Are there any other JRPGs where the "religion is bad" trope is set up but then subverted and you find out that the...

Are there any other JRPGs where the "religion is bad" trope is set up but then subverted and you find out that the church actually had noble intentions all along?

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the church is the villain though
fuck rhea


t. Only played the route where you side with the schizo whose entire anti-church rant is eventually proven wrong

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if you play verdant wind and silver snow you find out that edelgard's reasoning is completely off because she spent most of her life getting raped in a basement
the most "evil" thing they did was maybe (it's disputed canon and gets contradicted in game) to hold back some aspects of technology but even that wasn't done out of evil intentions because humans in fodlan are retards who ended the world last time they were given advanced technology

t. Edelturd

edelgards backstory is retarded
people think shes a good villain because she does evil things and then feels bad about it
its fucking stupid

>ambiguously attempting to revive your dead mother by causing pain and destruction for millenia
>noble intentions
nice try, dragon bitch

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Isn't the church only the good guy in the context of the church route? In all the other routes, they're basically there in name but it's not like you're doing it for "Seiros" at this point.

you mean the dead mother who saved the world and would be an asset to humanity in literally ever conceivable way

I think it's more about the acknowledgement that no matter how much pain she endured, no amount of retaliation is justified, but she can't escape her own want to do it.
It's tragic because it's heavily relatable to be in a situation where you know what you have to do, but you don't know if you have the strength to do it.
Japan has never written anything good. They can come close by using established writing methodology and stories, but you can't copy/paste cleverness or emotion, two things Asia historically has no experience with.

>fuck rhea
That's the plan.

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Rhea didn't create the nobility system and nothing in the religion asserts the idea to divine right
It was literally a human creation
Humans fucked up their own society, and its not even the first time it has happened in Fodlan
Sothis died because she used all of her power restoring the continent after the last time humans got power mad and nuked everything
The moral of the story is that power corrupts humanity and theres no one group you can scapegoat, it's why Edelgard becomes so evil on most of the routes

It honestly seems like the writers didn’t bother to properly build up her motivations

agarthans went power mad and turned fodlan into fallout
nemesis went power mad and commited genocide
edelgard is just the latest iteration in the cycle

Rhea feels more like a villain that they forgot to have do anything villainous (outside of CF) rather than an intentional subversion.


>saved the world
From what?
Any games where a God recognizes they have a power complex and fucks off to be with their own kind?
I'm not defending humanity, but I have no sympathy for ignorant deities who insert themselves and then get mad when humans don't live up to their expectations.
What's the difference between God(desses) and humans, anyway?
Oh, it's power, or rather the perception of power, which leads to pic related. That's humanity's fault, though, right? Humans are the only ones capable of corruption. It's not Rhea's fault for being a delusional megalomaniac, she was corrupted by humanity's corruption. Humans NEED her mother to live.
Humans NEED Gods, t. Rhea.

Her and Edelgard are literally the same person and might even be related
Edelgard in 3H is Seiros during the War of Heroes
She's venting her trauma by attacking the group she believes caused it and plunging the world into war again
Neither of them should be in charge

>She's venting her trauma by attacking the group she believes caused it and plunging the world into war again
That is the problem, she knows full well that it was the slithers who experimented on her and her siblings but decides the best course of action is to team up with them to declare war on the church because the slithers told her 'church bad'.

>From what?
being a nuclear wasteland after the agarthans sperged out and nuked five different civilisations out of existence

Your entire rant has nothing to do with what I posted and doesn't disprove what I said in the slightest

>power corrupts humans
>sothis introduces power
>rhea abuses it in order to solve a problem by reintroducing the original sin
How does that have nothing to do with your post? Nothing about Seiros is noble. She's just lonely and equally corrupt, just like everybody else.

>Power wouldn't exist without Sothis
You're trying to blame a third party for something that is basic human nature

you mean after Sothis introduced nukes for some reason?
yeah, save me from that by bringing it back to life

Which is fascinating since all the closest regions are basically at the same tech level as Fodlan.
Does that mean that people from Fodlan are just savants while everyone else is a bunch of savages?

all of the systems put in place that created such a fucked up world were created by humans, not the church or a mystical dragon
nobility was created by humans and church doctrine is against it
crests have power and cause misery because humans value them, characters who don't give a shit like raphael tend to be happier
if it wasn't crests that were desirable, it would be something else
edelgard tries to scapegoat a third party when the real evil is humanity's pursuit of power
even in edelgard's society there will especially be a struggle to reach the top

It's just this shit again
Not that this reasoning can't be good, it just needs to be executed well, which Edelgard isn't

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Sothis introduced technology, that doesn't mean she gave the go ahead to say "okay everybody kill each other now"

It's basic nature in general, is my point.
Sothis didn't come to be enamored by humans, she came to rule them. She came to be needed.
Yeah, power would exist with or without her. Just like peace and technological advancement would as well.
What use was the God, then, and why cling to it centuries later?
I'm blaming a third party for presumably being outcast from its own race and looking for kinship born from dishonesty.
>Power wouldn't exist without Sothis
Definitely didn't say that anywhere. Being a catalyst isn't a crime, but proclaiming to be anything but and then pretending to be righteous is in my book.

