Game requires precision blocking

>Game requires precision blocking
>runs at 32~42fps
This is Fromsoftware quality

Attached: Frame-rate-comparison_DF.png (711x396, 475.05K)

why aren't you playing on PC?

>running on console
You should be amazed its managing to stay above 30

Why should I Install Spyware Windows 10 + DRM Steam to play a fucking Fromshovelware game? I'd rather not play on consoles or PC but the console ports show how Fromsoftware is basically worse than Compile Heart

Besides, Koei Tecmo Nioh 2 is more complex, has more enemies and stages and it runs at 60fps.

you fucking autist

do you really consider that a good framerate?

You sound like you take precision cock up the ass you faggot.

Attached: 1595706910017.jpg (1024x1004, 555.85K)

i smell a really good bait

It's all an illusion
The window is fucking enormous and there is not penalty to just spamming the block.

Attached: dark souls 2 downgrade 1.jpg (1920x2160, 361.95K)