Nioh Thread

General tips?
Do I have to kill all the yokai I come across?
I just beat the first boss and skipped that axe dude on the rooftop because it's tight as fuck and two shots me.
Do i also have to beat all the red samurai things?

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Other urls found in this thread:ōjōbō

>General tips?
Learn proper use of ki pulses. Change stances based on the situation, low stance for quick hits and fast dodging, high stance for high damages and blocking, mid stance of balance all around. Blocking is useful. Living Weapon is broken and easily spammable if you know what you're doing. Get Sloth Talisman in the Magic Skill Tree if you think you're getting filtered hard by the bosses. The diablo loots can look overwhelming, but the game has a pretty good sorting system, and you can safely offer any white/yellow and maybe blue equipment for your first playthrough, equipment stats only become really matter with NG+.

>Do I have to kill all the yokai I come across?

>I just beat the first boss and skipped that axe dude on the rooftop because it's tight as fuck and two shots me.
Keep practicing and learn the enemy's movesets.

>Do i also have to beat all the red samurai things?
Nope. The revenants players that died at that place some times before and has no consequences on the game. You may want to fight some from time to time for some good equipment drops though.

>General tips?
First tip, don't listen to this guy hes teaching you how to cheese the game and not to actually learn it the honest and fun way, he's right about ki pulses though.
Get a weapon you are comfortable with and practice with it alot, get the hang of it and gain muscle memory, changing stances on the fly is the first thing you shopuld master after mastering ki pulses.

>Do I have to kill all the yokai I come across?

you don't need to but it is good to do every fight to practice, get better and overall enjoy the game in it's totality.

>I just beat the first boss and skipped that axe dude on the rooftop because it's tight as fuck and two shots me.

At the beginning your ki isn't high enough for you to keep blocking, have a healthy balance between dodges and blocks to avoid damage, be very mindful of blocking, it is very important and this is not like dark souls.

>Do i also have to beat all the red samurai things?
No, use them to farm equipment.

Well, maybe this guy is not wrong about everything he said, it is just that the existence of easy mode in the form of sloth talisman makes my blood boil. Avoid it.

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Sloth talisman also becomes completely useless on the higher difficulties so if you want to replay the game after finishing it you'll have to unlearn all your bad habits which will be a pain in the ass

when's the dlc?

I'm planning on getting Nioh 2 next week when i get some money. The first one has been sitting on my library for years collecting digital dust, so i decided to boot it up to get some practice.
That in mind, what should i try to practice or learn before jumping into 2? Or are the two games vastly different?

They play pretty much the same at it's core. You will get 2 new weapons and more mechanics like a ki pulse block/avoiding skill and some other yokai stuff I don't really care about, so if you practice your weapon that knowledge will directly translate to your Nioh 2 playthrough.
Oh, I forgot to mention that all weapons get some new skills.

>General tips?
Very important:
-you can (and should) block after getting hit. You don't get stunlocked like in souls when it comes to blocking, blocking (and dodging) works like in Ninja Gaiden,which also meanins:
-after blocking an enemy attack you can (and should) dodge
Thus is important because a combo of stronger enemies can easily oneshot you, but you can actually block the rest of the combo after getting hit and can dodge out so you won't deplete your ki with blocking and get grabbed.

Other tips:
-use some ninjutsu/magic even if you don't plan on making fullbuilds with them. There are lots of cheap abilities that stay useful for the entire game
-you don't have to be autistic when it comes to loot. You can always just pick something with a high level+rarity and offer everything at a shrine for amrita/elixir (tho I recommend keeping purple stuff for the blacksmith, to get material you can use to reroll the skills of other purple equipment)

When to ki pulse vs dodge?
I'm finding that ki pulse is pretty clunky.

I heard there is some monster girls in this franchise post them please

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There you go you sick fuck.

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These two more or less hit on everything I was going to say and beat me to it, and seconding the fact that you want to avoid the excessively crutchy mechanics both because they won't teach you anything about combat and because using them is just simply not fun. Building from that, while you can avoid enemies, you probably shouldn't since it gives you experience, both in the game's combat and in terms of resources. Revenants are a somewhat overpowered source of easy equipment, which you can use at your discretion, but you don't have to be too cautious about what you wear, you can especially be lazy with your weapon since damage is too high anyway, but in terms of armour, the heavier weight classes have more % reduction.
30th, so in a few days. There's a dev stream on the 29th.

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If you need to dodge then dodge, otherwise you want to always Ki Pulse either sooner or later. It's really not clunky at all though, it's a single button, one which is tied to several other functions you might want to use at that time. Give it a bit more time and it will become very natural.

A girl worth blowing yourself up over.

>most boss demons in 2 acknowledge you as their new master
>except for Kasha who acts like an angry tsundere

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I'm looking forward to the new Yokai we'll fight, both for their reactions and the moves they'll give us.

doesn't your dodge activate ki pulse?

By the end of DLC3 there's going to be an entire Night Parade serving Hiddy

Technically not by default, even though you can get it very early it's still a skill you have to learn for each stance. It's also a bit of a crutch because of that, and you and that user have helpfully shown why.

What's the new weapon again for the DLC?

>tfw the Night Parade leader is one of your Guardian Spirit
Kinda ironic

Ninja gaiden 2 Lunar

4 more days

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>3 section staff

stylish as fuck i can't wait to use it
>In popular fiction, fictional Buddhists and tengu are often depicted carrying and even fighting with a khakkhara.
Oh god no

The Splitstaff, a staff with extending weighted ends that can also split entirely in the middle to become dual flails. Apparently all it's attacks change in properties by holding the button down, and not sure if that's the only trick it has yet since we haven't seen the dual flail form in action.

>Tengu starts spinning around
>staff transforms into a 3-sectioned staff making him a whirlwind of rape who covers the whole area

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The DLC is literally titled The Tengu's Disciple. I'm very much looking forward to the super tengu boss fight.

>2kat Windstorm but with longer range
just kill me

This is the DLC bossōjōbō

Sounds cool as fuck

>possesses the strength of one thousand tengu
There's really no way this boss fight won't be the coolest shit.

crank dat

Hopefully the second DLC will be about tanuki.

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