Risk of Rain

Where the hosts at?

>Character could've been called The Conductor and his gimmick could've been comprised of electricity, trains, and music

Attached: Conductor.jpg (215x400, 32.25K)

>two threads made within 3 minutes of each other


Attached: walter.png (661x679, 642.79K)

I will choose this one to bump and survive since he actually asked for hosts

10-man host when

What abilities is the Captain going to have?

Attached: 1578435662588.jpg (3000x2510, 357.07K)

Anyone wanna host a 2 game? I'm pretty bad. US midwest

My net is iffy, but I could try. Give me a bit.

Attached: 1567007743290.gif (500x506, 148.93K)

Risky 2 10 man w/ BanditReloaded
We'll see how this goes.

Attached: 1580315311754.png (495x375, 201.92K)
