Still no AAA western dating/erotic video game

>still no AAA western dating/erotic video game

Why is only Japan doing it? With more and more males staying single/loners/incels it would be the ultimate money maker.

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How come japs put ice cubes in their ice cream soda? Never understood the reason for it, it's already plenty cold from the ice cream.

Does Subverse count?

because nobody wants that on their steam library for ever

more ice cubes = less soda

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it would get cancelled.
and no dev would want to go into work every morning to make these games.

Talent, Passion, Niche and General Audience and Dev Reputation.

I'd hardly call Jap eroge AAA.

Who needs AAA?

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Give me a sungle AAA porn/erotic videogame from any country

I don't even get the point of a dating game. What do you get out of it? I think probably a lot of us feel the same way, which is why we don't make these games.

Because it can't be on consoles.
Yes consoles are that cucked

Why? Just go to an actual date or pay some whore(s).

Because you're supposed to be a beta provider for used up 30+ year old roasties.

because western world is collapsing, soulless shit place now. You can't say one thing without shitty trannies going into a fit

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Why are a bunch of twitter roasties seething about how problematic this anime is and how everybody who watches it is a pedophile? Like they couldn't even bother taking the normal "name and shame" route of calling her a "problematic representation of the chauvinist sexist male gaze" and setting an "unrealistic standard for women" or something, they decided to full on start up the twitter nonce patrol over this chinese cartoon.

This bitch has giant titties, is a literal 20 year old, and is taller than the average Jap woman. She just looks like any typical Asian girl except with actual tits which should be considered LESS pedophilic. What the fuck are they even on about?

They fail to realize that asians are rather short on average, also anything that isn't your typical off-brand bargain-bin anime rip-off artstyle probably looks "childish" to them without the tumblr noses and whatnot.
Also, people will create any number of reasons to complain about fictional women having big boobs, especially if they have bigger boobs than them.
These people are fags or chestlets and thus subhuman, so their opinions are automatically discarded.

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This cancerous bitch is terrible and it's depressing that the anime now means she'll be fucking spammed everywhere. shit tier character with one of the ugliest designs and most awful personalities imaginable.


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Just accelerate. Make everything so shitty that normies will be forced to chimp out from their luxurious life style.

Nagatoro is better

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seething much?

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>modern western women
>dating/marriage material
Nah also this would include hamfisted LGBT/feminist insertions by woke developers.


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Yes, because she's fucking horrible and seems to have been custom built not to be anyone's waifu material or to be fapped to, but specifically for the sole purpose of spamming imageboards and forums.

But they do

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Is this how 5 years old look in japan?

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What qualifies as a tumblr nose btw? I'm trying to develop my own artstyle but feel kind of limeted if I want to draw noses in the same way as anime characters (which is basically having no nose).



Even if we cut off the tits 5 is a fucking stretch

Just don't make it red or some other weird color that makes them look like they have the Shanghai Shivers or a severe case of alcoholism.

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>western world is collapsing
We really need wordfilter bans for this place. Unless you live in California, transvestites don't exist.

Can someone explain the flesh fang to me? I've seen it before so I assume it's a popular design, but I don't get why.

Waiting for the doujins where the club pres NTRs her.

No, but pedophiles see 5 year olds everywhere and have to make a big fuss about it to make sure everyone knows how not-pedo they are.