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Video Games
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Video Games #5180
Video Games
Risk of Rain
Devil May Cry
Itt: we make a better story mode than World of Light
Zig Forums's Eroge Picks
Search "bugsnax"
He's better than Dante and you know it
Wtf i love ubisoft now
Why Sakurai hates Wario so much?
Thoughts fellas
ITT: vidya character designs that make you coom
May i.... stand unshaken
Fan remakes Metal Gear Solid in Unreal Engine 4
Post the best videogame rat
What game is this?
You ever holy dance with the devil in the pale moonlight, user?
Ok Zig Forums, I need your million dollar idea for the next Sonic game to save this franchise
Why are the footsteps so loud reeeeeee
Its out
XIV thread, discuss 5.3
Aaah, such bliss!
Who's on mount Zig Forumsmore? Miyamoto? Carmack?
Halo Infinite details
What's Zig Forums opinion on Trials of Mana (2020)?
How do you collect GBA games? Boxed or loose?
Christian propaganda: The game
Love Letter is SAVED
UnderRail New Update
I don't remember this game being so unfair
Is there a way to get this bitch for free?
The world’s strongest professional army can’t handle hecklers
What do they eat?
About to play this, what are some tips and tricks. I want to play as a tech-person
Just bought this chair for nearly 200. what am I getting myself into?
We are back
Was he right about it?
Who here is buying the best gaming chair ever to exist?
And just like that, Sony won the next gen
Post your fighting game main
Why dont you own a VR headset user?
Imagine getting a console that puts all its games on PC anyway LMAOOOOO
Whats the fun in spawn camping
Why do you like the other dooms better than eternal?
Cyberpunk 2077 ingame ad
Why is Persona 5 so much more popular than its predecessors?
The great debate
How come Guilty Gear is still alive and well while Blazblue is dead and buried?
It'll have a Japanese dub, right? Right?
Wait, so Ethan actually killed her? With his shotgun or whatever? Because Jack survived being killed like twenty times
Bandai Namco's Play Anime Live
What's more fun?
Capcom announcement tomorrowDragons Dogma 2? Dead Rising?
Why do they still call it cyberpunk? 2.0
Zig Forums will never ever know this feel
So you managed to convince someone on Zig Forums that the game he likes is shit
Comfy Xbox Thread
Am I the only one who really enjoyed this game? Its story wasn't flawless, but I liked it much more than I expected
It's okay when Japan does it!!!!
Oh nonononono
Is it better than 0? I’m playing through Kiwami now and I like it a lot but 0 was just so damn good
Shittiest game ever made
Post your fav smash ult mains
Say Happy Birthday to TTYD, Zig Forums
Who is the greatest vidya villain?
So uh
How can Prince Lothric be a lord of cinder if he never linked the flame?
Describe this image in 4 words
Digimon Survive will be GOTY
Will Half-Life 2 ever be topped?
If a protagonist of a game looks like this are you more or less inclined to buy the game? Why?
Do you have a level 60 character for when The Burning Crusade Classic comes out?
1 Month Later
Sir, permission to leave the board?
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
Guess what came in the mail today, Zig Forums
Adventure games
It is coming to PC right? Tendies wont buy it and especially wont appreciate it
Can we get a comfy Halo MCC thread?
Is the Metal Gear series well-written?
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Ffxiv shadowbringers
ITT: Games that peaked with their 4th installment
Why do americans refuse to wear a mask?
How can Nintendo make Star Fox relevant?
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time | Official Release Date Trailer
People are actually defending the Validate game
Omg is that.... a halo ring?
Based, I can finally progress past level 30. I refuse to pay anything for it
Why has this year been so weak for the Switch? Is Nintendo starting to abandon it?
FATlus thread
Remember Zig Forums, ALL wads are canon
How come modern horror games are not scary?
Is Final Fantasy X a good starting point for someone who is completely new to JRPGs?
Dark Souls lore discussion thread
Why are they so shit at games development?
Hi, I'm the worst controller in history
Is there a single MMORPG that doesn't have terrible monetization? Why can't I just fucking buy the game and play it...
