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Cucks will never admit this
Silent Hill 2 and 3 are pretty good.
Both Castlevania's have a place in my heart
time splitters 2
naval ops/ warship gunner
roman total warrior
devil may cry 3
jesus christ i played so many games on the ps2 i cant count all of them itd be an infinite list
Soul Reaver(s)
Konami Kino
I recommend:
Contra Shattered Solider and Neo Contra
I thought 3D castlevania was shit
Still the apex of open-world games
devil summoner/persona series
finall fantasy 10/12
god hand
i liked the innocent devils thing and evolving them was fun
my disc was damaged tho and would get stuck at dracula so i never finished the game
It's not perfect, but I love it.
you'd be correct
I tried replaying it recently but the aiming is just painful.
PS2 has so many good games it absolutely mogs every other gen
Hands down the best JRPG franchise. From the New World is also badly underrated. It's only crime being it wasn't nearly as good as Covenant.
The 3d castlevanias are ok, LoI and CoD feels barely like different games but both have that castlevania music made by Michiru Yamane so you know what to expect. Also the only true way to play CoD is fist weapons only.
Timesplitters Future Perfect
I didn't like it much when I bought it back in the day, but since I started collecting PS2 games a few years back, I gave it an another try and fuck if it's good.
I still do a slow burn replay of this this every summer or every other summer. I love its stupid clashing worldbuilding, its kino early 2000s South Pacific aesthetics, and how it was one of those early 2000s games that felt like the end of a game design era. (I even felt this way when it was new, so for me it's not just in retrospect of knowing this was one of pre-merger Square's last big games.)
I know the PS2 ports of CVS2 and MvC2 aren't optimal, but I don't have a Dreamcast.
The PS2 version is the worst.
FFX also has a place in my heart.
I didn't finish it when I was a kid cause I was a shitter, I only finished Kingdom Hearts in ez mode, but now they're both my favorite games and I finished them many times
hey hey people
Battles last long mostly due the fact the transition to the battlefield takes so long, but I like it a lot. It's not really a gem though, but a really well polished rock.
MGS 2 and 3
Onimusha series
Resident Evil 4, Outbreak, Dead Aim and Code Veronica
What PS2 games are you playing/emulating now, Zig Forums?
Love all three immensely.
2 > 3 > 1