>Wait I thought it was Owen who was Druckmann's self insert.
You're a retard pendejo.
>Must be convenient
Go be a cuck somewhere else.
ITT: Kino moments in vidya
Kayden Wright
Carter Mitchell
from all the characters killed, he deserved it least
Noah Adams
>can't pull the door open
>just bust through the door the other way
Juan Brooks
You sound upset.
Jayden Brown
Don't bitch to me retard pendejo.
Isaiah Evans
You sound pretty cool.
What games do you like?
Brandon Barnes
Jace Ortiz
>killing a character out of nowhere
what kinf of a trend is this? the asian guy ellie's friend was killed in the same way, what are they trying to evoke?
Isaiah Peterson
Nicholas Roberts
>two people can't open it
>she immediately opens it herself
fuck off, i actually enjoyed the game but some shit like this is so contrived