Reminder that today ATLUS will be streaming something about the new Nocturne remaster.
Any hopes? I hope they actually unmuffled the quality of the songs.

Attached: 1591664819909.jpg (1200x675, 173.43K)

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I want a sound test where I can hear THIS

I have never played a single SMT game, so a basic question here - why remaster the THIRD part of a series? Are the games completely separate from one another in terms of story?

Dante, option to turn off VA, instant shuffle for demon fusion abilities

user, you and I both know it's gonna be Raidou. Wouldn't mind being both though, no idea how they'd shoehorn the other in though.

The third game was the first SMT mainline to be 3D and also considered to be one of the best games the series has to offer.
SMT games are vaguely connected but they're mostly self contained.

1 and 2 are too archaic for zoomers and even most boomers. Plus they've never been officially translated before so there's a bunch of work there. Plus V seems like it's directly connected to Nocturne so this will help people get up to speed in that regard.

Probably they asked for a cut for his cameo, Raidou doesn't need anything like that.

Kind of and yes. They're all connected in subtle ways, but if you're playing any given game it's not really important in the moment. Only in the grand scheme of things. Nocturne is getting the remaster because 1 and 2 are classic games and not 3D. Also, speculating that SMT V will have some more direct connections to III because it looks like there's another Vortex World, so remastering III may be a nice way to ease newer players into V.

Okay, another question - are SMT titles fully fledged games, or glorified visual novels like Persona?