Attached: VideoEditor_20200721_100541_11 (2).webm (1280x720, 2.89M)
ITT: Kino moments in vidya
Robert Howard
Landon Ward
Carter Martin
Juan Reed
>Druckman getting shot in the eye
Nolan Nelson
wheres the videogame? is this a cinematic trailer or something? I thought the game already released
Leo Evans
Game tries so hard to make me care about these characters but I don't. They're either cannon fodder or just completely unlikable. It isn't misery, it's tedium.
>But omg she was pregnant!
So? If anything the moral of the story is don't leave anybody alive and I'd agree because then I don't have to sit through their tired revenge full of ugly obnoxious fuckwads.
Ayden Myers
I feel they really missed the mark with depicting Tommy as this looming force of nature. You can tell what they were going for in scenes like this, keeping him in silhouette, and the way it alluded in Ellie's first part, always seeing his the bodies in his wake.
It would have been cool to see him in action more.
Josiah Robinson
As much as I dislike 2, Tommy was at least handled well. The reason he wasn't a force of nature was because he wasn't Joel and he left Joel because Joel became too much of a monster in Tommy's eyes. So it makes sense he wouldn't be Joel. But hell, what if Abby slaughtered Joel and Ellie and Tommy went for revenge and ended up becoming early days Joel? That'd be something.
Jaxon Phillips
Wait I thought it was Owen who was Druckmann's self insert.
Must be convenient to be able just throw labels on characters in a story that you don't like to suit your argument.
Levi Murphy
Same. I enjoyed the idea of Tommy and Ellie being portrayed as the villains, extremely efficient and effective killers dispatching people left and right. I wouldn't have minded a few more encounters in that vein.
Kayden Wright
>Wait I thought it was Owen who was Druckmann's self insert.
You're a retard pendejo.
>Must be convenient
Go be a cuck somewhere else.
Carter Mitchell
from all the characters killed, he deserved it least
Noah Adams
>can't pull the door open
>just bust through the door the other way
Juan Brooks
You sound upset.
Jayden Brown
Don't bitch to me retard pendejo.
Isaiah Evans
You sound pretty cool.
What games do you like?
Brandon Barnes
Jace Ortiz
>killing a character out of nowhere
what kinf of a trend is this? the asian guy ellie's friend was killed in the same way, what are they trying to evoke?
Isaiah Peterson
Nicholas Roberts
>two people can't open it
>she immediately opens it herself
fuck off, i actually enjoyed the game but some shit like this is so contrived
Leo Price
why is it "kino", because of its shock value?
Nathan Davis
Shock value. That's all this shit game is about.
Gavin Collins
Kinda funny how only the minority characters die in that way.
Ryder Fisher
that applies to joel as well kind of
whats wrong with setup and then payoff?
Julian Hernandez
I mean, unceremonious deaths should be more common considering all these life and death scenarios, just weird how it seems to happen only to the men in the story, and Tommy was only spared to be a plot device for the last leg of the game
Leo Young
How meaningless and impartial death is and how suddenly it can come. One minute you're thinking and breathing, the next you're a corpse. Not everybody gets a glamorous or heroic end. Some folks get beat to death with a golf club.
Adrian Ortiz
Tommy was the best part of 2
People shit on the epilogue when he gaslights Ellie into getting revenge but that's the best part of his character for me.
Jason Parker
They killed a pregnant woman champ
Brody James
>Implying that was a swift and out of nowhere death
She got more of a fighting chance before getting put down than several of the able bodied men, her husband included
William Morris
fair enough
Gabriel Brown
To this day I haven't seen one single footage of a zombie in this game.
So I must ask: Are they still any zombies in TLOUII
Is TLOUII a zombie game? I only played the first one and the zombies were a big deal.
Benjamin Richardson
God I hate her facial animations. Everyone praises Naughty Dog to high heaven but their characters animate in the weirdest way possible
Lucas Martinez
Ryan Robinson
They are the furthest thing from anything resembling a big deal in 2.
They occasionally pop up in scripted encounters and you murder a bunch of them then escape.
There's a boss fight that one-shots you get to close.
They have virtually nothing to do with the plot.
They are pretty much just there.
Jeremiah Turner
well what about The Walking Dead Season One?
didn't they kill characters out of nowhere?
Parker Evans
Yes, but you got to know the characters and they were generally likable.
Jacob Bell
That's because of adrenaline retard. She just got covered in Mexican salsa and she was about to die. That's why we produce adrenaline, for life or death situations.
Zachary Long
people are murdered out of nowhere in real life
Easton Reed
found the edgelord
Eli Evans
To be fair, unceremonious deaths is a rarely utilized tool that when done right can leave an incredibly shocking moment more effective. I'm not quite the biggest fan of it since its very rarely used correctly, but it can be used to establish a threat immediately, such as that one show with the terminators just offing the cast quickly.
Elijah James
They're there, and the game has an awesome zombie fight with Abby, but they're now inconsequential to the story. They were hardly in the first game, too, but their existence served a purpose and acted as a looming presence. In 2 they're just remnants of a previous game.
Hudson Morales
There was stuff i unironically liked about the last half of TLOU 2, i think it should have been saved for a third game and fleshed out.
The way Ellie seems to be at the end of her rope absolutely obsessed with finding Abby that she hallucinates seeing her, talks to her even though she's not there. If Druckman was a better writer he could have done more with it
Elijah Edwards
You mean realistically? Considered it's the greatest facial animation tech in the industry? That's why there's the memes of the faces. They're realistic and if you freeze frame the cutscenes you find awkward faces the characters make. Much like real life
Carson Bennett
Toma eso, imbecil
Jace Rogers
Santa Barbara Ellie was pure kino. I loved how desperate she was the find Abby, like she just wanted to make sure the Rattlers didn't kill her. It caused this weird parabolic shift in tone.
Josiah White
the difference is that they weren't already established, so you can't emphasize with them
James Smith
its actually my favorite kind of character death