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Video Games
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Video Games #5186
Video Games
Who would win?
Finished pic related today. This is the first game since Bloodborne that has left me with that empty feeling...
I kinda wanna buy a ps4 so I can play bloodborne, god of war, and ghost of tsushima
Games with serious flaws that are still, at the end of the day, masterpieces
I am not sure how I feel about this character design Cyberpunk bros
When he says he has 3 monitors
Elder Scrolls 6
Teammates are screwing around instead of trying to win
Wtf is this shit? It happens on both of my GPUs
How can it be more cancer than this?
GamerSnaxx thread
Based game devs going the extra mile to make their game accessible to everyone
Woah bro, video games are a waste of time?
Now that the dust has settled
Autistic things you do while playing games?
Nintendo Leak Thread 37
Rally 4 Sally
Just you. Your bros. 45 minutes for lunch. A full iPod charge and nothing but time before Leonard's history exam
Bapa nada
Orcs are for the chads
This is what a brute actually looks like
Are 343 fucking insane?
Is Haven going to be cute or cringe?
Play libre / open source video games
Predict the metacritic score for this game
Nioh 2
Why is FFVIIR underperforming in Europe compared to NA and Asia?
How can i find any other low level players to play with...
*solves box covers*
Have you forgiven them for this?
Why are american developers so soulless?
Lovecraft inspired game
Go finish the maze faggot
Just got my ring
Nintendo Leak Thread 36
A series of "great tactical games" running since forever
I dont like video games anymore, bros
YOU! YES YOU!!! Post your PS3 hidden gem RIGHT NOW!! If not there will be CONSEQUENCES!!!
This game is a textbook definition of SOUL
Smash Thread
Why didn't anyone buy it?
Pathfinder, now with Starfinder
Rpgmaker thread
Makes sure bloodborne releases on pc
Is it worth it to pursue a career in videogame streaming?
Rember these features we promised you when you bought our shares?
Horizon PS4
What video game has best hamburgers in it?
Why does Zig Forums hate Reimu all of the sudden?
Post games that you can replay infinitely and have fun every time
Post enemies you want as pets
Has this been discussed yet? It looks gorgeous!
Are you guys playing with English or Japanese dialog?
Is this the best Zig Forumsidya ass in current gen?
Nintendo Leaks thread #35
ITT: video game characters that get undeserved amouns of hate
I've had this game for years and never actually gotten started because I don't understand shit about character creation...
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Name a game with more gritty violence
Big News: Playasia Is Now Localizing And Publishing Japanese Games!
Persona 4 Golden
Guy with southern accent turns on his mic
Will it be as culturally significant as Skyrim?
What is it called when they introduce a NPC to tag along a classic gaming protagonist and he’s incredibly annoying to...
Max agility
Top 25 video games
Hope and dream?
Americans will never be able to comprehend this level of comf
It really wasn't worth all the wait, was it?
Mass effect=redpilled
Admit it, you shit your pants the first time you ran into a leviathan
It’s a demo!
I would die for Ellie
Was he based or cringe?
Worth it?
What are your hopes and expectations for the G4 reboot?
It bombed. Again
Nintendo Leak Thread #34
Dad had me when he was over 40
What TV do you use for gaming?
That one awful game your friends all want you to play with them
ITT shit games that only Zig Forums likes
I hope Street Fighter 6 gets rid of these designs. Make the characters more realistic...
Imagine I'm streaming
*Teleports in and takes all of your armor and half of your life*
Are you going to buy Assasins creed Valhalla?
Japan is based
What Japanese games released in the West have actually good translations?
Fallout 5 should have a worldmap like this with each location being massive, some the same size as fallout 3 or 4...
What was the last game you didn't finish Zig Forums?
Genocides whole populations
What is needed to hack a 3DS/N3DS? I mean in terms of actual shit, do I need to run windows programs, big SD card, etc...
First two levels completed, when does it get good
You didn't get filtered, right Zig Forums?
Yep, this is what GOTY looks like, people
Microsoft is Going To Out Compete Playstation Through Brute force
How would you rate all of the Smash Bros. Swords?
