Will there ever be anymore brothel content for this game? The GFXP scenes are so good...

This is the most obtuse fucking porn game I've ever played. The art is good but they don't know a fucking thing about proper game design

Plays fine for me.

How? The combat has a bunch of unnecessary complexity but it still just boils down to "attack until your stability is too low, then defend until it's full again" and everything else is really simple

Everyone in this thread is gay.

yes and?

Attached: 1495489483913.jpg (506x546, 140.57K)

Seeing the beauty in the male form isn't gay, user

Attached: happy friends.jpg (840x560, 116.18K)

What non-animated scene do you want to see animated? For me, it's the spitroast by the werewolves in training in the brothel.

Nah that's gay.

How can you really love a woman if you dont love yourself and other men with big strong penises and arms and chests