Look man in 9 days this game will be a year old. How in the hell is this still getting daily threads?

Why'd she introduce technology?

>humans destroy the world with nukes in pursuit of power
>humans commit genocide in pursuit of power
>humans establish an oppressive societal structure in pursuit of power
>humans once again bring war to the continent in the pursuit of power to make everybody follow their beliefs
yes edelgard, killing the magic dragon will definitely fix all of humanity's problems
claude and dimitri are in the right, the chain of misery can only be broken by achieving mutual understanding, not forcing everybody to do what you want through bloody conquest

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To help humanity, a common theme in FE when it comes to Gods
They come down to offer guidance or to save the world from a greater threat

>Sothis didn't come to be enamored by humans, she came to rule them. She came to be needed.

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See you say that but she didn't use her advanced tech, knowledge, and power to keep those stupid normies licking her boots. Because if she did then the Agarthans wouldn't have had the tech to stage an uprising at all. I want to be very clear here: the Agarthans, at their most "oppressed" had the ability to evaporate 4 full cities. That is a level of power you don't give to fucking serfs that just plow your fields.

So what do humans do in the timeline where no God offers guidance?


Agarthans would probably be able to wipe out the other humans for not being pure

Murder the shit out of each other in the pursuit of power
Same shit, different day
Sothis took a chance and thought "hmmm maybe I can help these people" but humanity is fucked and she ended up getting murdered because of it

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>Edelgard wants to change the system that everyone knows is a problem
>But she does it in a way that is completely unavoidable and end up killing mommy milkies and pirate lord so she’s wrong and bad.

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What they do now? The only difference is that the arbitrary systems Rhea instated wasn't in service of a bunch of people ensuring that they stay on the top of the totem pole, Rhea's system was to keep people from figuring out that people with green hair could be folded 1000 times into a katana and that Sothis was the good guy all along. Which she actually was. Now you can argue the moral failings of the church of Seiros being built on a lie, and it was a lie I'm not arguing that it isn't, but considering the options were "keep everyone placated with a story about Nemesis being a hero who got silly" and "telling everyone the truth that their revered lord was actually a dirty bandit that got his power from killing their goddess and risk even more uprisings from the people who were still loyal to him" it's fair to see why she chose the former

Conveniently, Sothis origins and backstory are left ambiguous and vague, like most Gods. More theory than fact, I imagine they don't like discussing their lives or motivations. Might make them look more human than God.
The presumption is born from her actions. She came down, disguised as human, and immediately started handing out miracles to people she knew nothing about. Why else would you do this if not for immediate gratification? To feel wanted is a great feeling. She probably got off on it.
Hell, that's the motivation of the Christian God. Created humans specifically to worship.
What are four cities to a God?
Apparently a lot because she got tired fixing some shit. Again, I'm not entirely sure what the difference between Gods and Humans are, other than the perception of power, in this case derivative of technologies.

>>But she does it in a way that is completely unavoidable
How well does Edelgard's kool-aid taste

She's wrong and bad because she gets thousands of commoners who don't give a fuck about her vendetta towards crests killed so that she can get some satisfaction while she sides with the group who are actively stopping a peaceful solution by killing political reformers

>fuck rhea
You don't have to tell me twice!

>Why else would you do this if not for immediate gratification? To feel wanted is a great feeling. She probably got off on it.
You're projecting this onto a benevolent being because you need her to be evil for Edelgard's reasoning to make a lick of sense despite that contradicting literally everything we learn about Sothis just by talking to her. She literally kills herself to save (You) in Chapter 10.

There is no timeline. It was a rhetorical question, though I do agree.
Which is why I'm baffled by the defense of Rhea. She's absolutely a lunatic who has not a shred of nobility about her.
Even if Sothis is somehow an entity on a different plane of existence who doesn't act in her own self-interests, it's certainly not the nature of her daughter.

Cease this line of thinking this instant! The Archbishop of a scion of purity and the will of the goddess. She should never be thought of in such a lascivious nature

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>She's absolutely a lunatic who has not a shred of nobility about her.
You sound like somebody who only played CF.

Yeah but here's the thing
"causing pain and destruction for millennia"
When does that happen

The primary defense of Rhea is that regardless of if the system in place had holes in it, Rhea herself was not the one abusing those holes. She just sends her knights out to kill bandits and play referee to the occasional rebellion while Rhea herself sits in her basement making homunculi. Now if you want to call her negligent then fine but the irony in doing that is if Rhea did that then she actually would be guilty of attempting to rule the world. The problems of Fodlan were made by people. You can't heap it all on Rhea's plump lap.

It sounds like he's referring to the nobility system which wasn't actually created by Rhea and has no basis in the teachings of the Church.
In fact, the holy book actively contradicts the idea that the nobility is a good thing because it leads to greed and according to Rhea is what made Sothis abandon humanity (although that last part is a lie).

Can I answer with a question?
What was happening on Earth when Sothis descended to "bless" humanity?