>current year
>still no tomboys in vidya
What went so horribly wrong, Zig Forums?
>current year
>still no tomboys in vidya
What went so horribly wrong, Zig Forums?
They’re all in anime
Proof the videogames are still not art
Tomboy lovers are gays in denial you'll soon become to want fuck boys.
It went all to shit after 2014.
If only someone would remind me what tomboys are for...
>small tits
>short hair
>MuSt Be ToMbOy
no Zig Forums you are retarded
Are big boober tomboys fine? It's not all about flat chest right?
Based. Let women be women not boyfriends with vaginas
They're fine
but there are
Tomboys are under attack from trannies who want to convince them they are not cute girls but really FtM abominations.
Are you a bad enough dude?
I was into thick bitches until recently. I saw a slim girl and she just looked so real. With thick girls you can no longer tell if they're implants or not, but with a slim girl, you can see her toned tummy and the outline of her muscles... it's all real.
Are Soccermums just tomboy MILF's?
>no tomboys in vidya
that can't be right. Someone prove this user wrong.
Tomboys are a fiction archetype and don't exist IRL past puberty.
Is that a peeking bush I'm seeing? I knew tomboys were hairy down there
Tomboys are dead. They're all brainwashed into thinking they're trannies now.
No shit. Women are hysterical, bipolar monsters only interested in your money and their vanity. Tomboys are physically attractive bros.
Tomboys exist but they're hard to find because they don't have social media (and that's a good thing).
2014 was very busy for me. What did I miss?
Why is there no fanart of Daisy with short hair goddammit
Why would you want that?
This is a garbage offtopic thread, but Rune Factory 3 has Carmen, and tomboyfags say she's a good character so there you go.
There's gonna be a new Crash Bandicoot game this year, Coco is a tomboy.
My fo4 sarcastic pistol build waifu is a tomboy shipping Curie.
I hope you die
>short hair = tomboy
die nigger