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Video Games
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Video Games #5181
Video Games
Comfy xbox thread
I'm almost 8 hours into SMT4 and I still don't understand the plot and I'm honestly starting to get bored
Amateur gamemakers thread
ITT laugh at halo fags
It looks really really really generic
This game has no memorable lines
Select your character, Zig Forums
Why is Quake not as popular as Doom?
Balan wonderland
No long jump
Island setting sucks
What's your favourite Bleach game bros? Will we also get a new one?
Alright, Zig Forums. Where were you on the night of the murder?
Metro Thread
Nioh 2 DLC
Game has a silent protagonist
Loz response thred
Dragon Quest XI S
Gaben actually abandoned valve for good
Thanks for beta testing
Have a board for generals
Do coom games count as actual vidya?
5 SE suicide hotline thread. Get in here and pray
Comfy Xbox Thread Games Showcase Edition
Zig Forums Realistically speaking, has Microsoft Series X a chance against Sony PS5?
Game just needs one feature to be perfect
Daily reminder that this exists
How do they fix Overwatch with Overwatch 2 ?
Let me tell you boys something about video games
How does this compare to Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons?
Is there a word for this type of design?
Why do people like him...
Never played a Final Fantasy in my life. Should I get 7 or 8 on the Switch...
Is discussing video games with your boss a good way to get a promotion?
Current year
I've been playing for 50+ hours on PC and my pawn hasn't been rented a single time...
Games for this feel?
Smash DLC Thread
Damn, this board wasn't lying that this is cringe as fuck
Game has your fetish
We need a new Bleach game RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
Just started playing DBZ Kakarot on the ps4
How come no game manages to make you feel like John Wick?
Being a fucking jew ages you fast as hell
Why isnt RE3 $20 yet?
What's the deal with Paper Mario fans
Is her game worth picking up?
STAR™ WARS™: The™ Old™ Republic™ is on Steam now
Now that the dust has settled:
What are your thoughts on nagas?
How do we fix Pokémon?
What's the most time you put into a game you dislike?
Ayo, teach! user's got a Switch in his Jansport
Define cyberpunk
Why do people want a new fable?
Another day where Link is the best boy
Post mods that are 1000x better than the vanilla game
The tweet that ended Zig Forums
Favorite Destiny 2 PvP Gun
In school
SMT Nocturne
Famitsu Sales
Why does GameFreak make the Pokégirls so sexy?
RNG scattering or shaky reticule? Which one would you prefer?
Do you buy gaming merchandise?
Elden Ring
What game?
Post your steam favorites and others will decide if you are based or cringe
Cyberpunk 2077...............Bruh
Kantai Collection
What games do the slavs of Zig Forums play?
The Flop of 2019 is also the Flop of 2020
Why do normies dislike anime artstyle?
Why are PC gamers all talk and no buy for small indie devs?
Inspired by Bioshock
I wish Red Dead Redemption II was more like this
Have you pre-ordered?
Less than 3 hours left so let’s get a comfy xchad thread going
Can we please have one videogame thread on this videogame board that won't get deleted...
Shhh, keep it down. The Anti-Mage is meditating
Name a better battle theme
What genuinely good American vidya dev companies are there?
Boss begs for you to kill them
Switch legacy
"here is your cyberpunk gf bro"
Final Fantasy XII
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
What makes this game so good?
3 Hours
Would you play a Kingdom Hearts fighting game?
Crysis Remastered is a Nintendo Switch timed exclusive and there is literally nothing you can do about it
Why is Ryza smiling like that?
Are these good reps or nah?
What do Switch owners play between september and december 2020?
What am I in for?
Why are you not playing CSGO?
So why are the people who play this game so autistic over which weapon/ability people use in casual play?
Sony's losing another exclusive, damn!
Bad box art thread? Yes, this is real
Who wins Zig Forums? Japanese style Rinoa or European style Rinoa?
