What exactly went wrong?
What exactly went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
nothing it looks fun
nothing it hasn't released yet
Nothing. Chris is based because he cuts all ties with anyone who expresses left wing opinions. SJWs hate to see anyone who doesn't join their cult succeeding.
There isn't one person Chris works with who has expressed left wing opinions in the past 3 years. You can't say that for 99.99% of content creators on youtube. That's why he's ourguy.
Don't know what this is, but it looks fucking based
This is silly. Tomar is pro BLM.
he hangs out with furries, vorefags and trannies
To mar says nigger atleast twice an episode retard
Tomar was seething in the latest worms episode that chris named a worm "norm of da kkk" and then won the match with it. Still though, tomars a jew so he cant really help it
Nothing, game looks fine. Seethe more Discord tranny
>he hangs out with furries, vorefags and trannies
none of whom express left wing opinions
in fact they all shit on lefties and gays
Is Chris a meme on /3/? I feel like someone spending a few months learning really basic blender and then going "look i'm making a game where every model looks like myfirstblenderproject" is the kind of thing they could run with.
tomar literally sent the editors pictures of monkeys in detroit he edited to put in videos as 'gags', maybe fuck off?
Isn't Zach a Jew as well or is his nose just naturally huge?
Zach is a lefty but hes the N word saying lefty so its fine
Tomar literally said "calling them people of color implies they are people, which is wrong".
I never had a problem with Waffle like most people until I saw this
like what an ungrateful piece of shit. They're lucky that they even bothered drawing them since it's not like anyone is demanding more episodes with them.
Not Chris in particular, but people like him get made fun of and memed on all the time.
I think his art in general is deceptively easy. It looks simple, but most won't come close if they were asked to draw or model like that.
He won't be back on oneyplays. He went too far to the wrong side. He was useful as a shield Chris could use from criticism while dunking on trannies left and right, but he isn't needed anymore.
>tranny complaining fan art makes them look too masculine
he doesn't actually have a big nose, that's just how he draws himself
Who's waffle?
Starting the thread off right I see lmao
I think he has a point though, his face is fairly feminine for a man and the artist made him look like a tumblr tranny.
Some australian tranny who Chris met on NG.
I mean, what else do you expect from some confused kid who did a couple of mediocre animations for SC that ended up getting groomed and broken by Cory?
Zach > Chris > Tomar > Ding Dong > Lyle > Julian
Nothing. I don't even actively watch Oneyplays, and these threads make me want to buy his game.
I miss his animations too.
You forgot Corey the degenerate and the fat brown homo Amin
Hes not jewish. He said on the podcast his dad was prodestant and mom was catholic
I don't even remember Amin and I guess Corey would probably go above Lyle, he has his moments but he's too much of a sperg for me to like him that much
>lyle screaming painfully unfunny one liners at the top of his lungs
>fake laughter from chris and tomar
i cant believe they played through the whole game like this
You need to go outside more.
>They're lucky that they even bothered drawing them
Holy fuck I'm so done
Can you PLEASE
I keep seeing this shit more and more and more every single fucking day and it drives me up the wall
Are you actually under an impression that all human beings turned into genderless blobs?
Stop butchering your own language for God's fuck
I hate this and you
Fuck you
This is NOT how you use singular "they" you fucking cum-gurgling faggot piece of shit
Zach doesn't have a big nose. You can see for yourself. He's the one second from the left.
He has a nasel voice because he has a deviated septum. He said his family never had money to fix it, and by the time he was making money as an animator "the voice" was part of his routine, and he was worried he'd lose it if he got his nose fixed.
Switch ding dong with tomar. Tomar on his own without chris or zach harrasing him isnt very funny
I fucking hate Lyle. Just watch the last episode of Metal Gear Rising alone and he just feels the need to scream his shitty raiden impression every 10 seconds. He's so horribly unfunny.