Nintendo Leaks thread #33
I’m a former Nintendo employee who worked there from the beginning of the n64 era (aka the ultra 64 days) to the...
12 teraflops
I'm 27. Am I too old to be a gamer?
We're stuck with third person 30fps movies forever, aren't we?
Why is the original xbox the most BASED console of all time?
Reaction on MGSV in 2015
Name a bigger hack
Im 25 hours into this but i bought it like 3 months ago, i cant find the motivation to keep playing...
Capture a Vaal Hazak (Don't question it faggot.)
No star fox
Post your taste in vidya and rate others
So.. is it good now?
Makes you start as a thinblood
What is Fairy Tail about?
I heard XIV has a good story and some of the job quests are pretty kino (the ones named specifically were samurai and...
Nintendo Leaks thread #32
Why are physical copies of atelier Ryza going for like 150USD on ebay?
Is it any good?
Why does nintendo even keep making these games? They don't sell that well. They are PR nightmares...
All wings report in
ITT: Recommend the poster above you a game based on their picture
He plays souls offline out of fear of defeat to another human
40K game where you play as the Guardsmen
Dad walks in
RTS Support Group
Which girl from original fate is the best?
Risk of Rain
Snake has a mission to infiltrate the fortified base of the antagonist of the last game that you played
Who's the target audience for this? Does MS even know their audience?
Literally any Star Wars game
Ryse son of rome
Closed beta started three days ago
How do you feel about non-virgin girls in your vidya?
Clarifying Just How Exclusive The Xbox Series X’s Third-Party Exclusives Are
Me and my brother when mom says we can get McDonald’s on the way home
Decides to "come out" and says she's pansexual
You're not still playing TF2, are you, user?
Post an animal from a video game
Games you keep coming back to but never finish
ITT: Stupid things you used to believe
Nintendo Leaks Thread #31
How come games don't use this anymore?
Zig Forums will defend this garbage design because “muh pp hard”
You're offered 100k to work anywhere in the game industry as long as it contributes to the games development...
This game is fucking amazing, possibly one of the best JRPGs ever made, how is it not more popular?
Why are not you developing your own game?
Find. A. Single. Flaw
Are games getting too long nowadays?
What was the biggest thing Awakening did 'wrong' that set the series in a new direction? Difficulty? Maps? Characters?
Flops twice
Im genuinely excited for Halo Infinite are people just shit posting or does everyone actually hate it?
You have 10 seconds to prove you're more hardcore than me
Persona 2
Is there a more based MMO creator than Nexon? The answer is No
System Shock 2
Now I'll play your gacha
Itt: we pretend to be monkeys
Too tired from work week to enjoy gaming
ITT: Things in vidya character designs that makes you pp go up
Hows that video game you're developing coming along son?
Nintendo Direct
Choose a race and class, Zig Forums
Newest game
8 years for this
Nintendo Leak Thread #30
People that thinks that Infinite > 1 > 2 are people who dislike gameplay in video games
System Shock Remake
God of War 2 leaked!
What games have the best economic systems?
It's all so tiresome
Why does this game trigger incels so much?
Suikoden new spiritual succesor
Halo merch
Just finished persona 4, loved it, want to get into 3, which version should I play, this or the fes version?
Post good Sonic music
ITT: Post games that you are looking forward to
Fanbase claims this is a real fighting game
Still no modern horror survival game about dinosaurs
Joker and his crew of little brats accomplished the following:
How do you bait people who own multiple consoles?
He has the might, will, and courage of an entire crusade
How is Microsoft making money from this?
What was Nintendo's answer to this? They sure had something other than Casual Crossing and Paper Mario, right?
Boss requires you to climb on them
Looking forward to the xbox-x?
Emotional scene
Abby thread
Mocked on first reveal for being a goody two shoes and boring
Red Dead Redemption 2 cracked
Have YOU apologized to YandereDev yet?
I'm still mad
I read every single quest and other readable items like books and scrolls in WoW classic. Anyone else?
Metal gear Solid V
How many gigabytes of ram do you have?
Jumped from 1-5
Which one is getting the best head?
What's the appeal of this character?
What gangs are you going to work with in CYBERPUNK 2077? Personally I am going to work with Netwatch and the Animals...
