Majora's Mask is overrated dogshit

Well Zig Forums, is it?

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its very good dlc
I wouldnt consider it a game on its own

No, not really. Is it the best Zelda game? No but its my favourite for its atmosphere, puzzles, characters etc. I think who ever wrote that is trying to be a contrarion

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What is it with you fucking zoomers and the word "dogshit?" Why can none of you think of literally any other word? Dogs don't even have the most offensive shit when it comes to the excreta of animals.

>Rightfully shit on Uncharted for being a piece of shit movie game
>Don't have The Last of Us on here
Why are journos so afraid to admit that game is awful?

It's not dogshit but it's definitely overrated. Easily the weakest 3D Zelda.

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>time limit is frustrating
I didn't have a problem with it after the first temple.
>music isn't as good as oot's
>side quests feel like a drag
Vague criticism, but I disagree nonetheless. The side quests were the best part.
>dungeon design is solid
Hard disagree. MM's dungeons are bad, which is a shame because their aesthetics were all great.
>it lacks the heart and soul of almost every other zelda game
MM might be the most soulful Zelda game there is. The world building was great and I liked how there were multiple times you got to see the repercussions of Link failing the main quest or ignoring the side quests.

It probably is overrated, but it's still one of the best zeldas to date.