Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
wouldn't put Wolf in Villain, they were just mercenaries like Star Fox. In some of the games he isn't completely a bad guy, either.
>Metroid autists genuinely believe a generic purple dinosaur is a good villain
>they unironically think he’s meaningful and iconic to gaming as whole
wolf and modern bowser should be in jerk
Bowser needs his own tier called "let my nigga fuck"
How come there's NO good antagonists in Nintendo games?
Ganondorf is just a man trying to do best by his people, user. Why should the Gerudo have to settle for the shitty desert where they have nothing, and water is worth its weight in gold, when the Hyrulians get to live in a land of honey, pampered and blessed by the Gods?
I put Bowser in villain because he's pretty iconic as one, but I'll concede he's not really that much of a villain. Wolf, on the other hand, is pretty bad. Sure it's just work for him, but that doesn't justify it.
I never bought that whole "wind" stuff from Wind Waker. I've always thought of that as just an excuse, because need I remind you that he attempted to commit genocide against the Gorons as a warning? How does that make life better for the Gerudo?
Need I remind you that it was the King of Hyrule that drowned the entire world, killing billions, and all but driving the Goron to extinction anyway? Just to deny Ganondorf ruling Hyrule, rather than him
And IIRC, definitely driving the Deku into extinction.
Bowser goes in Jerk. He pretty much always does the "good" thing in any important situation unless it impedes him getting to fuck peach somehow.
Would Mario invite him to play Golf, Tennis, and to go Go Karting if he was a real villain? Definitely jerk material.
is Wolf even a villain or just a dickhead
Wolf is an anti-hero in Assault. What the fuck does instinctive mean?
It means they're naturally evil, or do actions that seem to be evil from the outside, but they're just following their instincts. Like a hivemind seeking out food, which results in it killing a lot of people.
Instinctive means that you can't really hold them accountable for their actions because they don't have a concept of good and evil like we do. Dark Samus is more a force of nature than outright evil.
how is Ridley a "psychopath"?
Hes just a random mindless monster who happens to be really strong
What was King Daphnes immigration policy? Did Ganondorf even apply for a visa?
The Legend of Zelda is fucking nonsense, memes aside. Bad man is inexplicably evil because he's created that way and has no actual compelling motivation because of that subversion they established in Ocarina of Time.
What I want to know is why the gameplay mechanics are so dogshit in thus series when it's obvious they spend nothing more than a weekend on everything else.
Needs a 'Circumstantial' category, for reasons like
Not really. No.
in SF64, IE the only good one, he was a villain. In Assault, IE the one that was almost good but got bogged down in bullshit, he was an antihero because the Aparoids were a galactic-level threat that everyone need to join forces against. In Command HAHAHAHAHAHA Don't fucking talk to me about fucking Command.
Ridley is far from mindless. He's actually really intelligent, and in the manga (which is canon) he taunts Samus about the time he killer her parents. Yes, he can talk in the manga (which is, once again, canon).
Read more on the character, he's far from mindless.
ridley has intelligence and is the mastermind behind the space pirates. He's cruel and viscous unlike something like dark samus who is just doing what it thinks its supposed to do
Even in Assault where Wolf is portrayed in a more noble light, he makes it very clear that he wants to kill Fox
I don't think you know what psychopath means...
Ridley is a space entrepreneur, he's not evil at all
Ah, I see. You get btfo, and completely abandon the argument entirely. I'm not going to let this go. Admit that Ganondorf is not only a chad, but literally did nothing wrong.
The gods flooded Hyrule, in response to Ganon's shit. The king was just one of many Hyruleans praying to them.
At the end of Wind Waker, King uses the Triforce to flood the bubble Ganon made around Hyrule Castle.
And the Goron are fine and clearly not extinct in any of the Toon Link games.
Dedede is a jerk. There was a misunderstanding between him and Kirby in Adventure, but aside from that all of his clashes with Kirby have been due to Dedede being a jerk and stealing food.
Is ganondorf really a psychopath?
Does he just want to/feels entitled to rule the world?
I mean if you have the power and means to rule the world I'd say that's a pretty justified cause to do what it is he does.
This is objectively false. He is literally a space dragon, and that's in the D&D sense, not the Monster Hunter sense. He basically had a bunch of goblins (Space Pirates) show up to his homeworld and decided that instead of killing them, he'd just take over their whole operation and use it to gain more power and loot on a galactic scale. And he succeeded because he's powerful and cunning. But he's also not afraid to get his hands dirty because he's a fucking dragon. The only reason he's usually a mid-boss instead of a final boss is because usually the only times when things get serious enough for a fight between Samus and the Pirates to be its own game is when the Pirates have been taken over by someone even more powerful than Ridley (EG Mother Brain or Dark Samus). Ridley isn't too concerned with galactic domination, he just wants a powerful army and the loot it brings him because he's a fucking dragon, and that's what dragons do.
So are we including Skyward Sword in Dorf's canon? In that case he's intrinsically destined to be perceived as evil, whether he realizes it or not.
No. I'm not counting that piece of shit Skyward Sword.
he could just use that power to uplift his own kingdom which would eventually lead to widespread rule if he was actually competent
Sometimes is just as simple as being a purple dinosaur.
Pretty sure he says that shit in jest and/or to maintain his reputation. He's clearly a Long John Silver archetype, and even moreso in Assault.
Misunderstood seems more appropriate, though he is a blatant anti-hero in Assault.
'Instinctive evil' is pretty much the definition of psychopathy. It's the same thing.
you really think bowser would be invited to stuff like that? if it were canon, he would just storm in and partake for the hell of it.
I've never played Skyward Sword. I'm really just going by his OoT->WW appearances. He doesn't seem insane and mouth-frothingly evil in WW, and we don't see him much at all in OoT, unless we're there to attack him, so fighting makes sense at that point.
We don't call chimpanzees evil for being cannibals and rapists. Why do you think that is?
At what point in the series did Ganon ever show a hint of actually caring about the Gerudo?
I don't know, man. In Double Dash, they're friendly enough to share a cart together and give high fives to one another.
The distinction here is having higher thought and language. Do Dark Samus and Ridley even show that?
Ridley yes, Dark Samus no