Played Skyrim couple of years ago, now I want to play another TES game. Which one is better?

Played Skyrim couple of years ago, now I want to play another TES game. Which one is better?

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IV:O is actually playable, unlike III:M.

they're both rough as fuck diamonds in their own ways

play Morrowind if you want weird alien fantasy setting, play Oblivion if you want a comfy traditional fantasy setting

If you're playing Oblivion, you HAVE to play as a thief/assassin, since those those two have the most quests which take advantage of the AI daily routines introduced in the game.

Morrowind is fucking great but you will need a few mods to play it.

Harder to play but Morrowind is the comfiest TES vIdya.

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This guy is right. Every entry in TES has its own strengths

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Oblivion could be claimed as being objectively better thanks for having NPC routines, voiced dialogue, better combat, most systems working as intended, no fog blocking visibility, physics, more complex quests.
You might play Morrowind for lore, unique world, levitation and broken fun systems.

Thanks for the tip.

The scaling is horrid and Morrowinds main quest is better.
Even with these factored in Oblivion is the clear winner.