Zig Forums's Eroge Picks

Name me a SINGLE better h-game than Four Elements Trainer. Go on.

Attached: d.png (279x280, 86.18K)

impregnation turn on grug brain make grug brain happy

Insult Order is pretty good, but I agree, 4 Elements is probably the best.

Something Unlimited has great art if you liked the old DC cartoons, but too much fucking padding and grindy shit to do.

Being a DIK is the only acceptable goblina game.

Azula best girl!

Attached: __azula_avatar_and_1_more_drawn_by_gurihiru__d6dae0452d744a8ef8454582c8001a06.jpg (510x702, 52.12K)

is that four elements or just a random pic?

How can I? Its clearly a masterpiece.

>look it up
>piss drinking gokkun
how have I not heard of this this is based


Mitty doesn't draw this well.

Personally really like Noxian Nights but I get that parts of it aren't to everyone's tastes