Oh no no no no no what happened goty Zig Forumsros?

Oh no no no no no what happened goty Zig Forumsros?

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one wanted to be a movie and the other wanted to be art

Apparently there's something botched in the TLoUII Z release and the translation is fucked, IIRC.
Not that it matters since people aren't happy with the game in general.

something about fearing the samurai

Poth ghost of tsushima and the last of us 2 are really good games. imo ghost of tsushima is better but the last of us 2 isnt far behind. you're a lying faggot if you think otherwise

Ghost of sushi doesn't have pregnant womyn going to the front line

This doesn't make sense, I was repeatedly assured that Japanese people are severely offended by white dudes stealing their culture. Why would they support something that directly insults them?

Oooh, I got quite lucky, then. Bought Tsushima for 6200~yen new. Last of Us was going for about 5800 when I bought it.

they don't give a fuck if you do their propaganda for them

The gameplay is cleaner in tlou2 imo but yea they are both great games, but here you can’t say that because there is a lesbian in the game so it’s bad