This is Mega Man in 2020
"Git Gud" is of no use to anyone
Why were so many people filtered by this game?
What's his problem?
Dude what if we made it so if a demon ever gets first turn they wipe your entire party with their AOE attacks LMAO
Why haven't you played GOTY yet?
What games let me remove kebab?
Nintendo Gigaleak
Do you think yuzu will be able to run botw 2 day one?
Halo 2 thread
Avowed, a first-person RPG set in the Pillars of Eternity world
Was Skyrim ruined by mods?
Nintendo Gigaleak
Walk into GameStop
Are you toxic in video games?
For a marteking standpoint...
If you love the white race then you will not buy a Xbox
2-3 free games every week
Literally the least exciting hype season and the worst console showcase ever
Xbox Is Bringing Back Fable
The absolute state of gaming in 2020
How it feels to be a megaten fan now
ITT: Only the MOST based main menu themes in games
I believe you, Zig Forums
You really have to wittle down the enemy forces with a bow before you can actually engage in samurai fights
Games for this feel?
The antagonist is evil because game told you so
What games are you emulating, user?
This game is fucking amazing
Still the best Total War after all these years
Which is better, FF6 or FF7?
You will never experience THAT game for the first time
Release game
Which one?
Still the GOAT. Now and forever
Smash 6 is inevitable but there's no way we can keep a roster of this size and still add enough newcomers to keep...
This is your villain for tonight
Nioh Thread
Sells millions of copies
Why are translators racist towards the Japanese?
Why does he hate America?
What happened to old steam?
I should have listened bros...
Who is your favorite video game male?
I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe ;_;
Inti creates thread
Super Nintendo Gigaleak
Catchy beats
Fable 4 speculation thread
Super Hot MCD makes you wait SEVERAL HOURS before you can play it again
Why would you ever conjure a weapon? It just wastes a spell slot
Why are g*mers like this?
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to play as female characters
Forest Frontiers...home
Post your fighting game main
Still no AAA western dating/erotic video game
The meme vn actually got translated
I mean, you can't really argue with this, she's right
Cyberpunk 2077 removes Dual Wielding
You wake up and see this right in front of your face
Hideo Kojima in talks with horror mangaka Junji Ito to develop new game
Rhythm games are easy bro just feel the music
Games with this feel?
All right Zig Forums, you hateful contrarian faggots...
So user, besides games, what are your hobbies?
Who is your favorite jew in vidya?
Nobeta's bloomers
What games do they play?
All PlayStation games will be on PC
So now that the dust has settled, did Sora die rescuing Kairi?
Halo 343
He buys all his games digitally
I have anger management issues
It doesn't make sense not to release SMT V for Playstation 4 when we're getting SMT III Remaster next year...
Came out yesterday. Anyone played it already?
Nintendo Leak Thread Continued
What kind of changes are you hoping to see in Overwatch 2?
Are the Intel 10gens a meme?
Stalker 2
I wanna fuck an asari chick
Riots and unrest everywhere that will turn into Civil War
I'm a Japanese
Phil Spencer: We will let our games do the talking
What is the most elitist gaming community?
I regret buying this shit, consoles suck so fucking much
What games do short people play?
Play League of Legends
All games should have at least one mandatory sex scene
There are more people who have masturbated to SFMs of her fucking dogs...
What's the last game you bought and haven't played at all
Here's your white romance option, CYBERPUNK bros
Nintendo Leak Thread Continued + 2020-07-09 images
For the first time I just used the phrase 'gg ez' on a very close game
Video games ruined my life
Who was the furtive pygmy?
Building STR gorilla characters in a world with magic
How are PCfags coping?
Post your fighting game main
I love guns and I love anime girls and anime operator girls with guns but there are no PC or console (gachashitters get...
For me, it's the Zweihander. The best Dark Souls weapon
Go FUCK yourself
Is difficulty selection needed in video games?
Game has a big lipped alligator moment
So which controller do you prefer?
Well Zig Forums?
Did this trigger you back in 2007 Zig Forums?
Worst game in the series popularizes the franchise
Why doesn't Zig Forums like this woman?
Why did this series go from fun poking of consumerism, to genocide, legacies...
