothing that they'd have to spend too much time getting good at.
You autists play right into Capcom's money grubbing hands when you latch onto that single statement about MM11 coming out because of the classic collection. Not every collection has to lead to something; this might surprise you but some people just like being able to play all the games on one system with better performance.