Sequel is worse than the original in every way

>sequel is worse than the original in every way
why do devs keep making this mistake?

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who asked for this?

Why are there seven boards that Pokemon is acceptable to discuss on?

>Zig Forums
Pokemon is a video game
The pokemon board
>Zig Forums
Pokemon has an official anime
Pokemon has official retro games
Pokemon has general threads
Pokemon is an rpg
Pokemon is japanese

devs are out of touch with the community obviously

Yo wtf they finally made Zig Forums 2? I bet it's soulless and has leftist tranny propaganda. Fucking modern gaming industry

Literally nobody. Want to know how you fix endlessly recurring threads? Moving them to /vg/ and letting the threads die out naturally.
Know why /vg/ doesn't work? It's congested with gacha threads that consistently bump off slower threads that are simply not "welcome" here for not being a cultural phenomenon.
We shouldn't have gotten /vrpg/, we should have gotten /mobage/

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You forgot /cgl/ /jp/. /e/, /h/ /d/ /cm/ etc.

Because Pokemon is the ultimate franchise and produces the best videogames. Now kneel before CHADkemon.

Honestly i'm okay with it, taking one look at the catalog and seeing good discussion on games rather than LOL KOTAKLU POLITICS LEFTIST MUH RACIAL RIGHTS OFFTOPIC OFFTOPIC OFFTOPIC SEX SEX SEX COOOOOOOOOOM is kind of nice. i might just leave Zig Forums permanently.

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And we still can't talk about internet people without getting banned

there is unironically a LGBT thread up with over 100 replies

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Why the fuck isn't there an e-celeb board? We need this so fucking badly. Imagine a Zig Forums with no more twitter screencaps, or some shitty thread about some literally who with an opinion. Literally nobody wanted this.

u rite u rite

why no /vceleb/ board? would literally fix this board.

I like it.

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Zig Forums is like america. they don't give you what you want, only suffering

seethe more

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>i bet it's soulless
/v2/ has GETs

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>Zig Forums needs to get rid of e-celeb gossip
>has the opportunity
>makes a fucking rpg board instead
Fuck faggot dipshits.

looks like the shemales are moving there

Probably a mod who likes RPGs
An instead of fixing Zig Forums, he created a new board that will become pretty slow in the following and full of generals of their own RPG games.

That's because the faggot mod babysits it like it's his kid. For free.

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How come when you don't think mods can become anymore of a faggot they just up and do something even gayer for everyone to see?

and the only people who have complained of the idea so far are the faggots obsessed with twitter and e-celebs. its hilarious how easily it is to worm the faggots out of the woodwork

Why did RPGs of all things need to be contained from Zig Forums?

What's next? A Zig Forums for platformers? FPS games?

For the fags suggesting a celebrities board, would you be willing to moderate it yourself?
Yeah, I thought so.

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highly intelligent post

is there a competitive Zig Forums board?
if so im very surprised, I think /vg/ has 24/7 threads for every competitive game you can think of

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>Because Pokemon is the ultimate [headcanon]

Enter CHADnic

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Give us a Retro game board for Gen6. Theres a fuck ton of games in that era that can fill the board alone.

the mods/jannies having to browse that shithole for free 24/7 would an hero

>no 6 different "comfy purse owner" threads up at the moment
i think the split is doing its job

Wait what the actual fuck there is an useless new board?

Yeah is called pol

a nintendo board is way more needed, I have never once seen the catalog flooded by RPG discussion, meanwhile any imminent smash or direct announcement is liable to cripple the board for hours at a time

Holy based

>would you be willing to moderate it yourself?
Yes, sign me the fuck up


I bet Hiro knows gossip will generate money, but literally nobody wants to moderate that shitfest.
And if you leave unmoderated, doxxing and actual CP will pop up

Unironically send a mail to Hiro suggesting the idea and offer yourself to do it for free.

More like
>sequel improves on every aspect of the original and only nostalgiafags pretend the sequel wasn't better

>all the bitching for a proper /v2k/ board or /vr/ allowing 6th Feb
>Only new board is for RPGs and /vr/ stays the same
Fucking kek.

>actual unironic tranny safe space thread is the current most popular thread on the board
The absolute state
Moot is rolling in his grave

hoo boy

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You faggots haven't realized it's a great opportunity to finally ditch Zig Forums
Every game has RPG elements now, leave Zig Forums now. nintendofags and e-celeb trash can stay in this garbage board

>Why are there seven boards that Pokemon is acceptable to discuss on?
only seven?

/vrtps/ - Video Games/Rooty Tooty Point n Shooty

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Cry more little nigster ;)

yeah I guess thats all I can do right? Just cope with it? Because it is silly of me to suggest I even try to pry Nintendo away from this board's identity. Zig Forums has and always will be NintendoGAF. Trying to separate it away would be like trying to remove the heart from surgery and expect the body to still function properly

Enjoy generals for every paper Mario game, Fire emblem and pokemon soon

>5-digit post numbers just make me feel old for remembering when the main boards had post counts that low

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>RPG threads won't be banned on Zig Forums
>'What's the best LGBT RPG?' is posted
>deleted on a whim
>the one in /vrpg/ has 300 replies and counting
what the fuck is happening

S-Sonic sama? I KNEEL!

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>here's your dead new board that gets 1 new thread a month bro

He forgot /trash/ ;^)

what are you doing hiro

Breaking News: Pokemon is the MLP of video games

>what the fuck is happening
justice get ready shit is gonna get good

Moot is a tranny himself, he'd probably join them.

>Muh nintiegaf
Go back to resetera tranny

Nothing is gonna happen fucking poltard.

hopefully the inevitable death of this site. gookmoot is fucking trash and his janny goon squad is no better

holy based
wishing for a /vfps/

are jannies gonna start going into business for themselves like they do on Zig Forums? I remember getting a global ban from a post on Zig Forums that wasn't even linked to in the ban, and the rule cited didn't even exist.

Why are you pretending like the new board wont be dead as fuck in a week?

I got banned for replying to off topic shit. What the fuck?

Mods should get their family skinned alive.

How the fuck is this new board not just going to devolve into generals?