Avowed will it be as good as Skyrim or better?

Better magic
slightly better combat
much less buggy
vastly inferior everything else

Is this game going to be 1st person only or will there be 3rd person like Skyrim?

It basically has to have 3rd person AND mod support if it even hopes to be half as popular as Skyrim.

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How credible are those leaks

It won't be hard to top Skyrim. But this is nubsidian.


Oh. Well I di hope it has good modding tools. Bethesda needs actual competition, they've become arrogant

i get real happy when i see a new tripfag that i can add to my filter list knowing that nothing makes your kind rage more than being ignored

Attached: dalai lamo.gif (320x240, 1.54M)

None of those things make the base game good.

>as good as Skyrim
at what point did this place stop shitting on Skyrim? I remember in 2011 when Skyrim came out, it was shit on hard and "wide as an ocean deep as a puddle" was repeated often. Skyrim fucking sucks, being "as good as Skryim" isn't an accomplishment. Maybe you should say "as moddable as Skyrim"

The question isn't as much if the base game will be great, it's about how moddable it is. If you can't do shit on the level of Legacy of the Dragonborn or Enderal, then it's not really gunna compete with Skyrim.