Ike, Robin, Corrin and Byleth play nothing like marth, completely different archetypes all around. The only special move any of them share is a counter and between them they also share zero special attacks, except if you want to be a shitlord you could say Byleth and Robin have a similar neutral B projectile but that's asinine since they function very differently
Chrom and Lucina are both echos, clones that took little effort and detracted nothing from the roster. So when you get down to it the real problem is in... Roy?
Really? So much outcry because two fighters, who were originally meant to be clones anyways, are too similar? Even so, why does it trigger so much more asshurt than Mario and Dr Mario or Young Link and Toon Link?
Answer: The fault was I addressed the issue from a gameplay perspective, which will be lost on the majority of Zig Forums as 80% of "smash fans" on this board don't own a copy of the game and only experience it from looking at the character select screen
The thing I want most is for them to give you more FE swordsmen (preferably with blue hair) just because I like seeing you faggots pissed off
Owen Cooper
Because they're fucking cringe.
Anime swordsmen and pit are the most cringe
Ryan Parker
Roy's moves are similar but their gameplay is completely different user. People are simply legit mad that FE has so much representation in smash. Just imagine for ever FE character in it we could have had someone iconic to the gaming world like hat goomba or the purple green man
Jose Diaz
I understand your points and have played the game. Marth has tipper, spaces his moves Roy has sweet spot at base, more of a rushdown guy Ike is the heavy swordfighter Robin is magic projectile sword user with meter Corrin has long range Byleth has even longer range and uses axe lance and swordwhip Echoes I normally have no issues with but jeez mom why does FE get TWO echoes?
The problem is that you should still not dismiss character and visuals. When you look at Mario and Pokemon who have a similar amount of fighters they have atleast 4 or more characters that are completely different. With FE visually they arr rook same, some anime guy with a sword and they take up 8 fucking slots. Gameplay-wise all they're ever going to do is whack you with their stick except for Robin. The worst offender is Corrin since his game blows and nobody cares about him, just look at the usage stats.
Asher Reed
Nobody says this, it's just a strawman FE apologists love to take down.
The issue is FEs variety in both movesets and character design is absolutely pathetic compared to the other series with a lot of characters.
>6 down b counters out of 8 characters
Parker Clark
because they can't cope with the fact that there is nothing they can do about FE rep
Mason Davis
I have read your point and I have played both FE and Smash I think you're right in that a good amount of them play atleast somewhat differently But their variety is lacking and to be honest it doesn't represent the series very well at all. You would think the games are nothing but sword fights There is nothing to represent the axe users, or the lancer users, or mage users, the fucking dragon race. Or even the different classes the games provide. Every other franchise who has even half the number of characters represents their series far better Byleth comes close but even then his moveset is quite lacking a lot. Imagine if they had put in Tiki instead of Corrin?
Elijah Barnes
They all have boring movesets so we all call them Marth.
Carter Gutierrez
>No mages >Robin
No more shapeshifters allowed so the cooler races are a bust unless they stay in a transformed state. And let's be real.. If they made an axe character for instance, everyone would be pissed if it wasn't Hector.. But the Smashfags would be pissed and call him Axe Ike. There's no changing the stigma around FE reps.
Nolan Taylor
>With FE visually they arr rook same I'll never understand this claim. The FE characters in Smash who look similar to one another is Marth and Chrom, and Marth still looks like a total twink compared to Chrom.
You're genuinely delusional if you can't admit that Ike and Corrin aren't Marth at their core
Juan Edwards
>all around the same height and build >same skin color >similar outfits >similar hairstyles >literally all have the same face
The Links are more different looking than each other
Dominic Roberts
>>all around the same height and build False. >>same skin color Ok but that goes for the majority of the entire Smash cast. >>similar outfits Very false. >>similar hairstyles Not really. Just similar hair length. >>literally all have the same face Very false.
Ryder Gonzalez
I mean it would absolutely have to be Hector, people have been asking for him for a long time. I wont deny Smashfags are rarely satisfied if it ain't an uber popular bandwagon character though
Christopher Edwards
Bro have you looked at the pic you posted? Both have blue hair, a sword and robes/cape. You can try and nitpick all day long but you're convincing absolutely no one. Every FE character is just an anime character with a sword, nobody gives a fuck about the color difference or small details. Get this through your thick skull already.
Jason Parker
>Both have blue hair Are you colour blind? Marth has blue hair, Byleth's is green.
Christopher Myers
My favorite FE character is the tall skinny young anime person with a cape, anime hair, armor, and a sword.
You should be able to tell which one I'm talking about since they're apparently so different
Alexander Brown
Byleth's is blue, user. The render makes it look weird, but its absolutely blue
Nicholas Brooks
Doesn't really matter how you spin it, FE reps are shit. Not even cause of the amount of them or how they look. It's that they poorly represent the games they're from which gives people a bad impression and makes real fans of the series disappointed. You've got 7.5 (Blyeth1/3 and Robin like 1/5 sword fighter) out of the 8 as swordies from a game series with axes, spears, fantasy cavalry units, mages, dragons and beast men. if you subbed out Corrin, Chrom, Lucina, for a cavalry type character, a character like Tiki that has unique dragon stuff, a character that primarily uses a spear and axe, or even just have Anna as a unique class since she's essentially the series mascot, no one would complain. Even Lin would be fine since she's a classic rep at the very least. Imagine if instead of Robin just being a sword mage he was like Pokemon trainer and subbed out a fast Pegasus knight, a medium lance unit that is weak but has reach, and a heavy ass axe wielder to represent the tactical nature of the series and the weapon triangle. FE in smash sucks because it's both the most abundantly represented and also the most poorly represented.
Jacob Evans
Which fe am I thinking of? >they have blue hair >they wield a sword >they wear mostly darker colors >they have a taunt that says "I wont lose" Guess who?
Luis Sullivan
It's blue or teal which is basically blue-green. So what? Are you going to nitpick some more?
Grayson Adams
The problems is that clones are used to bloat Fire Emblem even more than it already is, which is why there's always been a general disdain for clones except for the likes of Falco and Young Link in the past
Liam Green
FE characters always perform pathetically on polls. Nobody wants them. Probably less than 15 people ever asked for Hector or Lyn but they just spend 10 hours a day online to give the impression it's a lot of people
Lucas Martinez
Literally only young Ike is tall and skinny mate
Christopher Green
Is it Roy?
William Sullivan
Also Marth, Roy, Robin, Corrin, Chrom, Lucina, and Byleth. Thats only.....all of them
Justin Wilson
What said. If you wanted to make a point you should've said something else cause no other FE lord in game is tall and skinny like young Ike. Everyone else(that are male) are either twinks or have some muscle.
Andrew Hall
Every one you just mentioned were repeatedly shown to either be about average height or muscular. I think you have brain damage user.