That's why I miss the Ding Dong and Julian era because it was just 3 friends hanging out making dumb jokes but telling a lot of funny stories. When it's Chris with Zach, Tomar, and Lyle everyone is competing every 10 seconds to be the funniest person in the room and it's exhausting. Plus they went from playing fun older games with Ding Dong and Julian to now just countless parts of Minecraft and Left 4 Dead and GTA Online. The only thing they release now that I watch is Worms
Nah, she's 1000% right. What the absolute fuck is this shit? Have you not seen pictures of her?
>dongding above Lyle
Sorry but you're wrong
You underappreciate Lyle's straightman ability to react to Zach's antics
He's required, he's not redundant
He's like Seinfeld, he's needed there to contrast with Elaine, George and Kramer, you know what I mean
Dingding is an annoying fagola
Corey is a scatchad so he's the best.
Ding Dong and Julian were fine, but I don't miss them a single bit.
his nose is pretty big dude
Lyle has his moments, he isn't the worst. I like the format they have nowadays, they actually make an effort to finish games and how it just seems like four friends shooting the shit with each other. Ding Dong and Julian doing "le funny voice impressions" and shitting on the audience got old after about 5 minutes.
lol I think you need to go back to autism therapy user
Are you ok
Isnt it the other way around?
Lyle is garbage, cope.
user, how do you use singular they for their purpose, then if this wasn't that right?
Lyle also says the funniest shit and nobody notices
"No lose'd either"
Yeah Lyle's Raiden voice was fucking annoying
I mean when's the last time hes talked too arin lol.
Lyle haters are literally too low IQ, he actually does jokes and stuff instead of saying things in a funny voice
When you don't give enough of a shit to look up somebody's gender you use 'they'. It is a proper, grammatically correct and contextually appropriate use of the word 'they'. That's how normal human beings who don't spend their whole day huffing farts in an internet echo chamber talk. It isn't a fucking tranny thing, you paranoid aspie.
The nog's nose is bigger.
Part of the problem his jokes either aren't funny or aren't timed well. I'm not saying he isn't funny, he's gotten a few laughs out of me for sure, but a lot of the times he just makes a joke when it's not needed. Like during the last episode of the MGR playthrough.
>they actually make an effort to finish games
what are you talking about? They've abandoned every game. They couldn't even finish RE3 REmake which is like 6 hours long. Metal Gear Rising is the only game they've finished.
>it just seems like four friends shooting the shit with each other
It doesn't feel like that at all. Most of the time it's just them interrupting each other to be the funniest one for the viewer. At least with Ding Dong and Julian they would relax and hang out and feel more genuine
plus hes a jew
Ding Dong above all
Or you could just use a "he" unless confirmed otherwise like a normal person and not a faggot
>Chris hypothetically what if you stuck your peepee in another man's butthole
>das gay joolian uhhhhhhhhh
>*high pitched squeal when someone dies*
Yeah real relaxed and genuine banter
>They couldn't finish
In the current state of the YouTube algo, you're going to see a lot more 3 episode series of unfinished games. Unless they're Twitch VODs, YouTube let's players begin to lose money and viewers precipitously after about episode 3 or 4 of a series.
Lyle drags out jokes too long often, if he just said like the first segment it'd be funnier.
True I think last year waffle had just turned like 19 or something so that means he totally met Cory and got groomed by him and his tranny gf when he was underage
wow you are sad.
t. dislikes Lyle more then you but is not a fag about it
Zach > Chris > Early Ding Dong > Tomar > Corey > Shad > Lyle > Late Ding Dong > Julian > Amin
Put Jeff after Early Ding Dong
>starts stream
>"Guys I really don't wanna engage with drama"
>literally unironically 9 hours later still talking about drama
unfunny people do this. maybe its a spectrum trait. they never know when to end a bit. if they get a laugh they try to keep it going for more laughs. once the second joke doesnt get a response they try to save it by keeping it going yet again.
Jesus wept, 'they dont finish games' children are the worst, I'm so glad you are routinely ignored, if you want to watch people be boring as they struggle to finish a shit game watch gamegrumps, the best part about oneyplays is that your time isn't wasted, they get rid of boring parts