What games do space exploration right?

Alien women are obsessed with the BHC

Looks like the art of Brendan Corris

Have another, similar one.

Attached: ayylmao2.jpg (642x1200, 65.26K)

>Brendan Corris
I'll check him out, thanks.

Was mainly interested due to how cute the face was so I was trying to find the artist, but thanks anyway! This is more my speed.

Attached: bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u7.jpg (750x1000, 136.59K)

tits too small

>fellow xenochad

sunless skies

>Space sim
Elite Dangerous, Freelancer, Maybe Star Citizen???
Kerbal Space Program
Outer Wilds

I like the feel of exploring in Elite Dangerous. You see everything after your first journey out of the bubble tho, def need more content

>Something more personal
The Outer Wilds. pure exploration and mystery. I'm only on my first hour so far but I'm loving it