Any other games like Gamergirl? Who's getting the bad boy ending.
Simp sims
>americans are whit-
Oh, I know a good one. It's called "shamelessly defending a shallow anime game because you like the waifus"! This board sure seems to love that one!
this post reads like it was typed by a woman
why do you hate video games if you post on a board about video games?
Kek. They really put her on the spot with the camera and everything.
This is a twitter screencap board now
I don't. I just don't like seeing people defend trash. Also, nobody likes vidya here.
Why does this guy look like a turtle? Either he has no neck or his shoulders seem too high.
Context behind the video? Why is human Lanky Kong giving the cutie some flowers while some chad films him?
>t. Beta simp
what the fuck
Don't talk shit he could be really strong and you wouldn't know
all video games are trash therefore if you hate trash you hate video games. QED.
>all reserved
>literally slouched into himself against a wall
>women initiates
Guys, just act fucking confident. It's not hard. Just fake it if you have to. It's not like she's gonna judge you. She's going to find you even less attractive if you act like this.
Good god this is hard to watch.
they made her fuck to
>simps for a game about a real girl while calling others simps
This man's body is freaking me out it's like parts of him are missing what the fuck
The other two points make him cringe but letting the woman initiate is the unfortunate standard nowadays. You run the risk of being called a creep by approaching a girl first.
What country is this supposed to take place in?
What are those "people" even?
Holy fuck, I'm so glad I'm Scandinavian, at least I'm surrounded by somewhat pleasant looking humans.
You haven't seen Zig Forums body horror.
His torso and neck are way too short, is this caused by some kind of condition?
That's just a Goron, user
Gondola looking swole.
Is this man pregnant?
Will they ever learn?
The Mike Wazowski guy has a defect where he's missing sections of his spine. I forget the name of it though.
No, just powerful.
Based Zig Forums?
You type like a redditor
Oh no no.... wait till you see-
>All these retards are the kind who consistently make fun of people who don't want to wear masks
>90% of the time when they're around other people they have their masks under their chin
fucking kek
the fuck is that
GH is a hell of a drug
Do these "men" just have no self-respect or dignity?
Is the crew still alive?
YOU'RE NOTHING.... you're nothing. And you will never be anything
Forgot to post this as well. He's got the same spine condition but his neck is more affected.
I only got into exercise in October, so I cant call myself Zig Forums yet.
How the fuck are those answers coming from a beta simp.
If you are going to use a buzzword, at least use it right fucking mouth breather
that's cheating come the fuck on.
Roid gut.
Literally nothing wrong with simping. I've paid Invadervie more than $35000 and we have a great friendship. She even gave me her private personal snap and sends me nice things and chats me up personally.
This. I wear a mask but keep it on. Otherwise, what's the point? Never really saw the point in complaining incessantly about people not wearing masks though. I'm not going to be able to change anything by doing that. It's up to whatever place they're walking in to enforce that or not.
I swear, pro bodybuilders are some of the weirdest fucks on the planet.