Does motion capture make games better or worse?
So... how many FPS can the human eye see? True answers only
Inti creates thread
Have you done your gacha dailes today Zig Forums?
Which boss filtered you? For me, it's Lady Butterfly
Boss is fucking weird
Welcome home, beloved
He gets mad at people who dont his favorite videogame because he thinks his taste in videogames is his personality...
You know he was he right, right?
Say words
Yoshi and Kirby Switch
I'm beyond nervous for the gameplay reveal. Please be a return to the series roots
Uuuuh headphone bros?
Sonic 2
Mobile Games
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Which Elder Scrolls race do you wish were real?
If you turn the music off in Terraria, the game became surprisingly relaxing and changes the atmosphere completely
I used to take baths with my dog
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Livestream
This is the official artwork book of CP77. I'm the only one who sees a pattern between all 4 pictures in the cover?
Games only you played
Piracyfags BTFO
Why don't Western studios make games like Tsushima about Western history?
Here's your new alliance raid armor
Ghost of Tsushima
Was it really that bad?
Whirling in Rags
Why must we fight?
What is your favorite Halo campaign and why?
Aaand dropped. This isn’t good boss design. It’s just fucking annoying
Death Stranding
What happened to him?
What is this expression trying to convey?
Magic the Gathering: Arena - A video game
ITT: We post pictures and recommend games based on them
Is DLSS 2.0 that big of a deal...
Give me one good rason to why you dont have a VR headset?
This game is absolute proof of why something like "soul" can still carry a game with mediocre gameplay. I mean yeah...
Honest thoughts on Demon's Souls, the first Souls game?
Why isn't there a horror game with grey aliens?
Have we reached peak game cover design?
Is the STM5 MC a boy or a girl?
Indie game
Why does Fate/Extra get so much hate by Type-Moon fans?
Does anyone have some game recommendations for playing as cool bugs? I feel like there aren't enough bug games
Why did monstergirl games die out?
Does Zig Forums even care about halo anymore?
When he gets out the Switch
Shits on nuDoom
Elden Ring
Are you ready to build your medieval kingdom in crusader kings 3?
What were they THINKING??!
People now hype remasters and remakes like it's the greatest shit ever
"mana tanks"
Why are PC gamers all talk and no buy for smol indie devs?
30+ year old gamer
Devs add an event
How do I make this game look good
What would you do if Saya was your girlfriend?
T minus 8 hours until the conference
What do you primarily play vidya on?
Why does Zig Forums never talk about Pac-Man?
Death Stranding PROBLEMATIC
My first and only sex dream with a videogame character was with this spider
How would you handle this situation?
How hard is it to build a PC?
Will it be worth buying, Zig Forums?
How was your VR experience, Zig Forums?
Refute this
Nintendo 2020:
Press S to spit on Platinum Games
Should I pick up the RX5700xt
Cat playin vidya gaems
In what games do your choices ACTUALLY matter?
This is someone's little girl
PS5 Store demo
What went so fucking wrong holy shit?
Sorry incels but girls play video games too
Last protagonist of the last game you played fucks you
Spends 18 hours a days shitposting about vidya
Worst characters for smash
What are some good games about parenting?
Any other PC chads excited for the Xbox presentation tommorow? We're rooting for you xbros!
VR thread
Video game character design
Post ideas for a horror game
Uncultural phenomenon thread
Gabe bunkering down in New Zealand
How has this quintupled in price in the last 3 months? Can’t be due to covid alone
Is learning to create algorithms and prove their running time really going to help me make my hmofa rpg?
Why was San Andreas more fun to play/memorable/funny than V despite having a fraction of the V's budget and being...
Halo Infinite
This is a 90-year-old Japanese dog
Ruins your game
Why should I buy XBOX SEX at launch if every new game still gonna be on XBOX ONE...
What's the point of age-restricting games? parents don't give a shit and kids will play them anyway
Post your most recent played games, do it now
Squad developer update
Has anyone else done this?
