They still work? Was in Japan half a decade ago and was surprised to see SNES game being sold in Akibahara. I mean, they costed like a coke, but i didn't think cartridges could live that long
Old Disney games used have such soul. From this game, to Donald Duck's Maui Mallard...
Nolan Hall
Colton Baker
man i loved this one, it was one of the first 'open world' games and mind blowing for it's time
Daniel Peterson
Dude I rewatched the movie with my girlfriend and we couldn’t believe how amazing it looked for something made in the 40s. The SNES game still holds up graphically.
Nolan Cruz
Did they even have many? I just remember bugs life and that mickey mouse game going over the eras (again)
Carter Reed
NES, SNES, N64. Still have my cartridges from my childhood.
Ethan Wood
tarzan was really really good
Kayden Gutierrez
This, this is the sound of soul.
Jack Smith
How could you forget this?
Ayden Lopez
This was the first game I won
Kayden Nguyen
What? really?