Alien women are obsessed with the BHC
What games do space exploration right?
Josiah Taylor
Evan Cox
Looks like the art of Brendan Corris
Xavier Cox
Have another, similar one.
Mason Robinson
>Brendan Corris
I'll check him out, thanks.
Was mainly interested due to how cute the face was so I was trying to find the artist, but thanks anyway! This is more my speed.
Ayden Diaz
tits too small
Colton Richardson
>fellow xenochad
Cameron Morales
sunless skies
Jordan Myers
>Space sim
Elite Dangerous, Freelancer, Maybe Star Citizen???
Kerbal Space Program
Outer Wilds
Brandon Brown
I like the feel of exploring in Elite Dangerous. You see everything after your first journey out of the bubble tho, def need more content
Charles Nguyen
>Something more personal
The Outer Wilds. pure exploration and mystery. I'm only on my first hour so far but I'm loving it