Unironically the best vidya director in history
Game has useless collectibles
Mafia 1 remake gameplay
Here's your dev bro
Did it deserve to flop this hard? Was it really THAT bad? All the racemixing propaganda and easy combat aside...
We will likely get a new character announced for DBFZ in roughly 4 hours from now. Who would you like to see get in?
Why do boomers say that games today are easy? Any game today played on the hardest difficulty is pretty hard
*is the best oneplays member*
One of the new heroes has been revealed, it's not a Chink
How did we all learn about the secret route in this game?
Why is mario
Why on earth isn't it your GOTY?
This is Ann, say something nice about her
Me? I'm a cultivated man, of course I'd pick Dina
It would be better for Solid to have the "don't change the world for any reason" philosophy if it was fully his instead...
When was the last time you played a videogame? be honest
Dishonest game design
Play Touho
Why would a robot need panties?
Monster Hunter
What's your favorite weaponfu in vidya?
Xenoblade Chronicles
Smash DLC Thread
Monster Hunter
Forgotten PS2 gems
Will DOA7 be announced at the Xbox conference?
I'm trying to remember a game...
They'll pay for this
Skinner Boxes Thread
Reclaimed his subreddit
New Ghosts of Tsushima thread
Why are we still here?
I want to get my first PC
Admit it, zoomies are having more fun now than you were 22 years ago
Vidya characters that remind you of yourself
Gentle reminder that if used the meme sword, you didn't beat the game
What were the best bosses of this generation, and why was it these three?
Crazy how Zig Forums was so hyped for this and it even got a sticky, and just a few months later, nobody cares
What game are you waiting for, user?
Jack of Blades
Fakku sells video games now apparently
Zig Forums says graphics dont matter and gameplay matters
Do you think this genre is being oversaturated?
Imagine wasting your life on video games
Remember Zig Forums, you’re awesome, and never let anyone think that you aren’t
Tick tock
Any final words for Mixer? Today is the last day
Serious Sam 4 Thread
Xbox Games Showcase HYPE THREAD
Worms armageddon
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
How do healers replenish their mana?
Hahahaha she is even more fat Now, ugly asf
What went so right?
Who's your favorite anthro girl from a video game?
Sony dies tommorow. Bye bye
Who is the edgiest video game character?
Play Rome 2, it's getting much better
Deadly Premonition 2 dev is asking what else he needs to do so western critics will stop attacking him
What are some good games to learn/practice Japanese?
Animal Crossing
Who should be added to Dynasty Warriors 10 and why?
I will now buy your game
What's gonna happen when robots and advanced AI are created and used for games...
Kowloon Walled City... real dystopian, "cyberpunk" Home
Hey guys jesus here
Do you have an alt account for all the porn games on Steam?
During these dire times it is understandable to embrace religion again. Are there any good christian videogames...
2010 vs 2020 game releases
Does she have the biggest pair of tits of all Final Fantasy girls? I can't think of any other...
No significant controller delay that I noticed
Death Stranding if you don't skip cutscenes
Why don't nincels buy games?
Why would you play a human in a fantasy setting?
DMC 5 SE Disappointment Thread
Name a better VA
Uhhh, hello? Based department?
Played Skyrim couple of years ago, now I want to play another TES game. Which one is better?
Why do they still call it cyberpunk?
Which JRPGs have you guys been playing lately?
Japan fell for the strong independant whamen who don't need no man meme
This was a great game, I really liked it :)
Magic Spear I is the most overrated track in this game and you can't prove me wrong
Videogames where censure or localization improved the game?
Look at her go!
Has a video game ever made you cry?
Bright Bodies: Not Ready to Live
Hey where did the Bugsnax thread go?
Why does Chris look so bad in Resident Evil 7?
Rape is bad
What are some good games to play while bedridden?
Does Zig Forums play panzer paladin?? i remember seeing some hype for this months ago in here...
This is Nanako, my daughterwife. Say something nice about her
Last of Us part II confirmed to be Sony's BIGGEST digital release ever
Going to marathon this today. what am i in for
Would you quit gaming if it became streaming only?
Yeah im thinking they are back
Ghost of Tsushima
It's actually a decent game so far
Why does every SRPG ape Final Fantasy Tactics instead of the superior Fire Emblem?
