Post your fighting game main

Post your fighting game main.
Give one reason why you main them.

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Sword go whoooooosh

>pic related

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Sagat in SFV.
I like the playstyle of reacting to what the enemy does. I'm new with ~300 matches played and it helps me learn how to deal with all the characters because they're always pushing and showing off their buttons.

It also helps that Sagat is the baddest motherfucker to ever motherfuck despite controlling like a fucking forklift.

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>Give ONE reason why main them.
whoops, skimmed over that part

Base Goku because kaioken, spirit bomb, and because fuck you Goku vs Vegeta is the greatest anime fight


His attacks are impactful, I like the brawler archetype, and I live for SAV 2, plus he looks cool

Attached: Miggyboi.jpg (3856x2136, 796.62K)

Alex because he's a fast grappler

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>T7 : Hwoarang
>SC6 : Cervantes
>ST : Boxer
>3S : Ken
I only counted games I've played in the past few months.

>Give one reason why you main them
Tatsunoko vs Capcom showed me the light and gave him tools that he didn't deserve, but holy shit does he need in the Street Fighter series.

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Charlotta because tiny gorilla.

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i like Bruce Lee

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>muh tradional fighter mains
Post some platform fighter or arena fighter mains

Blonde twintail loli vampire.

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>SF V: Abigail
I love his personality and his moveset. He's the most fun I've had with the game and it just feels satisfying when I land his combos. Also he makes my friends mad.
>KI 2013: Sabrewulf
Always has been my favorite character in the KI series and in that game he is fun as fuck and looks awesome
>TFH: Arizona and Oleander
Grabbing people with the lasso as Ari and zoning, teleporting as Olie is fun
>Tekken 7
He is cool

I agree, Tekken 7 is my favorite character.

>platform fighter
Pic in RoA, Duck Hunt in Smash
>arena fighter
I actually don't know what you're referring to, could you give an example?

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Oh yeah reasons
I literally bought the game solely because of her reveal trailer, it's great and made me wish the rest of the game's story/character dynamics weren't completely half-assed. Maybe the comic they're putting out in 2021 will do it justice at least
>Duck Hunt
Repeatedly hitting people offscreen with cans while taunting

>Could you give an example?
Power Stone and One Piece Grand Adventure are some examples.

Pokken is also a hybrid fighter who mixes traditional with arena fighter.

Millia. I like glass canons.

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>SSBU: Game and Watch
hehe funny computer man go beep boop (i wanted to style on people with 9s; i ended up learning a fine character)
>Rivals of Aether: Kragg
Slow, powerful and Up-B shenanigans are fun
>RoA: Workshop Characters: Dan Hibiki
Proud of the people who did the ports of the NGPC characters; Dan's actually pretty good and works a bit too well in Rivals. Also, exploding on people for a stylish kill is awesome
>Super Smash Flash 2: Samus
she cool
>Brawlhalla: Lin Fei, Jhalla and Caspian
Lin Fei rhymes with Lin Kuei, Jhalla is cool as shit and Caspian is a funny character

you like...some cornflakes? hahahaHA

Fighting games are for pussies try hards and losers.

Damn you fucked that guy up. Any tips for Raam? Just started picking up KI again and totally forgot how to play him.

I like Kazuya a lot and have been using him in my recent tournaments.

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Winning with a shit character just feels too good, to the point I find no fun in playing higher tier chars because if I can't win with dogshit, I'm not winning at all.

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Cause he's a super fighting robot

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Ryu because VT2 is the only fun thing in the entire game.

Also fuck every other fighting game.

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mained gouken and oni in SF4

because fun combos

Attached: Goukencornercombo.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

>Any tips for Raam?
get ready to tech throws, most of his stuff is counterable by throws (except his command throw obviously which is 3 frames vs 4 frames for normal throws), backdash is useful too to bait stuff on wakeup.
His heavy qcf+P is plus on block, as well as his kryll shield cancel (PPP), abuse those up close, be wary of shadow counters tho.
Be patient.
qcb+KK (shadow kryll rush) goes almost full screen and can punish most fireballs if you're quick enough on the read.
an easy setup for a perfect meaty after light command grab is neutral jump>forward dash>medium kick, hits on frame 2 of the opponnent's wakeup iirc and you're like +13 on block, counterhit leads to medium punch into combo.
Don't be afraid to pop instinct on your first lifebar, people are so fucking scared of it, be prepared to chase if you do it outside of a combo tho.

Meta knight
I just like em

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based UK locusts

He's cool. The other two can be whoever.

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