>sequel is worse than the original in every way
why do devs keep making this mistake?
Sequel is worse than the original in every way
who asked for this?
Why are there seven boards that Pokemon is acceptable to discuss on?
>Zig Forums
Pokemon is a video game
The pokemon board
>Zig Forums
Pokemon has an official anime
Pokemon has official retro games
Pokemon has general threads
Pokemon is an rpg
Pokemon is japanese
devs are out of touch with the community obviously
Yo wtf they finally made Zig Forums 2? I bet it's soulless and has leftist tranny propaganda. Fucking modern gaming industry
Literally nobody. Want to know how you fix endlessly recurring threads? Moving them to /vg/ and letting the threads die out naturally.
Know why /vg/ doesn't work? It's congested with gacha threads that consistently bump off slower threads that are simply not "welcome" here for not being a cultural phenomenon.
We shouldn't have gotten /vrpg/, we should have gotten /mobage/
You forgot /cgl/ /jp/. /e/, /h/ /d/ /cm/ etc.
Because Pokemon is the ultimate franchise and produces the best videogames. Now kneel before CHADkemon.
Honestly i'm okay with it, taking one look at the catalog and seeing good discussion on games rather than LOL KOTAKLU POLITICS LEFTIST MUH RACIAL RIGHTS OFFTOPIC OFFTOPIC OFFTOPIC SEX SEX SEX COOOOOOOOOOM is kind of nice. i might just leave Zig Forums permanently.
And we still can't talk about internet people without getting banned