Is Miku a video game character?
Be honest Zig Forums, how close were your own predictions?
Why did Zig Forums stop playing fighting games?
Rename the Shin Megami Tensei series
Why did they do this to him? He just wanted to make videogames
New Underrail update
Let's settle this once and for all
Here's your FIFA cover, bro
Name a flaw
Best Story
How in the living fuck have we not gotten Mario Kart 9 yet??
Xbox Series X Release Date Leaked
Your game is problematic, idiots
Suda51 Villain Tier List
Mean steam devs (Project Zomboid)
Yakuza 7 will be getting an english dub
Final Fantasy XVI/ VII leaked from tomorrow's event
Wtf is this
What do you expect from Koikatsu 2?
This is the only good JRPG, prove me wrong
Mafia remake gameplay
Fate Extra remake
I've started playing Fallout 4 for the first time and I'm rather sick of it already desu...
It is 2020. I am forgotten
Use 4 stock images to describe a game and others have to guess
H2A Cortana best Cortana and you can all suck my dick
I love Persona games but Catherine looks like it might be a little bit too far and cringey for me...
Lethal League devs are making a new JSR. Even got Naganuma for the whole soundtrack it seems. Thoughts?
These 2 games were the best 3D Mario games. Change my mind
I love Ellie and I want to fight her to the death
Spiritual sequel of Jet Set Radio done by Team Reptile (creators of Lethal League)
July 2020, I am forgotten
Demi-fiend is the ultimate boss in JRPGs
Crysis Switch and PC. Global illumination vs old lighting
Indie games are not real games
Is it true that she cheats on you with fucking lambert? if I'm not romancing her or y*n this time...
TF2: How are you guys dealing with this?
Resident Evil
Tfw most popular girl no matter how much Zig Forums cries
Why don’t you play Ghost of Tsushima, user-kun?
FF1 and 2 get remade three times
Multiple Screens
Why does Melee get hate for being a game like AoE2 or SC that has fans 20 years later still keeping the game alive...
What is Zig Forums's opinion on VR?
This is the only good game to release in the last 10 years
Behold the most honest character in smash history
Who is right?
Japan oversexualises fe-
Cute girls in video games thread
Hello anons, so I didn't know if Zig Forums would be a good place to post this but what the fuck ever...
Tetsuya Nomura wants VII REMAKE 2 to have greater quality
Stalker: SoC
Why do people even like her, at all? They're trying so hard to justify her and her actions so hard it's pathetic
FF XIV 5.3 liveletter
Why aren't PC players able to aim like console gods these days?
1. Your favorite game
PS1 version has a trash localization
Does your mom hate video games?
Games tier list
Okay, can we have a bugsnax thread without mods bombing it... pls
Shill Persona to me? Which one is the most worth my time? which has the best girls?
Dark spirit has inv
How's that game coming along Zig Forums?
PlayStation Summer Sale
What's stopping Xbox to release a Windows client that would turn your PC into an actual Xbox with the full dashboard...
Swery tells trans people still not satisfied to fuck off
Right, i want a proper answer to this about the classic RE trilogy not having a current HD port on PC and consoles
Is this the first existence of ludokino?
Cyberpunk 2077
Post your smash wishlist and rate others
What the fuck Sony bros
Fixed camera
Why does Zig Forums think she’s ugly?
Is it dead?
Western devs make ugly wo-
The Witcher is a work of plagiarism and CDPR unknowingly helped contribute to it
Halo Infinite twitter
ITT: chad game devs
Wishlist thread
The last vidya character you played as gets attacked by:
Want to start getting GBA games
Love Letter thread
Final boss is the most difficult boss
It’s so good. It’s so so good
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
Why do furries have so much money
More mobileshit
Sequel is a clear upgrade over its predecessor
You might not like it but this is peak JRPG protagonist design
Korea time
Any leaks?
Redpill Me On Hollow Knight
Just picked up one of these, what are its best games?
Play Modded Skyrim right now
Shorter than SH 1 and 2
New Kirby renders from Hal dropped into a Japanese-only personality quiz. A new game is probably imminent
First-party Direct announcement at 10AM EST
I wish FROM never fucking mentioned elden ring...