The main villain of the last game you played is now the president of America. How fucked are we ?
What's the highest you're willing to pay for a mobile game with no micro-transaction?
Dark Souls 2 has bad environments
I don't get it
When will devs realize the barren open world meme is garbage and start making more games with little but densely packed...
ITT: Forgotten unironic masterpieces
Game lets you perfectly customize your character for any situation
Just got this for $15 in the ps winter sale
This has the best Mario soundtrack of the past decade
RIP Yandere Simulator
We would all get along much better if the video game industry would accept this one simple fact
Does Zig Forums watch Twitch streamers? Which are your favorite?
Up late again wagie?
“It’s incredibly irresponsible for the Army and the Navy to be recruiting impressionable young people and children...
Game let's you taunt the enemy
This is Megaman in 2020
Why aren't you playing Fate games?
Genshin Impact
Its Waifu Wednesday. Post your waifu
Otome Games
Dark souls is a trash franchise, along with other "soulsbourne" trash
Final Fantasy XIV Free to play
What is the Little Nicky of video games?
Third game in rebooted franchise
The Ace Combat planet
Games for this feel?
Worms thread
Western character designs are ba-
Monster Hunter
What's the comfiest game?
I’m giving away $200 in steam games because I just got paid. Anyone interested? O
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Gabe Newell has been living in NZ for the past few months
Is this an okay game, Zig Forums? Is $30 an okay price for it?
New thread comfy PC Halo MCC thread...
Ghost in the Shell: First Assault
*outsells every single Metroid game*
Hello? Based department?
Underrail Thread
Give me one legit reason why it's not coming out on PC and PS4
Tell me about what actually scares you in "horror" games
Name a better platformer from the past decade
Remember yanderedev
Tfw online game anxiety
Look up a fake vidya sequel on google images
Will we ever see the return of the humble beige box?
Fire Emblem Warriors was free for one week for Nintendo Switch Online members
Why isn't Zig Forums talking about Jet Set Radio 3?
I’m not even hyped anymore. I’m just angry
Microsoft will win in 12 hours
Panzer Paladin
A game about Japanese Samurai just won over a SJW woke game, discuss
Should games have easy modes?!?
Post yfw 1 HP
$40 plus shipping Zig Forums, its it worth?
What's the point of the game
Why are actual based video game developers so rare?
Which Touhou game has the best music?
Persona Can't Stop Winning
Give me a single fucking good reason why these are not standard and will continue to not be for an entire upcoming...
I wish ghostwire tokyo wasn't cancelled
How am I supposed to git gud if I don't have the motivation Zig Forums...
So Lara Croft is canonically a lesbian
So who's the best girl to romance?
What games does he play?
ITT: Pleb filters
Zig Forums plays Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Online Poker is /VIDEO GAMES/
What's on your personalized copy of Mario 64?
I thought PS5 couldn't do 60 frames per second
SMT thread
Using your game's steam page to advertise lolis going nopan
Will there ever be a good MMORPG ever again and why not, Zig Forums?
What happened to Tf2?
Are you afraid of a strong female lead Zig Forums?
Where should I start with the metroidvania genre?
Why are morality choices in video games always so black and white? It's either
Friend wants me to play fighting game with him that he's been playing for a few months
ITT videogame punishment stories
Zig Forums is not ready for the bombshell tomorrow...
I summon Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic
Imagine being a brainlet and not playing 5D chess
So this is the power of PC gaming
These are my two favorite games of all time. Guess my race, age, height, weight, IQ...
Anyone supporting Wan Wan Games?
Is Dorothea good for you?
Describe a game as vague as possible and other anons try to guess it
Can't wait to see the free multiplayer fags get btfo tomorrow when they announce that Ultimate will be their only...
Is there anybody who can stop him?
