I’ve been waiting a long time for a true rpg and when Obsidian released The Outer Worlds I was truly disappointed. Even though I was disappointed the game still felt like a true rpg it’s wasn’t a bad game but it wasn’t what I expected from Obsidian. Considering the budget that Xbox gave Obsidian for The Outer World if it was small I will give them a pass but will it be the same story with Avowed. Avowed hopefully gets triple the budget from what they got from Outer Worlds but even with that would you trust Obsidian will they take until 2023 to release as rumored? What do you expect from this game and can this game be better than Skyrim and has anyone played pillars of eternity to say the lore of the game is any good. Just need feed back in general because I just need a rpg in my life that can satisfy as much as Skyrim or the elder scrolls series!
Avowed will it be as good as Skyrim or better?
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It will be BTFO when Skyrim extra legendary edition is released
who knows.probably the same as skyrim it's not very good
If it doesn't have modding tools, it will have nowhere near the longevity as any TES game. TES is still as popular as it is because it's extremely moddable.
Do you guys really think Skyrim is overrated I think it’s the best game for the genre of rpg if you don’t like rpgs the I can agree that it might not be your type of game
Rumors say they will but who know most games that are releasing on Xbox will go to pc
>TES without mods
It's doomed.
It will, this just released
It will Obsidian listen to there fan base more than you think but who knows
Skyrim isn't good though so why we comparing it to Skyrim
Better magic
slightly better combat
much less buggy
vastly inferior everything else
Is this game going to be 1st person only or will there be 3rd person like Skyrim?
It basically has to have 3rd person AND mod support if it even hopes to be half as popular as Skyrim.
How credible are those leaks
It won't be hard to top Skyrim. But this is nubsidian.
Oh. Well I di hope it has good modding tools. Bethesda needs actual competition, they've become arrogant
i get real happy when i see a new tripfag that i can add to my filter list knowing that nothing makes your kind rage more than being ignored
None of those things make the base game good.
>as good as Skyrim
at what point did this place stop shitting on Skyrim? I remember in 2011 when Skyrim came out, it was shit on hard and "wide as an ocean deep as a puddle" was repeated often. Skyrim fucking sucks, being "as good as Skryim" isn't an accomplishment. Maybe you should say "as moddable as Skyrim"
The question isn't as much if the base game will be great, it's about how moddable it is. If you can't do shit on the level of Legacy of the Dragonborn or Enderal, then it's not really gunna compete with Skyrim.
What rpg is better than Skyrim that has magic but it’s also matter of opinion either way that’s what’s obsidian is going for
>none of those things make the base game good
Yes exactly, which is why modding is a thing.
Dark Messiah
its an open world game with leveling mechanics so basic and shallow it might aswell be a far cry game with swords
I honest like the story and the interaction maybe because I have a fetish for rpg game like that so my opinion might be flawed but name a better medieval rpg better than the elder scrolls series
I've enjoyed shitting on Skyrim and Bethesda the last decade yet I'll still put more trust in Todd than nusidian
>it's another youtuber using unnecessarily long sentences
Why are all these faggots talking like that? Of course the information isn't 100% reliable, of course anything can change at any time for any reason, of course it's all unconfirmed. Why does this faggot, and others like him, feel the need to pad their sentences? It's a 15 minute video that could be condensed to 4 or 5 without sacrificing any details. I blame faggots like pic related for this trend.
Well the elder scrolls did come out before far cry but I’m not into the combat I’m into the world and interacting
I agree it bring people expectations that the devs themselves have not yet confirmed any and puts the game on a pedestal
Obsidian hired the cinematic director of RDR2 and GTA5 for this game
Never played I’ll give it a try tho any other recommendations
What’s the guys name and any link so article
Really how so
Why did my thread about Archetype, the studio formed by all the original Bioware devs who left when it got woke, get archived but this literal garbo game made by nu-obsidian we've seen nothing of is getting bumped? Is neo Zig Forums this faggoty?