How were you supposed to know without looking it up?
Mass Effect 2
What happened to Prey 2?
Ubisoft: Women Don't Sell
You don't play with HD pack, right?
Is it safe to say that there will never be a beautiful female character from American video games anymore...
It's the perfect time to jump into one of the comfiest MMOs ever. fuck xiv, fuck eso, fuck swtor, fuck wow
Inti creates thread
What would a Final Fantasy VII Remake thread look like if it wasn't just people arguing about FFXV or Tifaposting?
XD "nerd culture" cringe
Crusader Kings 3
Soldered SSD
Rumored new Fallout game / F76 DLC
This is what you look like with your stupid VR headset on
Ashes of Creation
How does Zig Forums handle raging at video games?
Still no Onimusha 2 HD
He calls himself a gamer
Is VRChat good? Is it even a game?
Who would win?
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowniggers
Say it with me Zig Forums:
Literally SOUL the game
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
What's the rarest game you own?
Try to refute this. Protip: you can't
Showers you with high quality free games
Is completely useless when ulti is on cooldown
49 minutes until fate/extra remake stream
Squad - new roadmap released
Sonic 2020
Loved by everyone from casuals to hardcore gamers
Monster Hunter World
Literally name a more SOULFUL single-player open world RPG setting
Things that you can say about your favourite game, but not your girlfriend
It's not hard it's annoying
Daily Baldur's Gate thread
He doesn't have a black gf
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
Death Stranding
Why yes, i do exploit the fact that i'm a female to get plenty of free items from thirsty simps, how could you tell?
$120 Select Kobe Fillet steak with unlimited mashed potatoes and your choice of wine or $100 high quality game
Super Deepthroat
AI Dungeon
WoW Shadowlands looks absolutely terrible
Uhh Sony bros?
Yay^ユニfairy pastels made of sweet magic created thanks to reciprocal cakes both sides gradually dissolve in the...
Kisame, we're leaving
How do we save the industry from the cancer that is "open world" video games?
What made it so good?
Xbox Games Showcase hype thread
What the fuck is it with coomers and Darkest Dungeon
What do you think about Honkai Impact?
Korean Time II
I'm gonna PANTS A SQUID!!!
ITT: Zig Forums that deserve vidya
He's just like me
Next-Gen Performance Speculation
Should i get Deadly Premonition 2?
Imagine not loving Nu Lara
Thank me later
In an earnings call to investors in October 2019...
What's the Zig Forumserdict?
Oh no no no no no what happened goty Zig Forumsros?
Japanese outlets rate ghost of tsushima highly, praising the depiction of samurais in it
Name a worse sfv girl
What exactly is your problem with her?
What would a Hooters video game be like?
Ghost of Tsushima sales are exceeding expectations in Japan; out of stock at some stores
Better than Death Stranding and MGSV
What was the most “American” game you ever played?
Why do manlets make the best vidya?
How would you make a SM64 "personalized" video?
Who did you throw it at, Zig Forums?
Are there any games where you can play as a cell / micro-organism?
Vidya buyfag thread. Do you own any video game merchandise, Zig Forums?
Don't worry, this is a f-zero thread. My destiny is to head to the 10th page and straight to the archives...
Games with this aesthetic?
About to start free trials. What should I expect?
"Eat your Butterfingers user, I want you nice and plump!"
ITT: Post vidya characters you were told you look like
Mass Effect
Do you think every videogame character must be attractive?
Weird but surprisingly competent ports
You fuckers told me it was bad. It wasn't
Why did the Covenant go from being a gigantic overwhelming threat when attacking Earth in Halo 2 to a pissy little...
Elden Ring confirmed to not be at the xbox event tomorrow
Why are consolesfags and AMDcucks trying so hard to pretend DLSS is bad/irrelevant?
Why the retarded asperger's fuck should I get this instead of a Herman Miller Aeron B?
Feels good
What is Zig Forums‘s opinion in this? Or the genre for that matter
B-but it's gonna flop!!!
Comfy Switch Thread
Ryza thread
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine