>Have you ever had moments in video games that shocked you?
2B dying midway of Nier Automata making me depressed she's not the focus
>Have you ever had moments in video games that shocked you?
2B dying midway of Nier Automata making me depressed she's not the focus
Whoa. What happened? Spoil me on what happened in this pic. I just watched 3 episodes of great pretender before I dropped it
Its because games take so much time and monetary investment everyone just plays it safe hoping that its looked at as good enough. Even games with "good" stories are ultra predictable I cant remember a single time a death has shocked me in a game
Is that Seras
Aww, so the cute brown semen demon dies? That's a shame. She could have been a good baby making factory.
When I got the sub ending on my initial playthrough of 999. It was my first VN and I remember shitting myself when youtube.com
The tomboy dies?
Glad i didn't start watching the show
>I cant wait to tell my son about this
>Honestly, Main Character, I'd give my life to protect Princess Waifu
>its just a coincidence that this other character and I share a moveset and a color palette
>for you to say I'm the real villain just because I have red eyes and gray hair and am absent during key events in the story is profiling
>the serial killer couldn't be me, I'm the player character
Great Pretender