49 minutes until fate/extra remake stream

49 minutes until fate/extra remake stream
Get hyped, bros

Attached: Fate_Extra_Servant_Caster_01.png (480x272, 63.41K)

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.

Attached: 1593343923535.jpg (1300x1835, 307.29K)

Extra chads

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I agree.

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Prince Gawain Le Fay, Knight of the Round Table, Knight of the Sun, Slayer of Whores.

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Give umushitters the boot

Attached: 1584579821452.png (700x979, 640.81K)

Reminder that femc is not canon and never used Nero

>femc is not canon
It is but she took Emiya because she was made for the GBC

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