>Game requires precision blocking
>runs at 32~42fps
This is Fromsoftware quality
Game requires precision blocking
why aren't you playing on PC?
>running on console
You should be amazed its managing to stay above 30
Why should I Install Spyware Windows 10 + DRM Steam to play a fucking Fromshovelware game? I'd rather not play on consoles or PC but the console ports show how Fromsoftware is basically worse than Compile Heart
Besides, Koei Tecmo Nioh 2 is more complex, has more enemies and stages and it runs at 60fps.
you fucking autist
do you really consider that a good framerate?
You sound like you take precision cock up the ass you faggot.
i smell a really good bait
It's all an illusion
The window is fucking enormous and there is not penalty to just spamming the block.
When Fromsoftware announced Sekiro on Xbox One X they provided reviewers with a demo running on "Xbox hardware" at 60fps. The actual game is 36fps though. It's another Fromsoft scam
user, if the government wants to spy on your they're spying on you.
You're not some super secret elite hacker because you use some old OS and don't have any social media.
I really want to go back and finish bloodborne but I don't think I can after playing sekiro and DS3 at 60fps on pc.
Don't think I can stomach the silky smooth 17 fps and minute long loading screens.
>Just install Windows 10 and Steam goy
No thank you. I don't buy hardware and software which force me to install Microsoft spyware
In that same video it says xbox one x has a 120hz mode which halves the frame times making it more responsive and the best way to play on console not to mention the freesync support which prevents stutter which can otherwise fuck you up.
Yeah but we got omnidirectional shadows at least
Still runs at 36fps
they already have you
All games I want are on PS4/XBO I won't install another spyware to play a fucking Fromsoftware game. Also there are better samurai games on PS2
Yet I know which version I'd pick if I had to on console
Hint: not the ps4 version
Sorry can't hear you over my 60fps with optional 144fps mods on my PC LMAO
try it on non pro consoles :)))))
if you use your pc as a better console, not even using the web browser often or anything, just playing games, what the fuck could they possibly spy ?
Well. Its hard mode. Pc trannies even need additional cheats at 60fps
My garbage GTX970 ran this maxed out at a locked 60fps. Consoles are a fucking joke.
I'm not using microsoft products online. If Steam offer offline mode which actually works, perhaps I will consider it
I'd rather have chinese antivirus than microsoft drivers and steam
Good thing Steam doesn't have to cater to retarded consolefag ESLs like you
same, too bad the game sucks ass
Damn, and here i thought that the rent free was a meme
go play Death Stranding port or CS:GO
I will and I'll enjoy them at 144fps lmaoooooo