Well Zig Forums, is it?
Majora's Mask is overrated dogshit
its very good dlc
I wouldnt consider it a game on its own
No, not really. Is it the best Zelda game? No but its my favourite for its atmosphere, puzzles, characters etc. I think who ever wrote that is trying to be a contrarion
What is it with you fucking zoomers and the word "dogshit?" Why can none of you think of literally any other word? Dogs don't even have the most offensive shit when it comes to the excreta of animals.
>Rightfully shit on Uncharted for being a piece of shit movie game
>Don't have The Last of Us on here
Why are journos so afraid to admit that game is awful?
It's not dogshit but it's definitely overrated. Easily the weakest 3D Zelda.
>time limit is frustrating
I didn't have a problem with it after the first temple.
>music isn't as good as oot's
>side quests feel like a drag
Vague criticism, but I disagree nonetheless. The side quests were the best part.
>dungeon design is solid
Hard disagree. MM's dungeons are bad, which is a shame because their aesthetics were all great.
>it lacks the heart and soul of almost every other zelda game
MM might be the most soulful Zelda game there is. The world building was great and I liked how there were multiple times you got to see the repercussions of Link failing the main quest or ignoring the side quests.
It probably is overrated, but it's still one of the best zeldas to date.
Nah, Mario 64 is genuinely good. Doesn't belong on that list.
Yeah but how many times have you stepped on the shit of any other animal? The word "dogshit" reminds you of experience that is stepping on dog's shit. It provokes a genuine, visceral, pre-rational disgust.
"Dogshit" is a great word.
This dude sounds like some irritated boomer who thinks he can just spit out value judgments and have them be accepted as Word of God with no supporting logic, like he's exempt from the task of building an argument lmfao
>swinging on a rope for eternity
What? If anything the grappling hook mechanic is underused.
>Nathan Drake is a horrible character
There's no accounting for shit taste I suppose. Drake is a great character, perfect for an adventure game. He definitely occupies to some extent the Han Solo / Indiana Jones archetype but he's more sincere and warm-hearted than either character, even a bit childish, which lends him a lot of charm.
The rest of his take I honestly agree with. I was pretty disappointed by the gunplay in Uncharted 4 and consider it the weakest of the Uncharted games. The premise of the story is absolutely ludicrous as well, although the execution is good.
>gay butt nigger phone poster shilling a literal who thread
typical Zig Forums
Kill yourself e-celeb dicksucker
I liked it a lot. The guy who wrote that is a nigger.
>The music isn't as good as Ocarina's or almost any other Zelda titles
I'm mad now
If OP was a zoomer he would love MM.
Mostly wrong, especially about Termina being smaller than Hyrule in scope. Hyrule field in OoT had fuck all to do in it. The sidequests being a drag is kind of accurate though. The Kafei storyline pretty much boils down to waiting for events and waiting, with not much action or fun content in between.
Pretty much hits the nail on the head with this one though, especially about durability causing item balance issues.
>Pretty much hits the nail on the head with this one though, especially about durability causing item balance issues.
Everyone says that already he's not saying anything new.
>This game is generic
>because I say so
That's the whole article
Cope harder, he’s right all Sony games are awful
Came here to post this, basically. Opinion articles are trash especially when they're about a specific video game.
Did Ganon ever have any motivation besides being an evil cunt?
That's more millenial not zoomer.
You kidding? I'm 23 and identify with almost everything in that pic except the emo stuff.
This shit really is just astrology for Zig Forums neets
>overrated games
>MM but not OoT
At least they got SM64 right.
>Everyone already says that
If you criticize the weapon durability on Zig Forums you'll just get the usual
>t. snoy
It's a common complaint but pointing out a glaring flaw a lot of people choose to ignore or defend doesn't make it any less valid.
No, and anyone who says otherwise is retarded. Not even its own developers understand the hype about it, it is the definition of underrated.
Oh yes because fucking newgrounds is so zoomer right?
The fuck are you talking about man? This is not twitter.
>contrarion Journo writes an article with opinion
basically this, I agree. Still my favorite Zelda till this day
>boo hoo "time limit"
>why only 4 dungeons? what do you mean the bulk of the game is sidequests?
>i dont understand why they used assets from OoT but i cant believe they did it!
>i have bad taste in music!
hes welcome to his opinion and i wont hold it as the best zelda game either despite it being my favorite but my god
Newgrounds crosses generations. Gen Xers, millennials, and zoomers all used it.
>filtered by an in game clock
Finished ALTT 20 minutes ago, for the first time. It's nice, but too much shit is annoying as hell. Was cool to see the origin of so many things you get to see in later Zeldas, though.
Sure, but the point is that pic is all over the place. Fucking PS2? Zoomers were toddlers when it came out.
>Time limit is frustrating
I felt this way when I was a dumb kid too. Playing it again recently I found that if you used the Song of Time to halve the rate it flows you get so much time to do shit it hardly even matters as a mechanic.
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the move overrated game of all-time
Absolutely correct.
The PS2 died in 2013. That's more than enough time for zoomers to grow up playing it. You'd be surprised how many zoomers grew up with 6th generation video games, and even 4th and 5th generation video games. Not every zoomer was jumping out of their seat once the Wii and PS3 came out. Plenty of them were more old-school.
I'm 35 years old, I think I'm old enough to be the parent of a zoomer. Zelda OoT is on there, and that came out when I was fucking twelve.
I put that there because I played the shit out of that game when I was a kid, and like I said I'm 23. I don't know why people act like people only grow up with stuff that came out when they were a kid. You know how many people born in 1990 grew up with the NES and SNES? Lots.
I think I should make this clear. When I make a pic titled "The Zoomer" with a bunch of stuff in it, that doesn't mean ONLY zoomers grew up with that stuff. It just means zoomers ALSO grew up with it. That is, yes millennials grew up with that stuff too. I'm not so much concerned with labeling things as belonging to one specific generation as I am with capturing what the childhood experience of said generation.
I would agree if he picked KH2, but KH1 is still one of the best ARPGs of all time desu. I can't think of many ARPGs with as fun and distinct enemies as KH1, plus most ARPGs either are too floaty or too weighty, but KH does it just right.