Nintendo Leak Thread Continued
Videogame mechanics and women's chests
Digital Foundry: Halo Infinite
God damn
Lovers arcana has the best girls and the best community of waifufags
Will never have an expansion that literally peaked the series like MoP did
Dated fighter mechanics
For me, it's the Dark Elves
Now i've played a lot of roguelikes, for about a decade now ,and i must say that Hades is up there with RoR, RoR2...
Do you rike it?
They killed user's therapy thread
Still a shit console sold on rehashes and 30FPS
Adachi did nothing wrong
PS5 24K Gold Edition
Nintendo Leak Thread Continued
SexBox bros
Who's ready for 13 sentinels?
Why is it so right bros?
Sunday Confessions
Game is a strategy RPG designed to be played 3-4 times
I'm completely new to jrpgs
Hack Konami and leak beta builds/proto assets/source code of this next
Average Zig Forums age
It’s not fucking fair
Would you fuck a Ghoul, Zig Forums?
User, HELP ME!!!
Any good videogames with summer themes like DOA Xtreme games and Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash?
Kojima's best
Anyone else have trouble taking indie games seriously over how low effort they are?
Strongest character in the game's canon is a straight white Christian male ex-police officer
Zig Forumsidya drawthread
Why do the critics hate it but fans love it?
I'm gonna edit str8 porn and put Dorian face on it
Nintendo Leak Thread Continued
Why does Japan hate the Xbox so much?
Do PC Gamers really do this?
^ユニfairy pastels made of sweet magic created thanks to reciprocal cakes both sides gradually dissolve in the...
Why does Zig Forums hate video games?
SNES Protos
Anybody getting both?
That's right
ITT: Post the peak of a franchise
The last good medieval fantasy game was in fucking 2009
Does this game still hold up in 2020? I have never played it and want to know if its worthwhile current year
SMT nocturne thread
You now remember the steam game you have 2-8 hours in and haven't played since 2015
Disco Elysium
Name your favorite song in the Lisa OSTs. Lisa thread in general too
Dude SHODAN is trans lmao
Video Games on LSD
Why are Zig Forumsirgins so obsessed with reddit?
Did you ever spend hours just mowing down pedestrians in GTA games?
My wife makes me feel miserable whenever I want to play videogames
If you could eat any video game food, what would it be?
Do you like Dwarf fortress ? if so why
MMO thread #3
Why does Zig Forums hates muscle girls like Abby?
Can I become rich as an indie game developer?
Why is Ryza smiling like that?
Game has impossible puzzles
What is the best romance in video game history?
Anyone who’s played the game Blasphemous, what is your thoughts on it?
This has got to be the single most obvious attempt at weeb bait I've ever seen...
I dont get it
He's gonna be in the next Monster Hunter thread and there's nothing you can do about it
Mouse + DPI Settings
Shin Megami Tensei V
Nintendo Leak Thread Continuation
Nintendo Leak Thread 27
What Should Persona 6's Color Scheme Be?
Literally impossible
Replaying this after finishing Persona 5 Royal for the first time
Which is better
Do your grandparents play videogames, Zig Forums?
Are fumos dangerous
Who's getting the best head
Here is my 2000$ computer able to play vr unlike you console peasents and poorfags
Dead Matter hit just the right spot
Nintendo Leak Thread
Are pc gamers actually more intelligent?
Played halo 1-3 on the OG box. replayed them on MCC for PC and just finished halo 3...
What's your vidya OTP Zig Forums?
Is cyberpunk the comfiest aesthetic?
Got a 3ds any game recommendation?
Games that you played as a kid because that's all you had at the time
Choose your class thread: STR vs DEX edition
What you guys playing?
Ghost of Tsushima Screenshot thread
Why do chinese cheat?
Sony's Exclusive Problem
What's the point Zig Forums?
Xbox has no games
How did P5 have so much SOUL?
I'm in desperate need of escape. What singleplayer games can you easily put hundreds of hours into?
Are there any acceptable English dubs of Japanese games? Like Cowboy Bebop is for anime?
Gears of War 5 was not that bad
Goodbye volcano high and bugsnax
What went wrong?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine