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Video Games
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Video Games #5176
Video Games
Tomorrow bros
Previously announced
Fate grand order
MiniLadd Groomed Two Young Girls [16 & 17 year old]
Why do Zig Forums users constantly go to femboy hooters?
Do women admire each other in public?
Now that the dust has settled what went wrong?
Ghost of Tsushima
Report in Spartan!
Shill me on this console. Why should I buy this over the ps4
Why cant consoles hit these sales figures anymore?
So is Love Letter just as shit as Yandere Sim if THIS is the shitty art they seem to be pushing for the game
Holy freakin' crap, an ad for an ad for ads, guys!
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
I'm still mad
Strict moderation
Fucking LMAO
There went another weekend
Zig Forums
He plays warzone
ITT:Vidya for this feel
How High is too High?
When you finally stopped button-mashing in fighting games and realized you could win by waiting and reacting to your...
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
When are we getting another JoJo fighting game?
Did she make the right choice by letting Abby live?
SeX confirmed more powerful than PS5 on every level
Remember what they took from you
Is VR still a meme? Always standing doing 1:1 movement seems tiring?
Dark Samus is cool. I like her design
Just got this for Switch. What am I in for?
Finally bought Sword and the season pass
Have you escaped your cycles of guilt yet, Zig Forums?
Still hasn't been topped yet
Good SNES games that arent on normie top 10 lists
Nothing will disturb me more than the fact that there are people here who are attracted to this thing
Rockstar confirms GTA VI will be episodic like FF7 Remake
Why is this game impossible?
Last video game character you played goes against the Turn A Gundam
Why should a consumer care about the workspace of the company that makes games...
It actually a good game, why does Zig Forums hate it?
Okay I need something to play while I'm on the shitter, recommend me some phone games
So for next gen, all you need is a PS5. Right?
Screenshot thread
Persona 4 golden
Shits all over FO3
Is he done for?
Do you see those gold rings on Shadow's hands? They actually suppress his power. When he takes them off...
What does Zig Forums think of this game?
Nintendo Direct Announcement 12 AM EST
Get my PS5
Is there any video game character as based as Hank Schrader?
Thoughts on music in Assassin's Creed Valhalla?
ITT unpopular opinions
I want to make a harvest moon game with the same atmosphere but without starting with the generic “you’ve inherited...
What makes it so hard to emulate Zig Forums?? It's almost 19 years old and there isn't a working emulator yet
What franchises most deserve to get a fighting game?
“At this time Xbox has decided to remove the 12 month Xbox Live Gold SKU from the Microsoft online Store...
Why no centaur games?
Ask friend to play fighting games with
The game you really want to play but can't due to console exclusivity, price or hardware capabilities
The one character you want most of all in Smash is going to be added...
Nintendo Direct Mini Actual Leaks
Report unusual behavior. Barricade your homes. Avoid all contact with infected individuals...
Play her game
Name one vidya character that could defeat Dr. Manhattan
Devs thank you for playing their game after end credits
Becca's turning 40 this year!
Klobrille insider hints that MS will drop the online paywall
Lol I just saw a commercial for this and was amazed people still play this shit
I don't understand why the Gay characters were written so bad in TLOU 2
Redpill me on turn based combat
Hey guys see you tomorrow :)
Ywn have a GF that is like Nia in real life
Why can't Zelda make a good temple nowadays
This guy is an asshole
What games are good for staving away loneliness?
Where were you when Zig Forums was proven to be Nintengaf
Alright Zig Forums, I'm going to Junes. Do you want anything while I'm there?
IRL boss battles
Is fortnite good for you?
SMITE thread
FACT: Retro games should only be played on their OG system
*singlehandedly redeems Sony in 2020*
What are some pure weebshit games? I mean weeb enough that your average normalfag would be turned off by it...
Monster Hunter
This image is officially licensed and owned by Nintendo
So who's ready for free online on SeX?
You are going to the furry convention in Minecraft this weekend, aren't you Zig Forums?
Official laugh at nintendies thread: I'll start
Four more days, Xchads
Zero from Metal Gear did nothing wrong
How would you rate each game from the Mother series?
The Holy trinity
So why do people hate Yukari?
Splatoon Thread
You, yes, YOU
I disagree with Zig Forums. I think she's beautiful
I didn’t know this game looked like this all maxed out on pc
What games have the best robots/cyborgs?
Post em, r8 em
What are some christian approved games???
Party Van
Is death stranding the first japanese game that actually runs well on PC? i'm getting around 100fps on 1440p...
V what are your latest games you have bought/downloaded? Pics are welcome
Ghost of Kinoshima
Was it good?
Which one of these companies will save Japanese games in the next decade?
How come you haven't played Disco Elysium yet?
Risk of rain thread?
Why are the dungeons so long?
Shadow the Hedgehog should be the face of Zig Forums
Underrail Thread
Why are retrocucks obsessed with scanline bullshit? Scanlines are a myth...
Zig Forums will defend anything as long it as has big tits. Prove me wrong
What games do guys like this play?
Replaying Prey
Remember Zig Forums, wherever we go, it is the blood of m00t Caine which makes our fate
Nintendo fans actually defend this
If you report people you're not a man
"You know who else isnt getting announced for Smash?"
Does this console have any good exclusives? Or at least superior versions of multiplats?
Blessed bideo images
Is this accurate?
Game begins
Try game on whim
Total Warhammer
This is Patty, a legendary pirate. Say something nice about her
Admit it Zig Forums
Why is there so little porn of her?
Xeno was a deep and intellectual franchise before XC2 ruined it
ITT we help each other identify games we've played but can't remember the name of...
Where were you when geno finally got in? how were you feeling?
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
Lets have some fun. Only double digits get to have their character in
Has anyone else done this?
This is Bow-chan! Business rival of Yandere-chan and protagonist of upcoming video game Love Letter!
What are you favorite RTS games and why?
So I guess PC, switch, and ps5 will cover everything this gen
I need fun vidya to play on my shitty laptop with integrated graphics
Time for some Sunday afternoon epic mafia
Pure, unadulterated JRPG fun
So Zig Forums did you play hell let loose this weekend?
Post only accurate and factual tier lists in this thread
Not a single memorable quote
Are you looking forward to the upcoming dating game ValiDATE, Zig Forums?
Do you have a Switch?
A performance was demanded of me, and now I have delivered! Encore!
Ghost of Tsushima
Make awesome looking shit
No Zig Forumseekend Halo
What a terrible number of copies to sell
Play cRPGs
Itt: bosses that filtered you
This is how i imagine every Zig Forumsedditor to look like
So was Kawakami really a sex worker?
I miss the hype train. I miss the hype train so famn much
I'm sorry but what the fuck is Sony thinking? Barely showed ACTUAL first party exclusives, never spoke a thing about VR...
Play dragons dogma
Is he autistic?
Why the fuck does Cookie Clicker make my laptop so fucking hot?
Is she /our girl/?
Why are people so insistent on saying that censorship isn't censorship? Why is the Orwellian newspeak necessary...
*starts quoting scripture*
Post the coolest souls lore/detail fact that you know
2020...I am Forgotten
How come Sony gets all the Japanese exclusive?
Admit it, you'd go back if you could
ITT: post examples of bad game design
What happened to call of duty?
You guys take not talking about video games too seriously
Okay. I get the whole "can't mess with the standard character, so Goomba's can't wear hats" thing...
Name literally ONE good videogame
Game is bad because video says so
Which fighting game are you playing now?
Finally, the masterpiece is rightfully restored!
The side-content in this game is so creepy
Flop Stranding - this shit delivery simulator sucks
What's his name again Zig Forums?
This kills me inside
What videogames do Irish people play?
Does it NEED remake? Do zoomies really NEED to move and shoot at the same time?
What’s her name?
XCOM 2 How the fuck to win
Got this game for free on uPlay. Currently 20 minutes in and wish I could give it back. Holy fuck this is terrible...
This is going out later tonight
I installed a DPS meter for Monster Hunter World, and here are my experiences in terms of DPS per weapon in pub lobbies
Canon Smash Tier
Simp sims
Why was there so much autistic hatred for this guy again ?
Why dont Toads have hair anymore? it just makes all the nuPaper Marios look sterile
This is Watch Dogs Legion running on Ultra with Raytracing enabled
Get Super Mario 64 for Christmas 1997 when I was 10 years old
Whilst imperfect, Pokémon's Type system is the best elemental thing I can think of in a video game...
Find. A. Single. Flaw
Distribution Centre West of Capital Knot City
Here's the objective top 100 RPGs of all time
ITT games that were genuinely good but review bombed by incels and Zig Forumstards because it went against their...
FOXHOLE THREAD!!! Too many gains and battles to talk about over the last few days, we are on a massive offensive...
3DS thread
So new non-mobage Bleach game when?
Best and worst jrpg you played
Releases on PC
Best Metal Gear game (barring MGRR) is the one where Kojima doesn't have a writing or directing credit. Why is this?
Best starting class?
This is a fucking joke from the concept to the execution. Why not bring back Raid mode or Mercenaries ?
Yandev over the years
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
Best Fallout companion?
Beautiful world
Plebbit, the game
This is the reason why I pirate all of my games and stay in single player
There is no Direct tomorrow is there?
All it costs is 2500 dollar + tip
All in all, Big Medic wasn't that bad
ITT: things that make you say pic related
Is Enderal the greatest mod of all time? I can't get over how enthralling this game is
Games with absolutely unfair final bosses?
Fuck you guys, he's one of the realest niggas in the entire series
Resident Evil 6
Your save file of the last game you played has just beed deleted
Thief is dead
Have you ever dropped a game because it made you read too much?
Is it really that bad compared to using 3 hours spamming LFG ads in chat that don't get anyone to respond because the...
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the right?
The absolute state of Sonic fans rn
1440p is a meme resolution
Do pc gamers' inherently have big penises?
Write a modern Gex joke
Most video games aren't passion projects or/of personal expression...
Why did Nintendo do this?
Are you a toxic teammate, Zig Forums?
This is like the first time in more than a decade that i've been excited for a console...
ITT:post vidya music that gives you the feels
All Modern Pokémon designs su-
Be Alex Mahan
What went wrong for Klonoa?
Why is female armor in vidya so unrealistic?
This is my smash dlc wishlist...
Yeah, haters can get fucked
He's in
No one gives a rat's ass about games being $70 soon
It's FUN
Have fun tommorow! :)
Baldur's Gate 3
Never forget the 7 years of torment and embarrassment they put us through xbros
Sunday JRPG Thread
Nintendo fans were fooled by twitter "leakers" AGAIN
Have a hankerin' to replay this game...
Public Service Announcement
None of you guys are this autistic, right?
What the fuck do you do in this game after getting your digimon to level 5...
Meanwhile, on Zig Forums airlines
So, what games did you end up buying in the comfy Steam sale?
She experimented with millions
Zig Forums Summer Cup 2020 Zig Forums vs /m/ thread
Is gaming cringe or not ?
This is a squirrel in Red Dead Redemption 2
One series has to be deleted. Which one would you choose, and why?
What are the best gaming chairs?
Little Witch Nobeta Help
Oh no Thousand Year Bros we got cocky!
Daily livestreams starting next week from July 20th to 24th. A look at new games coming to Nintendo Switch...
Is this a joke release? It's absolutely unplayable, laggy as hell. How can they make an action game and cap it at 30fps...
V TF2 server
AI Dungeon
What was his problem?
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
What games have realitstic rat AI?
Name a flaw
Post your fighting game main
Why does Zig Forums get so angry at anthropomorphic characters in video games?
A more polished version of this game serves as a foundation for a Superman game
Reminder that this campaign was shit on at launch and is only being praised now by zoomers that are impressed by HD...
ZX > Zero
What is the Twin Peaks of video games?
Koji-fags on suicide watch
So let me get this straight, the only worthwhile exclusives on this console are platformers right?
ITT: Post a video game location without posting it
Saves your life
What is your opinion on achievements and achievement hunting?
This game is perfect and amazing and Zig Forumsee hates it literally and unironically only because it's sony
Gonna be dead soon, what games do I need to play before I go?
7 year old console has better looking games than anything on PC
Ok. Which one of you did this?
It's not a meme defending Sonic 06 at all...
What do you think is the biggest issue with vidya industry nowadays?
It should be a crime what sony did to this franchise...
Metro Exodus
Xbox Games Showcase
Minecraft bee is trans
Are there any video games where the protagonist openly hates their wife? I'm looking for something my dad might enjoy...
This is a good game. Prove me wrong with facts
Why are video games so expensive?
Why don't more people take video game addiction seriously?
Still the top selling game on steam for 5 days straight with very positive reviews
"Here's your WoW, bro."
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
What characters would you like to see in Injustice 3?
Imagine jerking off to Witcher 3 while refusing to play the first one
Why are video games so lacking in Sword and Sorcery kino?
"Thank you so much for playing my game"
Can we get a monitor thread going?
Guys, shes actually the real deal. Up there with 2B and Lara
Dark Souls II
I've played every Final Fantasy game, and Lulu still remains best girl
Does your keyboard glow Zig Forums
DMC Thread
Yeah Im thinking we're back
This is Lea and she's the main character of the videogame CrossCode. Say something nice to her!
Simply ebin
ITT: games with annoying fanbases
Are there any other gachas as fun as Dokkan Battle?
How does he just keep winning?
ITT: hidden signs a game was made in Europe
Worms 3.8 is here. Join the Zig Forums room, password is rage
Describe this game with a single word
The problem with fanservice in Japanese games is that it undermines real women and reduces them into objects for male...
Shit characters
Does anything like this happen in Ultimate? Redpill me, a melee player, on the game
Was the mine always meant to be savescummed?
This is going to be capcom's magnum opus. I can feel it
RIP Love Letter
Why the Xbox?
PC will always have more power
Lost big time to the 3DS, to the point where it's all but forgotten
Immersion breaking energy drinks
What is your favorite LGBT character in vidya?
Deadly Premonition 2
Final Fantasy Pinnacle
Yay^ユニfairy pastels made of sweet magic created thanks to reciprocal cakes both sides gradually dissolve in the...
ND sound designers made a "breathing system" in TLoU 2 depending on how panicked, tired or fevered the characters are...
Which one
Bioshock 2 is the best Bioshock bar none
He uses a female avatar character
Do you mod your games or do you prefer vanilla?
Why isn't there a single PC game that looks better or on par with TLOU2 or GOT ?
As we leave the single worst console generation behind us, what are your thoughts on what has transpired...
Will you have a gamer wedding?
Well Zig Forums? What am I getting into?
Why are vampires so underrepresented in video games?
Name a better SMT protagonist
What the fuck will children reminisce about in a decade or so? Fortnite? Mobile games? Fuck...
Why'd he do it lads?
Ghost of Kinoshima
What does being horny have to do with video games?
You can spam Smash threads, it's a cultural phenomenon
Thoughts on her being your partner in BotW 2?
What game BEST exemplifies the statement
Dragon's Dogma thread
Risk of Rain 2
ITT: Kino soundtracks
The most underpowered console on the market gets the most exclusives
What is the appeal? even non-Japanese games wank the Katana
The ride may have ended 4 years ago, but it looks like we're getting dlc that's adding some new twists and turns
Does anyone play this game anymore?
It's 2020
Feels good
Smash is a cultural phenomenon, therefore you can spam it whenever you want
I love Sherry so much bros
Square is incapable of making anything good anymore, there is no hope
Monster Hunter
Why does everyone say every FE fighter is just marth?
*giggle* user, is that a videogame t-shirt?
German server
PChads...we won again
Noob bait
What went wrong with wrestling games?
You want to play a Samurai game user...
Thoughts ?
Review aggregate website Metacritic has implemented a 36-hour delay to its user-written video game reviews "to ensure...
This thing unironically has no games
Osana will be released before August 1st
Is this a good ship design?
Have shit day at work
Hinako from Blue Reflection is the most attractive female character of any video game
1 boy in italy makes a remake of Ocarina of Time that gets more attention and love than Breath of the Wild...
*single handedly ruins the ENTIRE baldurs gate series*
Have you ever given up on a game because it was too stressful?
This young drunk student needs escorting home, Zig Forums, will you help her get home?
Which of the three is the worst?
Why aren't you playing WildLIfe?
You're 6, post the game you were playing
When was the last time you actually got hype for a game?
Characters who cause Zig Forums irrational anger
He's right
PC has problem regarding game
Does the Kid Icarus series have a future...
ITT type "your name" the Hedgehog and post results
L o l
So now that the dust is settled, what do you think about VII Remake OST?
No Nintendo Direct
It’s still amazing that they got into Smash
Official Laugh At Ryzafags Thread
Why is this game still so popular and competitive after 20 years? Why not AoE1? Why not AoE3? Why not AoM? Why not CnC?
Play League of Legends
Comfy 3DS thread. Which model do you own? What have you been playing?
How to build a PC powerful enough to take on PS5 and Xbox Series X
Would you have done it?
Is this actually good or what?
WoW Classic players so desperate to bots and boxer farmers they want WoW-Tokens to end Chinese farmers
ITT blatant padded games
Get in loser, we're raiding tombs
Yay^ユニfairy pastels made of sweet magic created thanks to reciprocal cakes both sides gradually dissolve in the...
Jeff Grubb is now saying he's heard xbox gold is going to be free and that it's very close to being a sure thing
WTF I thought they gave you directions???
Have you ever had moments in video games that shocked you?
Let’s face it...
Deadly Premonition 2 thread. So, be wary of spoilers, but I just really want to know
What's up with gamecube fans and their insistence on rehashes?
Here's your guaranteed indie kino bro
I really, REALLY liked Abby in TLOU 2
Cyberpunk 2077 first build
NV > 3 > 4
Polish gamedev
How would you feel if the next Link was female?
Xbox Series X is going to have a MASSIVE games showcase next week
You may not like it
Is Bioshock Remastered soulless?
Batman and Spider-Man have had successful video game entries...
Post your autistic vidya opinion(s)
Best ps1 emulator by far
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
Who do I need to kill to get rid of these GODDAMN SKIRTS AND BUTTCAPES ON EVERY FENDING SET?!
Is it worth buying a VR headset now?
If you're playing a fantasy game, why not actually go full fantasy...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine