Change my mind. Sony and Microsoft is going flood the market next year leaving Nintendo last line.
Nintendo is dying
kys doomer cunt
"winning" the generation literally doesn't matter for Nintendo anymore. Hell, they're not even really competing with Sony and Microsoft at this point. They know they can put out an under powered console whenever they want and they can sell it with the power of their first party titles. Their brand power is strong enough that they kind of exist in their own little world. Even if Sony and Microsoft outsell them they will do well enough on their own that it doesn't matter. Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, and Smash are enough to sustain them to the end of time. The Wii U was a massive disappointment and look how little it actually bothered them.
Xbox and Playstation are dying due to the rising popularity of PC gaming. Xbox isn't even bothering with exclusives anymore. But since both are owned by larger companies they'll stick around evennif they make minimal profits. Nintendo is the only platform that has any meaningful exclusives anymore.
Nintendo Market will plummet by the end 2021. Forcing a Microsoft buyout. America won console wars. Nintendo is already trying port Xbox games.
>Nintendo is dying
nintendo isn't going anywhere for at least the next 10 years.
console wars are for soibois.
wrong there dying rest in peace pedos. You earned it.
>most recent game released by Xbox
Killer Instinct in 2013 (ported to Steam anyways since then, but lets through Phil a bone)
>most recent game released by Nintendo
Paper Mario last week
>pulls out the pedo card
now THIS is projecting
**throw a bone
lol im gay
stopp fucking kids and take shower already.
>Nintendo is dying
for the umpteenth time?
you guys keep saying this since 2000 and here we are 20 years later.
>now its the shower card
nintenchads living in your head rent-free, i see
they'll release another pokemon game and be back on top of the world. Doesn't even have to be one GF put a lot of work into.
Like it or not, Origami King probably made billions and will be known alongside Animal Crossing as the best selling games of the year.
holy projection
this kills OP
Pokemon Go was the beginning of the end of them wanting to be creative with their titles.
>since 2000
oh to be young again
? Pokemon GO is the best pokemon game in years and only the second game in its genre.
Is this Zig Forums if it was at the end of the 80's?
>if I say it every day for 30 years it'll eventually be true!
imagine being proud of one game that has fury shit for children and housewives . Actually that makes way to much sense, sick fucks.
>OP gets BTFO and proceeds to close his tab
like pottery
Halo , fable and probably Elders Scrolls Online will be Exclusives. Pay attention.
uh oh, better start opening up that wojak folder
the game that put people in hospital and people crashing cars.. Great game.
Usenet was an odd bird, you got the strange single-line shitposts next to beautifully written thesis statements by doctorates.
Even that image is actually cropped from a very well-thought out essay on video games in the late 80's. We see that image posted everywhere because that's the part that mentions Nintendo, but it ignores his other very well-grounded concerns of cheap consoles that relied on marketing killing technically more impressive consoles purely on the power of word of mouth, which is exactly what happened. I don't think we could get such introspection on a board like Zig Forums anymore. Even having a moderate opinion on consoles gets flak probably by children of the same parents who fell for the marketing back in the day that this guy was complaining about.
this is some major damage control
>starts his thread with a rage comic in fucking 2020
you already lost me mate
Zig Forums used to be like this too, but it's been at least a decade since that time. Feels bad, man.
Xbox isn’t about exclusives anymore. They’re pushing Gamepass really hard so that they don’t have to shove money down game development. Gamepass is a win/win for Microsoft and publishers.
what does this prove exactly? that hardware companies are willing to put an end to amerishart console wars and strengthen their brand image you fucking negative IQ dumbass
Until they announce a new console. But who gives a fuck about that, it just means I can emulate everything off of the Switch now.
>Nintendo is dying!
Did you know Nintendo has been so profitable at times that they stock piled enough money to stay solvent for decades? Winning the hand held wars for pretty much 90%+ of the time since the market existed, the success of the Wii, the success of the Switch, double digit entries in best selling games of all time lists, and so on.
>whines about creative failure while talking about a more limited system which requires more creativity to do anything with and whining about graphics
Sounds like Zig Forums right now though?
SMT5 is good. If it has Bayonetta 3 and BotW2 that will be great already. Not to mention we might get a new Xenoblade or the new fantasy IP next year too. And the rumored 2D Metroid maybe?
what do you call Halo and fable
console exclusive you brand loyalist retard
also on pc lmao got em
Not him, that's a double edged sword. There were VERY creative games on other platforms that took far better advantage of the hardware at the time, but we don't remember any of them because they were on less popular platforms.
why does the censorstation have so many diehard fans? why do console manufacturers have fans? do you have no respect for yourself?