Are there any other JRPGs where the "religion is bad" trope is set up but then subverted and you find out that the church actually had noble intentions all along?
Are there any other JRPGs where the "religion is bad" trope is set up but then subverted and you find out that the...
the church is the villain though
fuck rhea
t. Only played the route where you side with the schizo whose entire anti-church rant is eventually proven wrong
if you play verdant wind and silver snow you find out that edelgard's reasoning is completely off because she spent most of her life getting raped in a basement
the most "evil" thing they did was maybe (it's disputed canon and gets contradicted in game) to hold back some aspects of technology but even that wasn't done out of evil intentions because humans in fodlan are retards who ended the world last time they were given advanced technology
t. Edelturd
edelgards backstory is retarded
people think shes a good villain because she does evil things and then feels bad about it
its fucking stupid
>ambiguously attempting to revive your dead mother by causing pain and destruction for millenia
>noble intentions
nice try, dragon bitch
Isn't the church only the good guy in the context of the church route? In all the other routes, they're basically there in name but it's not like you're doing it for "Seiros" at this point.