>he hangs out with furries, vorefags and trannies
none of whom express left wing opinions
in fact they all shit on lefties and gays
What exactly went wrong?
Is Chris a meme on /3/? I feel like someone spending a few months learning really basic blender and then going "look i'm making a game where every model looks like myfirstblenderproject" is the kind of thing they could run with.
tomar literally sent the editors pictures of monkeys in detroit he edited to put in videos as 'gags', maybe fuck off?
Isn't Zach a Jew as well or is his nose just naturally huge?
Zach is a lefty but hes the N word saying lefty so its fine
Tomar literally said "calling them people of color implies they are people, which is wrong".
I never had a problem with Waffle like most people until I saw this
like what an ungrateful piece of shit. They're lucky that they even bothered drawing them since it's not like anyone is demanding more episodes with them.
Not Chris in particular, but people like him get made fun of and memed on all the time.
I think his art in general is deceptively easy. It looks simple, but most won't come close if they were asked to draw or model like that.
He won't be back on oneyplays. He went too far to the wrong side. He was useful as a shield Chris could use from criticism while dunking on trannies left and right, but he isn't needed anymore.