>Third time playing this game
>Get past Hornet for the third time
>Felt unfun the entire time
>Still not feeling fun an hour after getting past the waifu
>Played all Dark Souls games and liked them
>Played all classic Metroid games and loved them
>Played all classic Castlevania; mixed results but overall fun
>Played Bloodstained and loved it
Redpill me on the bug game, and help me figure out why I don't like it.
Redpill Me On Hollow Knight
Turbo autistic lunie has dedicated his life on this game on thia board
it's just fucking boring, that's it
After getting the dash and the wall climb was when I really started enjoying it. I also really enjoyed the exploration, starting out an unfamiliar area with no map was cool.
>hard for the sake of being hard
>literally the most vanila a Metroidvania can be
>"b-but it's all hand drawning!!!!!!! you can't dislike it!!!!!"
Combat is very simplistic with lack of interesting movement options at the start.
Flavor is basically bug souls, game also borrows many aspects from souls games with little change
Backtracking is annoying because of multiple traps and enemies you cannot skip.
Basically the game is very basic, shallow and lacks its own identity.
If I wanted to play a Souls or Metroid game I would do just that.
>hard for the sake of being hard
literally learn the mechanics, actually learn them, literally and unironically get fucking good retard
Hey user
I'm gonna unplug your controller and you will need to get up to plug it back
But don't worry, it's a feature and if you dare saying it's annoying, I will shut your mouth saying git gud
it is a very streamlined, stripped down, textbook take on the genre
castlevanias, souls etc have a whole lot of extraneous stupid shit in them, hollow knight less so
it is what it is
its mostly artstyle and music. Badges were OK but somewhat limiting in choices. Exploring was fun, finding the Queen's Garden, the Hive or the Colosseum was a highlight for me.
The game at no point convinced me to care about the story, or even confront the bosses. That one uppidy Beetle said we'd fight in the Colosseum and that was when I turned the game off, after fulfilling that.