What games do space exploration right?
No 4X or RTS, I want something more personal.
What games do space exploration right?
No 4X or RTS, I want something more personal.
Banging hot ayylmaos is part of it, yes.
Big tiddy human-like ayylmaos are made for human breeding.
One of the best space games, Star Control 2, has you bang a hot space babe as part of the plot.
But they're implied to be the ancestors of humanity so who knows if that counts.
oooooh booby booby, me see booby. OOO COOCHIE COOCHIE, YUMMY YUM YUM.
Source? Yandex turns up tons of pony shit.
Beats me, only art I ever found like it.
Damn. Thanks anyway.
Alien women are obsessed with the BHC
Looks like the art of Brendan Corris
Have another, similar one.
>Brendan Corris
I'll check him out, thanks.
Was mainly interested due to how cute the face was so I was trying to find the artist, but thanks anyway! This is more my speed.
tits too small
>fellow xenochad
sunless skies
>Space sim
Elite Dangerous, Freelancer, Maybe Star Citizen???
Kerbal Space Program
Outer Wilds
I like the feel of exploring in Elite Dangerous. You see everything after your first journey out of the bubble tho, def need more content
>Something more personal
The Outer Wilds. pure exploration and mystery. I'm only on my first hour so far but I'm loving it
Outer wilds
Sadly it's only based in 1 solar system
You fuckin' know it.
Not cool
>Kerbal Space Program
Isn't that just a rocket simulator?
Elite dangerous
>take off in your ship
>have to get it kitted out for exploring
>have to work to save money for the proper ship features
>jump to a star outside of populated space
>jump to another, scan the system
>jump to another, scan the system
>refuel at the star
>jump to another, scan the system...
>eventually make your way back along a different route to scan more stars and sell all the data
Space is a whole lot of nothing. Exploring it isn't going to be exciting most of the time.
Yeah, that's why I didn't ask for a realistic one.
You said doing it right, a real space fan likes their scifi like they like their dick, HARD.
No you can also explore space too
I'm a medium sci fi kinda guy.
What all do you do in space?
I recently played through outer wilds. It was pretty fun and had a nice ending but I still don't understand the people who thought it was some big life changing event for them
how the fuck are you supposed to figure out how to get to the ash core without looking it up?