ITT: Kino moments in vidya

>Wait I thought it was Owen who was Druckmann's self insert.
You're a retard pendejo.
>Must be convenient
Go be a cuck somewhere else.

from all the characters killed, he deserved it least

Attached: bear.jpg (1080x1348, 259.32K)

>can't pull the door open
>just bust through the door the other way

Attached: 1563926237427.jpg (1840x3264, 455.85K)

You sound upset.

Don't bitch to me retard pendejo.

You sound pretty cool.

What games do you like?


>killing a character out of nowhere
what kinf of a trend is this? the asian guy ellie's friend was killed in the same way, what are they trying to evoke?


>two people can't open it
>she immediately opens it herself
fuck off, i actually enjoyed the game but some shit like this is so contrived