When did gaming become taken over by these people? Maybe its time to get a different hobby
Vidya Merch / Buyfag Thread
Ghost of Tsushima
Post weight and average hours spent gaming per day, no bullshit. I'll start - 224, 8 hours a day
Is this really the best game in the 3ds library? if not, what is?
Yanderedev is speculating that he'll make at least $1 million dollars once Yandere Simulator is released
Comfy Persona 4 Thread
A dollar paid toward Xbox or for Halo is a dollar put into a fund that pays for the bail and for lawyers for all the...
It's a good game, it's just not a good [series title] ga-
Minecraft kino or just kino?
Games that made you lose faith in the franchise
Is this a good starting point?
Can someone explain why she hates Swery so much...
Filename thread
How do I get good at Persona 4 Golden Zig Forums?
Why is Zig Forums always like the second panel?
If she were written today, Zig Forums would hate her
Dorkly thread
There's a legit chance that Smash Bros. could get a Fnaf rep as DLC and that thought terrifies me to no end
This is the guy who makes fun of chaosfags and personafags
What the fuck happened?
1. How many hours of video games do you play a day
Is Nier a deep game? Rather, is Nier the deepest game we've had since MGS2?
Reminder that the only people who dislike this game are PCfags mad that its a PS4 exclusive
Post vidya husbandos
That time fire emblem peaked with their girl designs
This game *embodies* hard for the sake of hard. This game is a caricature of what dark souls is supposed to be
ITT: Bad games that retroactively got a pass among series fans because future games in the series were so much worse
Gaben actually looks good again
Please help me
Credits roll
War for Cybertron
What games do space exploration right?
Now that 5.25 dust settled. What went wrong?
Only a Zig Forumsirgin can find enjoyment in this game
Why are they like this? The points this guy makes are so beyond retarded it hurts
This is your Halo Infinite lead multiplayer game designer
Why are you playing vidya alone?
Does Zig Forums play poker?
It sucks doesn't it
Look at how they massacred my boy
I want to fight with Ellie and then have sex with her
Showing male genitals in vidya is ok
What games have clowns in them? Tbhonest I feel this need to be a clown (boy), so I need a game to satisfy my urges
Death Stranding
What is the best city building game?
What's Zig Forums's controller's color? Post that shit. Doesn't have to be a DS4
Can we have an RE thread anyone? Last one died
What's the deal with HK
Weapons you've never seen in any video game
Sound thread
Name one game Zig Forums actually likes
2015 was so much better for Nintendo
I want to like Shin Megami Tensei, but I just can't
Name a more kino moment
You are not allowed to post itt unless you can parry Chun Li's super
Redpill me on arcades/game centers in Japan. Why do people still go to them in 2020...
American representation in Japanese vidya
Why does Zig Forums shit on this game?
How to get good at bullet hell shmups?
Get ready to step once again into the Grand Tour with FighterZ new DLC character
Are hylians elves?
This is Wadanohara. She'll be your protagonist for tonight. Say something nice about her!
What’s the best emulation device?
*unlocks game journalism mode
I'm about to be a college freshman in a month. How do I become a video game developer?
Poorfags mad they can't play their DS games like this
What's your excuse for not picking male avatar everytime you have a choice?
Fate/Extra Record
I just want to say that I don't really care about this game...
Based nips like barret more than sephiroth
Well, Zig Forums? Which one?
ITT: Gaming Chairs
It's coming out tomorrow, thoughts & expectations?
Enemies can open doors
No gaming moment will ever top this
Comfy Latin American gaming thread
Girl gamer gets bullied
Xbox doesn't even have enough next gen games to fill an hour. enjoy your last gen games!
What the fuck was her problem?
Name one game with a good black female protaganist
Look a those dance moves!
Did Swery just get redpilled in real time?
Do people still care about Dragon Age?
Game has Pompadors
New Alicesoft RPG
Games that handle black people well?
Is this really a thing?
Buy gaming mouse
July 22nd 2020
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine