Nintendo is dying

>most recent game released by Xbox
Killer Instinct in 2013 (ported to Steam anyways since then, but lets through Phil a bone)
>most recent game released by Nintendo
Paper Mario last week

Attached: 1592435795319.jpg (259x194, 4.43K)

>pulls out the pedo card
now THIS is projecting

**throw a bone
lol im gay

stopp fucking kids and take shower already.

>Nintendo is dying
for the umpteenth time?
you guys keep saying this since 2000 and here we are 20 years later.

Attached: 1520639346377.png (289x359, 171.27K)

>now its the shower card
nintenchads living in your head rent-free, i see

they'll release another pokemon game and be back on top of the world. Doesn't even have to be one GF put a lot of work into.
Like it or not, Origami King probably made billions and will be known alongside Animal Crossing as the best selling games of the year.

holy projection

this kills OP

Pokemon Go was the beginning of the end of them wanting to be creative with their titles.